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Friday, December 29, 2017

Is a ‘Fat Tax’ Necessary?

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)
January 1, 2018

Should a ‘fat tax’ be implemented to tackle unhealthy eating?

Nowadays, an unhealthy diet is widespread in western countries and a worrying trend in developing countries. Undoubtedly, the health effects of unhealthy food are considerable for the individual per se, as well as society. Although some people suggest that governments should implement a ‘fat tax,’ whether we should use this kind of tax is controversial.

An unhealthy diet has deleterious effects on individuals, as it leads to obesity, which is a cause of myriads of infirmities. Consequently, some suggest that for this purpose, the state should implement a ‘fat tax,’ meaning it should levy a tax on high-fat foods.

The exponents of a ‘fat tax’ claim that it would discourage people from adopting an unhealthy diet, which will have further benefits, including preventing diseases related to this food. Furthermore, it would decrease the public budget for treating these disorders, relieving the health care system. The extra money from this can be spent more productively on education, healthcare, and public investments.

The opponents of this idea argue that it is against human rights to implement a ‘fat tax,’ as people are responsible for their diet and should not be accountable to the state for this. They also allege that a ‘fat tax’ will not prevent people from having unhealthy diet habits, as ‘junk food junkies’ will keep eating a high-calorie diet, regardless of this tax. Some people may act even in the opposite way, as they may react with stubbornness, eating even more unhealthily.

I believe a ‘fat tax’ should exist and be implemented in goods that are not only high in fats but also in calories, salt, sugar, and preservatives. In general, unhealthy processed food should be taxed, as this may prevent people from eating junk food, as they will think of paying an additional tax for their unhealthy dietary habits. Of course, the benefit for the state will be substantial, as the public money spent on treating illnesses related to the diet can be spent on other sections.

Everything taken into account, an unhealthy diet has adverse consequences for individuals and society. A ‘fat tax’ has been proposed. Although it is a matter of debate and controversy, the benefits of this tax outweigh the claims that it is unfair and unnecessary. It will prevent many treatable diseases, sparing extra public money that can be spent elsewhere.

Thanks for reading!

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