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Thursday, January 23, 2020

The USA as a Global Governor

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)  
January 23, 2020
(Updated: October 11, 2021)

USA Trilogy (II) (Review): The USA as a global governor

I) The atrocities in American history
II) The American imperialism
III) The detentions & abductions worldwide and the international spy system of the USA
IV) The petrodollars and the disconnection of the US dollar from the value of gold 
V) The recent military interventions of the USA in the Middle East & Ukraine 

You may also find interesting my text The history of American Imperialism   and the text The Americanization of the World and USA Today 

Image (free to use):  several small American flags (December 1, 2007). Author: Lipton sale. Uploaded by the user: Lipton sale. Source: Wikipedia. Link:,_2007.jpg

Note: this text is a review. The referred information is based on various sources.

''You're either with us or against us!'' (the US President George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks)  



Exploiting oil and natural gas in the Middle East and their pipelines are behind the ''War on Terror.'' Terrorism is an excuse for the global domination of the USA imposing the ''Pax Americana,'' i.e., the American ''peace.''




The scope of this review is not to teach history. That would be impossible, as today ''everyone knows everything,'' at least through a short ''Google search''! In this review, I aim to briefly gather and describe the interventions of the US since its independence and to make it clear that American imperialism was widespread and ruthless. It has not started with the Vietnam War but has existed since the creation of this nation! 

Most believe that the military interventions of the US originate in the Vietnam War. However, they began much earlier with the Cuban War of Independence, the Spanish-American War (1898), and the Philippine-American War (1899)! The interventions of the US worldwide throughout history were numerous to refer to in detail! Therefore, only the most critical recent interventions are briefly described here! The older interventions are described in my text The history of American Imperialism

Regarding the crimes against humanity that the US committed, you should keep in mind that only a few events are mentioned in short for some specific countries. That means the US's crimes were much more widespread during its global interventions, while many were covert!  

Oil and natural gas reserves and pipelines remain the leading causes of wars. Unless the US tends to use greener and more renewable forms of energy, conflicts are expected to continue! In the past years, the US was able to violate human rights, such as the abduction of suspects everywhere on the planet and interrogation with torture, being accountable to nobody! These practices are analyzed in this text. Many crimes of the US government are committed with the excuse of terrorism. In recent years, the USA has retained bases in Syria, ostensibly fighting the jihadists. Neither has it sought any UN resolution for this nor has the Syrian government asked it to do so. 

Regarding the crimes against humanity, the USA, from the very beginning, started to interfere globally, causing wars, instigating uprisings, and intervening whenever and wherever it wished. It is responsible for overthrowing regimes and establishing governments friendly to them, with Latin America of the second half of the last century being the most striking example. 

The American people are the ones who need to be blamed as they elect their President. However, their electoral college system is not so representative and democratic as it excludes the President's direct vote from the American population, while it is based on electors. It is also the responsibility of everyone who does not protest against American imperialism or nourish the American economy by buying American products. Many of our tech devices are purchased from American companies. Even entertainment is Americanized. For instance, most people enjoy watching American movies of low quality instead of international independent productions that do not aim only to profit. Netflix and HBO dominate streaming services. 

The USA is the hub of capitalism, meaning that the only value is money. That utilitarianism is often transformed into cynicism. The USA has conquered the planet militarily and financially. It has also dominated its culture of meager quality. But the US's despotism will soon end, as Russia and China are both military-powerful to overthrow the USA with their supersonic intercontinental ballistic missiles. 

An issue of concern is the aggression of the USA against China and Russia. The USA has placed missiles targeting Russia near its borders with European members of NATO. When in 1962 Russia tried to do the same in Cuba, the USA threatened with nuclear war! The USA has undermined European relations with Russia as it wishes to sell its oil shale gas (a costly energy method) and LNG to Europe. Russia offers cheap natural gas, and its reserves are vast, especially concerning its new share in Iran's Caspian gas field. Unbelievably, the USA's obsession with Russia and China is so pronounced that it has prevented Europe from cooperating with China for the 5G technology! It has also threatened Chinese interests by using neighboring countries, including Japan and Taiwan. 

With Syria's consent, Russia has replaced the American troops in Syria. The USA fought terrorism but, in reality, wanted to ensure the passage of natural gas and oil pipelines of its interests. China has already ousted the US from its financial leadership, especially in technology, as today, many of our domestic appliances and gadgets are Chinese. That is why the USA has lately started a trade war with China and Europe. 

As with all imperials, America was created with bloodshed. From the annihilation of the native Indians until the Spanish–American War (1898) and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the aggression of the US has been prevalent in recent history. However, it has still not reached the crimes of the British empire. Ironically, the US has always kept an ancestry and solidarity with Britain. Nevertheless, the first settlers in America were from various countries, so they forgot that the American revolution was against Britain that burned even the capitol!

Notwithstanding, there is a nemesis, as Britain is soon expected to collapse financially after Brexit. As occurs with the USA, it is already isolated from Europe. A similar dooming future is expected for the USA, with the government debt high, with China being the main creditor! Perhaps, as some say, the USA will not print money this time as it will increase inflation.

All empires' fate was doomed in human history as they were replaced by a new empire that continued bloodshed. US imperialism used more converted methods, such as inciting upheavals and military interventions with the excuse of terrorism. But history has shown that often the system may promote and then fight terrorism. With the justification of terrorism, military interventions have the population's approval. For the same reason, human rights are violated as everyone is a potential suspect. 

The pursuit of terrorism in the past has excused abductions from intelligence worldwide. But our rights are violated every second when, for instance, using our smartphone's cookies, the system knows our preferences and the GPS knows our every move. Another more subtle way is economic dominance, as currently with Germany, which has conquered Europe financially. Even in this case, the USA let Germany develop into a ''fourth Reich.''

To put everything together, we should oppose American imperialism and any imperialism, for instance, the forthcoming Russian and Chinese. By not doing this, we entitle imperialists to continue exploiting the planet. By not opposing their interventions, we come to agree with them. President George W. Bush, after the 9/11 attacks, said, ''You're either with us or against us!''  


I)  The atrocities in American history


I am not sure if the US students in APUSH (Advanced Placement United States History) are taught these things mentioned here! I think that history class in the US is conducted in a highly biased way. There are shocking things in US history, such as that the USA's creation was based on the massacre of the native Indians. Notably, a great massacre called the Bear River massacre occurred in 1863 when the US troops killed at least 250 Shoshone Indians, including at least ninety women, children, and infants! Another atrocity was the Wounded Knee massacre on December 29, 1890, at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota. Then the US Army killed as many as three hundred Oglala Lakota Indians, including many women and children! For a catalog of the massacres of the native Indians, you may visit   

Another shocking fact was that 250,000 - 420,000 boys under 17 were involved in the American Civil War for the Union and the Confederacy! It is estimated that 100,000 Union soldiers were under 15 years old!  Another interesting fact was the battle of Bull Run, also known as the 'picnic battle,' as onlookers did bring food and even picnic baskets to watch the fight! As Jim Burgess writes for the Civil War Trust, it was anything but a leisurely day out for either spectators or combatants!

A significant atrocity case was the Haymarket Massacre on May 4, 1886, at a labor demonstration at Haymarket Square in Chicago. It started as a nonviolent demonstration supporting workers striking for an eight-hour workday after police murdered one and wounded several workers. An unknown person cast a dynamite bomb at the police as they acted to scatter the assemblage. The bomb blast and following gunfire resulted in the seven police officers' assassination and at least four civilians, while scores were wounded. This event has been associated with Labor Day/International Working Day, celebrated on 1 May (May Day). The date originated at the 1885 convention of the American Federation of Labor, which passed a resolution calling for the adoption of the eight-hour day effective May 1, 1886, a few days before the Haymarket affair.

The anti-striker militia committed the Ludlow Massacre during the Colorado Coalfield War. On April 20, 1914, soldiers from the Colorado National Guard and private guards employed by Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I) attacked a tent colony of nearly 1,200 striking coal miners and their families in Ludlow, Colorado. About twenty-one people, including miners' wives and children, were killed. The assassins followed nine days of violence between miners and the Colorado National Guard. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., a part-owner of CF&I, was widely blamed for orchestrating the massacre. Ironically, books refer to John Davison Rockefeller as a philanthropist. It should be mentioned that Rockefeller and the Rothchild family are two essential financial Trusts in modern history.

The Ludlow massacre was followed by the 1913–1914 Colorado Coalfield War, which started in September 1913 in CF&I's southern Colorado coal mines with a general United Mine Workers of America strike against poor labor conditions. The strike was organized by miners working for the Rocky Mountain Fuel Company and Victor-American Fuel Company. In revenge for the Ludlow massacre, armed miners attacked anti-union establishments, destroying property. On April 20, 1914, tensions escalated at the Ludlow Colony, a tent city occupied by about 1,200 striking coal miners and their families. Their encounter with the Colorado National Guard, deployed under President Woodrow Wilson's orders, ended in a massacre. From the beginning of the strikes until the intervention of the federal army, about 69 to 199 people were killed. The strikers' losses were at least nineteen people. Historian Thomas G. Andrews has called it the "deadliest strike in the United States history."

The Tulsa race massacre occurred on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, some of them deputized and armed by city officials, attacked Black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US. The event is among "the single worst incidents of racial violence in American history." The attacks burned and destroyed more than thirty-five square blocks of the neighborhood of the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street." More than eight hundred people were admitted to hospitals. A 2001 state commission examination of events confirmed thirty-nine dead, twenty-six black people.

On May 30, 1937, the Memorial Day massacre occurred, another atrocity in American history. It was committed by the Chicago Police Department that mercilessly killed ten unarmed demonstrators in Chicago during the Little Steel strike in 1937. It was a labor strike by the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and its branch, the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC), involving thirty mills with 80,000 workers. Along with the ten assassinated protesters, thirty-seven innocent people sustained severe injuries from the police. You may watch the appalling footage on  and  and the British Pathe footage of the 1937 steel strike on  and  The footages show the massacre and also a man that was allowed by the police to bleed to death!

Brutalities have always accompanied US military interventions over the planet. The most specific incident was the two atomic bombs that the US Air Force detonated over Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japanese cities, killing 200,000 civilians. Scores of civilians died later from leukemia and cancer!  During WWII, the USA used napalm bombs during the airstrike on Tokyo on March 9, 1945, which cost the lives of 100,000 civilians. It also used them on February 13, 1945, at Dresden's airstrike, killing 25,000 civilians. It should be noted that Tokyo and Dresden were not strategic but civilian targets!

The Americans are educated about their contribution to winning the Second World War, and myriads of films show their braveness but not the losses. But the real story was that it was the allies, specifically Great Britain, whose role was essential. Additionally, the significance of the gallant Russian military is rarely mentioned. The Russians first entered the seized Berlin, and Europe would still be German without the Russian victories at the Eastern front! It currently is, but financially, not military!

The Russian victories are downgraded. For instance, many believe the Americans were the first who went to space. But the real story is that the Russians went first to space, while later, the US launched the human-crewed rocket mission to the moon. However, some facts have debated this first mission, such as the blowing flag on a planet without an atmosphere! The US reached the moon with a rocket that Wernher von Braun invented. Von Brown was a former Nazi recruited by the US to create a rocket for the space mission and create military missiles (in Nazi Germany, he invented the V2 rockets launched against Britain). How moral was the US to use a former Nazi in its military and space program? I leave it to your discretion to judge!

A crime against humanity was the nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll program, a series of 23 atomic weapons detonated by the US between 1946 and 1958 at seven test sites on the reef itself, on the sea, in the air, and underwater. Six days after the Castle Bravo test, the government set up a secret project to study the weapon's medical effects on the Marshall Islands' residents! The US was afterward accused of using the residents as medical research subjects without obtaining their consent to study nuclear exposure's effects! The US Government had promised the Bikini Atoll’s inhabitants to return home after the nuclear tests. Most residents were moved to the Rongerik Atoll and later to Kili Island. Both locations proved unsuitable for sustaining life!

Also shocking is that the U.S. authorities exposed even American service members to mustard gas, a chemical warfare agent used in WW1! Specifically, 4,000 men were exposed to this toxic substance. For further information, you may read the article of the U.S. National Public Radio (NPR) at

During the Vietnam War, the US used napalm bombs that killed myriads. The American forces committed atrocities in this war. It should be mentioned that the US sprayed the Vietnam jungles with the toxic herbicide ‘orange agent,’ causing the deforestation of large areas. At the same time, it also affected veterans’ offspring, as it was teratogenic!  Importantly, in 2002 it was revealed that President Nixon planned to use an atomic bomb to win the Vietnam war! Regarding that matter, you may visit  and

A crime against humanity was also committed on May 4, 1970, when four unarmed college students were killed by members of the Ohio National Guard at the Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by the US military forces!

Recent atrocities include the 1991 Gulf War (attack in Iraq) with 25,000 to 50,000 Iraqi losses; the 2003 invasion of Iraq with 7,600 to 30,000 Iraqi losses; and the 2001–2019 Afghanistan war with 76,400 rebels and 16,179 civilian losses. These figures are dreadful! A significant crime against humanity is the mistreatment of inmates at the isolated Guantanamo prison after 2001. The US army rules the prison.

The US Army has recruited soldiers of questionable psychological stability, as shooting events by psychopath soldiers or veterans have shown. It is not a coincidence that military recruitment officers commonly scout rookies, even at ghettoes! However, since 72 percent of the American soldiers are white, the scouts do not do a good job searching in urban places for recruits willing to lose their lives for the nation!

In the Gulf War of 1991, the US military was exposed to depleted uranium (used for better penetration of the shells against targets such as tanks) that caused the Gulf War Syndrome (although it has less radioactivity than natural uranium). Depleted uranium in bombshells was also used in the US airstrike against civilian areas in Serbia in 1998. The population was exposed to radioactivity, and cancer rates were alleged to increase after the bombing.

A horrible atrocity was the Amiriyah shelter bombing on 13 February 1991. An air-raid shelter in the Amiriyah neighborhood of Baghdad, Iraq, was destroyed by the US Air Force with two laser-guided ‘smart bombs.’ More than four hundred people were killed, including women and children! Another ''collateral damage'' occurred in 1983, during the U.S. military intervention in Grenada. Among the sixty-seven civilians who died, eighteen were killed when the U.S. Air Force ''accidentally'' (although they always have maps) bombed a mental hospital!

Appalling pictures were revealed to the public in 2004 by CBS. These photos were shot at Abu Ghraib, an American-run prison outside Baghdad, and showed inmates tortured by male and female US soldiers! You may watch them on the CBS site at

A video of another atrocity during Iraq's occupation shows an American Apache military helicopter shooting unarmed civilians, among them a journalist (the pilot and the co-pilot behaved as if they were playing a videogame). You may watch the shocking video at  and

The US military's professionalism is also questionable. A video in Afghanistan released some years ago showed US soldiers urinating on the Taliban fighters' dead bodies they had just killed. That shows no respect even for the basic principles of ''decency'' in war! You may watch this shocking image at and

In Afghanistan, during the U.S. occupation, there were cases of murdering innocent civilians without any reason, such as the notorious group of American soldiers called the ''kill team.''  You may find further information at  and  and  You may also watch the 2019 movie ''The kill Team.'

Finally, during the last years, an atrocious event has been the unexpected, isolated deaths of children of illegal migrants detained at refugee camps. Some of these deaths perhaps were related to negligence of health issues. Even more despicable was that, until recently, kids of illegal migrants were held separated from their parents!



II) The American Imperialism


You may read my text The history of American imperialism


Does the US fight terrorism? The USA's objective for its military campaigns

It is doubtful that the US fights terrorism. Since the 19th century, the US has interfered numerous times, destabilizing many countries by backing anti-regime forces attempting to overthrow governments not friendly to the US. For instance, the US destabilized Latin America in the second half of the last century. The same was true for the 'Arab Spring' that was not 'spontaneous,' as the mob was stirred by social media, lawyer teams, etc. 

Their interference in the Middle East always has control of oil and natural gas reserves as a motive. For example, the US intervened in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and these countries' occupation. It should be noted that the latter also has opium 'reserves.' The US also aimed to control the oil and natural gas pipeline passage, the strategic (for international trade) regions of the Gulf of Aden (the civil war there is not a coincidence), and the Strait of Hormuz. The US also overturned Gaddafi and Mubarak, the dictators of Libya and Egypt, respectively. The reason was Libya's oil and gas reserves and the control of the strategic Suez Canal in Egypt. They were both of vital importance.

On November 2, 2019, shortly after the US troops withdrew from Syria, the Russian Secretary of State accused the US of backing the Islamic State leader they assassinated when he was no longer useful! It is said that all the jihadist rebels in Syria were mercenaries from Europe and other places. Some say that Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar supported the Islamic State in Syria. Some also add Kuwait. However it is not easy to find solid evidence for this theory. Regarding this issue, you may read the articles and and and

I will not be surprised if, in the future, it is revealed that the US assisted the Islamic State as well. In the past, Russia accused Turkey of oil smuggling with Syrian jihadists. At the same time, during Turkey's attack against Kurdish targets on the Turkish-Syrian border in the autumn of 2019, Turkey deployed jihadist mercenaries! Turkey also sent Syrian jihadist mercenaries to fight in Libya's civil war the same year! It is said that the above countries nourished the jihadists to destabilize Syria after the refusal of the Syrian president to allow the passage of pipelines from Qatar to Europe. Lately, the interest is focused on Libya, which was already destabilized by the ‘Arab Spring’ resulting in Gaddafi's assassination by the jihadist rebels. In the civil war that followed, the jihadist insurgents, most mercenaries paid by Turkey, defeated the opponent tribes and created a provisional government under the West's sphere of influence!  

The US launched airstrikes against Syria and invaded the country without any UN resolutions, something they had done many times in the past. As always, they acted in the name of the 'War on Terror' that began after 9/11. Notwithstanding, this campaign against terror is only for the US's benefit, while it has caused many problems, such as the recent chaotic migration surge towards Europe. The US violated international law when in January 2020, it assassinated the military leader of Iran in Bagdad, Iraq, with the excuse that he was a terrorist, at least according to the US. But it is a matter of discussion who is the real terrorist! 

The USA backed the Islamic forces on several occasions, such as during the Arab Spring. For instance, it supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the jihadists in Libya. The latter executed the US ambassador, who was left there like a sheep being led to the slaughter.

Importantly, it was revealed that the ISIS jihadists in Syria possessed American and Saudi arms. Their excuse was that they seized them from the Syrian rebels to whom they were granted. Ironically, the US-built military bases and launched air raids in Syria against terrorists whenever wished, without any United Nations (UN) Security Council resolution and not invited by the Syrian government.


Eventually, who rules the US?

The USA is ruled by lobbies such as the arms and oil industries and various political lobbies, including the Israeli and financial Trusts. These lobbies control the foreign office agenda regarding military attacks at regions of special interests (oil, natural gas reserves, and pipelines) and tariffs on goods and metals (for instance, on China and Europe). The US presidents have invariably been puppets of political and economic lobbies. When they were not, the system got rid of them, such as in the case of JFK. 

Regarding politicians, the former Secretary of State and geopolitical consultant Henry Kissinger can be blamed for being responsible for the US's disastrous imperialistic policy after the second half of the 20th century. Ever since, the US has destabilized many countries globally, such as in Latin America. US imperialism ruined the naive stereotype of considering the US as a democratic nation that respects the sovereignty of other countries. Kissinger later participated numerous times in the Bilderberg (secret) meetings with geopolitical and economic subjects held annually in various places.


The role of Israel

The Israeli lobby in the US has always been dominant and had a considerable influence. At the same time, it seems to be behind all US interventions in the Middle East during the last decades. For instance, some connect the civil war in Syria with Israel's need to eliminate the fanatic Islamic militant group ‘Hezbollah’ supported by the Syrian government and Iran. This Islamic group was the excuse for Israel’s attack in Lebanon in 2006 after two Israeli soldiers' abduction. Atrocities followed Israel's attack. But, as always, it was not held accountable by international law. Specifically, Israel launched airstrikes against Palestine, killing 3,476 people (some were burned alive with white phosphorus shells). Other examples of atrocities were in 2000 when a father with his child was killed on camera (although Israel claimed that they were caught in the crossfire) or in 2018 when Israeli snipers in Gaza killed twenty-seven unarmed Palestinian civilians (including children) and during this were laughing and cheering as if they were hunters aiming at rabbits. Isn't this a crime against humanity? 


The ‘War on Terror’ (WoT)

The ‘War on Terror’ (WoT) was officially declared by US President George W. Bush in 2001, after the 9/11 terror attack in New York, and continues until today. This war began with the US attack and later the occupation of Afghanistan and continues with the Middle East's destabilization! In the US, all military attacks are justified to the public as the fight against ‘terrorism.’ It is alleged that they were organized many years before by specialists in strategic plans, think tanks, and American institutes and universities, including Stanford. 

The war against ‘terrorism’ is manipulated by international financial Trusts that act behind the US government. The purpose is simple: to make money! The attack and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan had a sheer motive: to exploit Iraq's oil and control the oil pipelines and the energy resources of the area. Additionally, in Afghanistan, perhaps they could exploit the vast opium reserves!


The ‘clash of the civilizations’ (and religions) theory of Samuel Huntington

The USA’s foreign policy is based on the ‘clash of the civilizations’ (and religions) theory of the political scientist Samuel Huntington. This theory is based on the ‘war on terror (WoT),’ the war against ‘terrorism’ that President George W. Bush began in 2001, after 9/11. For further information on this theory, you may visit


American imperialism during the last decades

Over the last decades, the US has sought to control oil reserves by manipulating the global oil price. That need led in 1991 to the Gulf War against Iraq, an oil-producing country, and its occupation in 2003 with the excuse of nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that were never found! It also led to the attack in Afghanistan in 2001 (this country has additional ''reserves'' of opium) with the excuse of ''War on terror'' after the 9/11 terror attack in New York (that some believe was a set up by the US).

The civil war in Ukraine started after its willingness to change its sphere of influence, become a member of NATO, and establish relationships with the European Union. Of course, this decision was followed by destabilization by the West, which led to a civil war. Eventually, in 2014, during Ukraine's civil war, Russia, unwilling to lose its exit to the Black Sea, annexed Crimea. Similar events occurred earlier in Georgia when it tried to be a member of NATO and occupy Ossetia with the aid of the West. However, Russia invaded Georgia and annexed South Ossetia, unwilling to lose its territory. 

The annexation of Crimea led the US to impose suction, including an embargo from the European Union (EU) countries, although they were highly dependent on Russian natural gas. The US also forced the Saudis to increase oil production, intending to harm the Russian economy. However, the only thing they achieved was to reduce Saudi's oil reserves.

The so-called ‘Arab Spring’ in 2010 was another event the US and its allies manipulated. It used controlled non-governmental organizations, groups, and social media that caused the population's uprising and stirred fanatic groups. Some say that the West supported these jihadist rebel groups militarily and financially. The ‘Arab Spring’ uprising in North Africa, the Arabic Peninsula, and Turkey led Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia to chaos while the civil war in Libya continued. The only one who won from the uprising was the US, an expert in destabilizing nations. For example, during the second half of the 20th century, the US destabilized Latin America with coups and US-backed insurgents.  

The necessity to control the passage of oil and natural gas pipelines was the cause of the Syrian civil war in 2011. However, the interference of Russia in 2017 that aided Syria as its ally complicated things. The civil war in Syria started when the Syrian dictator refused to allow the passage of Qatar's pipelines to Europe, which fulfilled Western interests. The civil war broke out as jihadists, most of them mercenaries who came to fight from various countries, tried to impose Islamic law in Syria. 

Eventually, Russia ruined the US's plans to exploit the Middle East exclusively. It intervened in the civil war as Syria's ally and finally defeated the jihadist guerillas that used the local population as a shield. Turkey was accused of oil trade with Islamist terrorists. Additionally, it was accused, along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia (some also add Kuwait), of supporting the jihadists financially and providing them arms! However, these accusations are difficult to prove. 

As in the Iraq invasion, the US used the Kurds of the region to fight the rebels in Syria, infuriating Turkey (as the Kurds wanted an independent territory that would comprise part of Turkey) that allied with Russia! Recently, there has been tension between the US and Iran, a country with vast oil reserves. However, there is a conflict of interest with the European Union that seems to disobey the US's prompt to isolate Iran! 

Everything is related to the control of oil and natural gas resources. Qatar has abundant reserves of natural gas. The US's recent decision to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing it de facto and de jure as Israel's capital, fueled tension with all the Arabic nations. However the Arabic countries are not at peace as they are divided into Shia and Sunni Muslims, whose relationship is often hostile. Moreover, tension remains between Azerbaijan and Armenia, where Nagorno Karabakh is still a contentious region (such as the Syrian Gollan height occupied by Israel), and between the US and Qatar, although they were previously allies.

All the above shows that all contemporary conflicts are caused by the US's need to retain and expand its spheres of influence and control the energy resources of the Middle East. Unbelievably, the Trump administration was accused of ties with Russia that used hackers to help them come to power! But the US president impeded the FBI's probe into this matter and changed several heads of the FBI and the Justice Department, meaning that perhaps he has something to hide! Eventually, there was a cover-up!


The US interventions and the necessity to control strategic regions

The Arab Spring was not as spontaneous as many believe, but behind this is the West, especially the US, which aimed to bring the Arab countries into its sphere of influence. In the case of Libya, one of the deeper reasons for the Arab Spring is that Libya holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa and is an essential contributor to the global supply of light, sweet crude.

In Egypt's case, one of the deeper reasons for the Arab Spring is that Egypt is the largest non-OPEC producer of oil and the second-largest dry natural gas producer in Africa. Additionally, controlling the strategic for global trade Suez Canal was vital. The Suez Canal's control was the reason for the Arab–Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973. Yemen is also a region of conflict.

During the last few years, Saudi Arabia, with its troops, has been accused of atrocities with the excuse of war on terror. But the real reason for the civil war is that Yemen has the port of Aden, which is also strategic for international trade. A significant strategic region is the Strait of Hormuz, an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf. The Strait of Hormuz is located between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one of the world’s most strategically important choke points.

Oil and natural gas reserves and pipelines are still the leading causes of wars. The US withdrew from the Paris accord to protect the planet. Unless the US energy policy does not tend to greener and more renewable forms of energy, conflicts are expected to continue! It should be mentioned that along with planet agreements, the US recently withdrew from human rights agreements and surveillance of the United Nations Amnesty International, meaning that it can violate human rights everywhere, being accountable to nobody! An example analyzed below is the abduction of suspects around the planet, their detention, and their interrogation with torture!


d) The American presence throughout the world


The ubiquitous American military bases, patrolling naval ships & subs!

The US is an imperialistic nation that intervenes whenever and wherever it wishes. Today, the US has military bases equipped with long-range ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads. Moreover, many NATO bases store atomic weapons (missiles), such as in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, and Turkey. It is alleged that the most significant US base is in Kosovo, in the Balkans. The US has bases with troops in most countries worldwide. Also, American aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines patrol the planet's seas. For the list of the US military bases throughout the world, you may visit  


The US as an international arms dealer!

The US and Russia are the most prominent international arms dealers. The US sells weapons and military equipment in most countries globally. In some cases, it is said that arms trade deals are done with the help of secret services. The US has sold and still sells arms even to traditional enemies! For instance, during the Iran-Iraq conflict in the 1980s,’ it is said that the US sold ammunition and weapons to both countries!

Importantly, in 1991, after the Gulf War and the US's airstrikes against Iraq, the US sold to the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein (whom some accuse as a former secret agent of the US) arms and military helicopters to suppress an uprising of anti-regime rebels. It is also said that Saddam's forces used American weapons and military equipment that the US troops left in 1991 when they decided to cancel the invasion of Iraq for an unexplained reason!

It is also alleged that the US sells fighter jets (and perhaps warships and tanks) that, in the case of war, can be blocked by the American army whenever they wish by using specialized software that renders them useless! Of course, this cannot be ascertained from reliable sources, but when I asked about this, a friend at the gym who serves in the armed forces replied that this is old news! If this is true, I find it stupid for countries to buy American (or Russian) warplanes and arms that the seller can easily deactivate simply with software aid!


NATO: the willing allies of the US! Are they still?

The US launched a global trade war during the Trump administration, deteriorating its allies' relationship. The US is military represented by NATO, a coalition of willing countries allied with America and participating in conflicts aiding the US military. However, lately, NATO is crumbling, as countries such as Germany and France are neither keen to agree with the US's destabilization policy of the Middle East nor are happy with the friendliness of the US toward Turkey that aids the US in this destabilization. 



III) The detentions & abductions worldwide and the international spy system of the USA


 Note: This part is a review of various sources


a) Extraordinary retention (irregular rendition), abduction, interrogation/ torture, and imprisonment of suspects for ‘terrorism’ worldwide 


Extraordinary rendition (US government-sponsored abductions worldwide)

Extraordinary rendition, also called irregular rendition, is the government-funded abduction and extrajudicial transfer of a person from one country to another. The first rendition case was an airline hijacker abducted in Italy and brought to the USA for trial in the US. US President Ronald Reagan approved it. Reagan signed a secret directive in 1986 that allowed the CIA to kidnap, anywhere overseas, foreigners wanted for terrorism. Later, US President Bill Clinton authorized extraordinary renditions in countries known to practice torture. That is called ''torture by proxy'' and is the cooperation by one government in the abuse of prisoners. 

President George W. Bush (the junior) renditioned hundreds of illegal fighters, often not even charged with any crime, for torture by proxy. They were transferred to US-controlled sites for torture called ‘enhanced interrogation.’ Extraordinary rendition continued, with reduced frequency, by the administration of US President Obama. Notwithstanding, instead of subjecting them to torture, most abducted were interrogated and taken to the US for trial.  

European countries allied to the US cooperated with the US intelligence services in abducting terrorist suspects and flying them to countries where they may have been tortured. According to the European Council, several countries had allowed the agency to seize its residents. Others have offered extensive logistical support, while many have allowed these abductions. There is convincing evidence that Poland and Romania permit US intelligence to operate secret prisons on their territory. The UK was accused of providing British airports for this purpose and giving information used during the torture of one prisoner. 


The worldwide abductions by the Mossad 

Mossad (the national intelligence agency of Israel) has also been practicing abductions worldwide. Initially, it began as the abduction of Nazi criminals of war. In 1960, Mossad found that the Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, who escaped after the war, lived in Argentina. A team of five Mossad agents led by Shimon Ben Aharon traveled to Argentina. Through surveillance, he verified that he was living there under the name of Ricardo Klement. On May 11, 1960, he was abducted and consequently transferred to Israel, where he was tried and executed. Following this, Mossad moved to further abductions.

In 1986, Mossad used an undercover agent to find the nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu from the UK to Italy. In a mission, he was abducted and transferred to Israel, where he was tried and found guilty of treason because of his role in exposing Israel’s nuclear program.  

In the late 1990s, Mossad traced two Iranian agents in Johannesburg, South Africa, to obtain advanced weapons systems from the Denel state. A Mossad agent was used with the aid of a local Jewish contact. Pretending South African intelligence, they abducted the Iranians and transferred them to a warehouse. There they beat and intimidated them before making them leave the country.  


The atrocities in the notorious Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

The Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, also known as Guantanamo, is a USA military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval base in Cuba. At its establishment in January 2002, the USA Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, declared that the prison camp was established to detain extraordinarily dangerous persons, interrogate them, and prosecute them for war crimes. About 780 people were captured in the ‘War on Terror,’ 220 were from Afghanistan, while others were later seized from Iraq, the Horn of Africa, and South Asia. The US government's Joint Task Force Guantanamo (JTF-GTMO) operates the facility.

The Department of Justice recommended President George W. Bush (the junior) keep the Guantanamo Bay detention camp outside U.S. legal authority. Then, on 11 January 2002, military guards took the first twenty detainees to Guantanamo. From the period 2002 to 2015, 779 men were brought to Guantanamo. Nearly 200 were released by 2004 before reviewing any Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRTs) whether they were legitimately held as enemy warriors.  

Although Bush alleged that most men had been arrested fighting in Afghanistan, a 2006 review of DOD data for the remaining 517 men in 2005 concluded that over 80 percent of the prisoners were captured not by Americans on the battlefield but by Pakistan and Afghans, often exchanging money! In Guantanamo, the Geneva Convention that requires fair trials for prisoners has been violated. Red Cross inspectors and released detainees have claimed acts of torture, including beatings, sleep deprivation, and locking in confined and cold cells (I am not sure if they used white cells as in Turkey). 

As a military prison, the wardens of Guantanamo Bay were accused by human rights organizations of torture, intimidation, and humiliation of inmates. The detainees were abducted and kept there without legal rights, such as immediate access to an attorney, a fair trial, and the right to appeal. It is a disgrace to humanity that this prison existed without sanctions from the international community and human rights organizations. 


 b) The global surveillance spy system of communications



All means of communication are prone to espionage by intelligence services. It should be noted that some years ago, the production of cellphones that could overcome this ‘surveillance’ was eventually revoked, obviously after the ‘interference’ of the US. The only way to skip this spying is by speaking person-to-person, although intelligence can record even this! So, I think the safest next step is to exchange written messages!

The use of smartphones by everyone means that intelligence can know our every move and our precise location (using GPS). The internet is unsafe, as hackers and intelligence services can easily collect our personal data, including social media profiles and chats. This data theoretically can be used for blackmail. The Facebook data breach and misuse in 2018 showed that even social media are not safe, regardless of whether someone’s profile is genuine! You may read my article The Real Story of Facebook's Data Misuse

The global surveillance spy system on the internet and cell phones: the disclosures of Edward Snowden

News reports in December 2005 claimed that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been intercepting Americans’ phone calls and internet communications. Along with these reports, a ‘USA Today article in May 2006 and the announcements of several Congress members revealed that the NSA is also receiving large-scale copies of Americans' telephones and other communications records. Secret government documents published by the media in 2013 verify the NSA obtains complete copies of everything carried along with major domestic fiber optic cable networks. Copying includes both domestic and international Internet activities.  

In June 2013, 'The Guardian'' and ''The Washington Post'' published articles revealing that the US government is mass collecting phone metadata of all US customers. The government of the USA, without any legal justification, seems to be collecting and analyzing the content of communications of foreigners talking to persons inside the USA.

In the USA, in 2012, it is said that lawyers of the Justice Department wrote two secret memos authorizing the spy agency to seek internet cables for data linked to computer intrusions originating abroad. This included traffic that runs to suspicious Internet addresses or contains malware. This espionage was done without a warrant and on American soil. The Justice Department allowed the agency to watch only addresses and ‘cyber signatures’ associated with computer intrusions related to foreign states. But the NSA sought permission to find ''hackers'' even when it could not establish links to foreign jurisdictions. 

There seems to be a secret legal justification for more extensive government surveillance. The NSA got approval in 2012 to use its warrantless surveillance plan to target Internet addresses, malware, and other ''cyber-signatures'' associated with foreign states. It has also pushed the government to lift limits on that power. Simultaneously, the FBI obtained court approval to target worldwide internet addresses for its cyber-security examinations. These moves were not unveiled to the public but were exposed in ‘the New York Times’ and ‘ProPublica’ by the former intelligence contractor Edward J. Snowden.

Edward Snowden was a former contractor for the CIA. In 2013, he left the USA after leaking details of American intelligence's widespread internet and phone surveillance in the media. Snowden was eventually granted temporary asylum in Russia while he faced espionage charges over his activities. 

In January 2014, the newspaper ''The Guardian'' and the TV ''Channel Four'' news in the UK reported that the USA had gathered and stored almost 200 million text messages (SMS) daily across the globe. A National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance program is said to have extracted and stored data from phone text messages to gather area information, contacts, and financial data. 

According to the report, the program investigates phone text messages to extract information, including contacts from missed call alerts, the position from roaming and travel alerts, financial information from bank alerts and payments, and names from electronic cards. Moreover, it seems that the NSA gained data on those who were not targeted or under suspicion.


The notorious ‘ECHELON’ surveillance system

ECHELON (also known as AUSCANNZUKUS & ‘Five Eyes’) is a global electronic intelligence-gathering operation within the UK-USA Agreement, principally for industrial espionage. ECHELON was created in the early 1960s! Formerly, ECHELON was a code name for signals intelligence (SIGINT) collection and analysis network. The US operates it with five allies (UK-USA Security Agreement) beyond the USA, including the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. We can notice here an Anglo-Saxon alliance and NATO members. ECHELON is the only software system that manages the download and distribution of commercial satellite trunk communications intercepts. 

Officially, ECHELON was established in 1971. Its objective was to monitor the military and diplomatic communications of the Soviet Union (USSR) and the Eastern European Bloc that was under the control of communist Russia during the Cold War. By the end of the 20th century, ECHELON became a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications. One of the earliest reports unveiling ECHELON was the article of Duncan Campbell, ‘Somebody's listening,’ published in the ‘New Statesman,’ a British political magazine.  

A committee of the European Parliament investigated the program in 2000 and 2001. In the final report, published in 2001, the European Parliament stated that the term ‘ECHELON’ is used in many settings. The evidence indicates that it was the name for a signals intelligence gathering system. The report concluded that ECHELON was able to intercept and content inspection of phone calls, faxes (in the past), e-mails, and other data traffic worldwide through the interception of communication bearers, including satellite transmission, public switched telephone networks (in the past they carried most of the internet traffic) and later cellphone technology. 

The visiting American professor at Berkeley University in California) James Bamford referred in detail to the subject. According to Bamford, the ECHELON system is a controlling software for collecting and distributing private telecommunications traffic via communication satellites. Ground stations undertook the collection.


c) The intelligence


The National Security Agency (NSA)

The National Security Agency (NSA) is an intelligence organization of the US government. NSA originated as a unit to decode coded communications in World War II. Officially, it was formed as the NSA by President Harry S. Truman in 1952. Ever since, it has become one of the most significant intelligence organizations in the USA.

NSA is responsible for global surveillance, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counter-intelligence purposes, known as signals intelligence (SIGINT). The NSA is authorized to accomplish its mission effectively and covertly, including bugging electronic systems and subversive software. NSA is also commissioned to protect the USA’s government communications and information systems against penetration and network warfare. 

NSA keeps a physical presence in many countries where special collection services (SCS) exist. SCS collection tactics allegedly incorporate close surveillance, burglary, wiretapping, breaking, and entering. Unlike the DIA & CIA (described below), which aim at foreign human espionage, the NSA does not manage human-source intelligence collection but is committed to assisting and coordinating SIGINT elements at other government organizations. As part of these streamlining duties, the agency has a co-located organization called the Central Security Service (CSS), created to aid cooperation between the NSA and other US military cryptanalysis elements. 

In 2013, the extent of the NSA’s secret surveillance programs was unveiled by Edward J. Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA. After leaking to the media details of widespread internet and phone surveillance by American intelligence, Snowden left the USA. He was granted temporary asylum in Russia, where he still lives while facing espionage charges over his activities. According to the leaked documents, the NSA intercepts communications worldwide and tracks mobile phone activity. The NSA can also survey the domestic Internet traffic of foreign nations via ‘boomerang routing.’



The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the US government's civilian foreign intelligence service. It is tasked with collecting, processing, and analyzing national security data worldwide, principally using human intelligence (HUMINT). CIA is one of the leading members of the USA Intelligence Community (IC). CIA reports to the Director of National Intelligence. It is focused on providing intelligence for the president. The difference with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), a domestic security service, is that the CIA has no law enforcement role and is directed at overseas intelligence collection, whereas it has a limited local collection. 

CIA is the only agency legally authorized to carry out and oversee covert action on behalf of the president (I don't know how legal this is when practiced covertly and in other countries). CIA is the national manager for coordination and de-confliction of HUMINT actions across the intelligence community. For instance, it can exert foreign political influence through its tactical divisions, such as the Special Activities Division. 

CIA has taken on offensive roles, including covert political operations. One of its most significant divisions, the Information Operations Center (IOC), has shifted focus from counterterrorism to offensive cyber-operations. Several CIA activities comprise nonconsensual human experiments, extraordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation, torture, targeted assassinations, and the funding and training of insurgents. During the second half of the 20th century, a well-known example was when the US destabilized Latin America with coups and US-backed insurgents with the CIA's aid.  


 The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is an external intelligence service specializing in defense and military intelligence in the USA. It was founded in 1961 under President John F. Kennedy (JFK). DIA has been at the vanguard of US intelligence throughout the Cold War. Since the September 11 (9/11) attack, it has rapidly expanded. 

DIA is a Department of Defense (DoD)e and the USA Intelligence Community (IC) segment. DIA notifies national civilian and defense policymakers about foreign states' military purposes, capacities, and non-state participants. Moreover, it assures intelligence assistance, integration, and coordination across uniformed military service. These intelligence components remain structurally separate from DIA. 

DIA aims to incorporate the collection and analysis of defense-related foreign political, economic, industrial, geographic, and health intelligence. DIA typically provides information for the president. It is unprecedented that two-thirds of its 17,000 employees are civilians, and the agency’s structure resembles that of its non-military counterpart. 

DIA’s intelligence operations extend to hundreds of locations and U.S. embassies in approximately 140 countries. The DIA primarily collects and analyzes human-source intelligence (HUMINT) and has its secret service. The agency, contrary to common belief, seems to have no law enforcement authority. It also uses the information to spot illegal activities such as drug dealing and notify other countries. But the question is, what does it earn from exposing information unrelated to the US territory to other countries, and is the intelligence implicated or not in illegal activities of any kind?



IV) The petrodollars and the disconnection of the US dollar from the value of gold

Note: This part is a review of various sources.

During the First World War, the British entered a treaty that made the lands of the House of Saud (later Saudi Arabia) a British protectorate. After World War I, the UK and France sought to control the new states and their resources in the Middle East. The state of Saudi Arabia was placed under the authority of Ibn Saud, the tribal leader of the ''House of Saud.'' In 1938, American geologists discovered oil in Saudi Arabia in partnership with Saudi officials.

Saud gave ample authority over the oil fields to the US-controlled ''Aramco'' (Arabian American Oil Company). After World War II, forty-four countries came together in 1944 at the Bretton Woods conference and allowed the US's plan to make the dollar the world’s reserve currency, backed by gold. Simply put, every dollar was directly converted to gold at a fixed rate. This decision massively increased the global need for dollars and spurred confidence in the US economy. However, the US economy had a limitation by the number of dollars it could print by the amount of physical gold it held, as the demand for dollars was increasing! 

In the 1960s, the US had a dollar debt heap that exceeded its physical gold reserves in backing it! Thus, confidence in the USA’s economy weakened. Then US President Richard Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger produced a plan to support the dollar with ‘black gold.’  

Under the ''Bretton Woods system'' established after World War II, the value of gold was fixed at $35 per ounce. Thus, the US dollar's value was tied to gold's value. Gold stocks decreased as banks and international investors began to convert dollars to gold. The rise in government expenditure in the 1960s led to doubts about the US's ability to maintain this convertibility. Consequently, the value of the dollar started to dwindle. With the threat of a currency crisis and the impending danger that the USA would no longer redeem dollars for gold, gold convertibility was finally terminated in 1971 by President Nixon, resulting in the ''Nixon shock.''

Consequently, the US dollar (USD) value was no longer anchored to gold, and it was up to the Federal Reserve to maintain its value! Nevertheless, the Federal Reserve continued to increase the money supply (apparently by printing money), resulting in stagflation in the 1970s. i.e., persistently high inflation, high unemployment, and stagnant demand in a country’s economy. There was also a rapidly diminishing value of the US dollar. That was due to the current economic view when inflation and real economic growth were linked (the ''Phillips curve''), so inflation was considered relatively benign. Between 1965 and 1981, the US dollar lost two-thirds of its value! 

The gold price increased fast beyond the official $42,22 per troy ounce, and inflation rose. The oil-producing countries wanted better compensation for their oil. However, the dollar was no longer backed by a guarantee to deliver physical gold! Thus, the oil price started to rise, pushing consumer prices higher in the US and Europe. The US wanted to remove the discipline of physical gold from the monetary system. In contrast, Europe intended to bring gold back into the financial policy at a higher free-market price. But the European countries were hesitant to do so because of the artificially suppressed price of gold of just $42,22 per troy ounce.

In 1973, the US government dealt with the Saudis, by which all Saudi oil had to be paid for in dollars. The new ''oil-for-dollars scheme'' is also known as the ''petrodollar.'' It was considered better than the dollar-for-gold system because it reinforced constant international demand for dollars. The US could buy all its oil from the Saudis for printing some paper! Moreover, the Gulf States agreed to invest their excess profits from oil sales in the US economy. 

Countries that have moved or have attempted to walk away from using the petrodollar include Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, and North Korea. These are all US enemies that try to manipulate the oil price. In November 2000, the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, declared that Iraq would soon accept Iraqi oil in Euros. It is also said that he intended to sell oil to China. By June 2003, Iraq’s oil was sold in dollars. This event preceded the 9/11 attacks in the USA and the invasion of the US in Iraq. 

The value of a country’s economy and currency is determined by its Global Domestic Product (GDP) or the value of the material it produces and can sell. However, since the advent of the petrodollar, the US economy's value has been based mainly on how much money it can print!

In 2014, the West supported a coup in Ukraine that ousted the pro-Russian government. The motive of the US was to evict Russia’s Black Sea fleet from Crimea. In 2015, the US prompted Saudi Arabia to increase its oil output to suppress global market prices, decreasing Russian oil revenues. This increase in oil output jeopardized the oil reserves of the Saudis. Moreover, the US forced the EU to move into an embargo against Russia. However, Russia annexed Crimea to have access to the Black Sea. 


V) The recent military interventions of the USA in the Middle East & Ukraine 

Note: This part is a review of various sources.


a) The ‘Arab Spring’ revolution (2010)


The events 

The Arab Spring was a revolutionary uprising of demonstrations, protests, riots, and civil wars in the Arab world. It started on 18 December 2010 in Tunisia with the Tunisian uprising and spread throughout the countries of the Arab League. By February 2012, rulers had been forced from power in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. Major protests occurred in Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Sudan. Civil upheavals also erupted in Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria. 

The protests shared some civil resistance methods involving strikes, demonstrations, marches, rallies, and the effective use of social media to communicate and raise awareness of governmental oppression and internet censorship. Many Arab Spring demonstrations were suppressed with violence from authorities and pro-government militias. 


Libya (2010 - present)

Since1969, the leader of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, had boosted economic privatization, rapprochement with Western nations, and Pan-Africanism. Amid the 2010 Arab Spring, upheaval against extensive corruption broke out in eastern Libya. 

The Arab Spring was not as spontaneous as many believe, but behind this is the West, especially the US, which aimed to bring the Arab countries into its sphere of influence. In the case of Libya, one of the deeper reasons for the Arab Spring is that Libya holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa and is an essential contributor to the global supply of light, sweet crude.

The so-called ‘Arab Spring’ in 2010 was manipulated by the US and its allies, with the aid of non-governmental organizations and groups, and using social media to cause the uprising of the local population, especially fanatic groups. Some say that Western funds and arms supported the jihadist insurgents militarily. The ‘Arab Spring’ uprising in North Africa and the Arabic Peninsula led Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia to chaos. 

The situation in Libya escalated into a tribal war, in which NATO intervened militarily on the side of the anti-Gaddafi National Transitional Council (NTC). Gaddafi's government was overthrown after bloody battles between the insurgents and the government forces. In October 2011, Gaddafi retreated to Sirte, where NTC militants seized and executed him. France led NATO's operations.

Unbelievably, in the civil war that followed, the West supported the jihadist rebels in Libya with the aid of Turley, NATO's ally! According to the German newspaper Die Welt, Turkey paid the jihadist mercenaries who fought in Libya nearly $2,000 monthly! Eventually, the jihadist insurgents, mostly mercenaries paid by Turkey (and perhaps by Qatar, as some say), defeated the opponent tribes and created a provisional government under the Western sphere of influence! 

It is not a coincidence that Libya and Egypt have rich natural resources such as oil and natural gas. Egypt also has the Suez Canal's strategic area, a passage for international trade. With its troops in Yemen, Saudi Arabia moved to atrocities with the excuse of war on terror. Yemen has Aden's port, which is strategic for international trade.


Egypt (2011)

Hosni Mubarak served as the head of the Egyptian Air Force from 1972 to 1975 and progressed to air chief marshal's rank in 1973. He became president of Egypt after the murder of Anwar Sadat. Mubarak's presidency lasted approximately thirty years. The Arab Spring revolution expanded to Egypt on 25 January 2011. The Egyptians protested against the increasing police brutality, the lack of freedom, corruption, and the financial crisis throughout the last few years of Mubarak's administration. 

 The revolution started with calls for protests from online youth groups through social media! However, some speak about Western interference that stirred the people. Millions of demonstrators demanded Mubarak resign. During violent encounters between security forces and protesters, at least 846 people were killed, and over 6,000 were wounded. Protests grew in all major cities across the nation.

On 11 February 2011, Mubarak resigned as president and transferred power to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. On 13 April 2011, a prosecutor required Mubarak and his sons to be detained for corruption and abuse of power. On 3 August 2011, he stood trial on neglect charges for failing to prevent peaceful protesters' assassination during the uprising. On 2 June 2012, an Egyptian court sentenced Mubarak to life imprisonment.

After his sentence, he was announced to have suffered a series of health crises. On 13 January 2013, the high court of appeals requested a retrial. After this, he was restrained in a military hospital while a Cairo court released his sons on 12 October 2015. Finally, on 2 March 2017, Mubarak was acquitted by Egypt's top appeals court and was released on 24 March 2017.

The deeper reasons for the uprising were not as spontaneous as many believe, but behind this is the West, especially the US, which aimed to bring the Arab countries into its sphere of influence. However, in the case of Egypt, the West supported the Muslim Brotherhood organization! Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood Islamist organization member, served as the President of Egypt from 30 June 2012 to 3 July 2013. Then, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was removed from the administration in the coup. 

In the case of Egypt, one of the deeper reasons for the Arab Spring is that Egypt is the largest non-OPEC producer of oil and the second-largest dry natural gas producer in Africa. Additionally, controlling the strategic for global trade Suez Canal was vital. The Suez Canal's control was the reason for the Arab–Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973. Initially, the West resumed its influence on the Suez Canal; however, lately, Russia has the strategic canal under its sphere of influence. 

In August 2014, the Egyptian government began a new side-channel construction to expand and widen the Ballah Bypass to increase the canal's transit time. The enlargement was intended to double the capacity of the Suez Cana. The "New Suez Canal" was initiated on 6 August 2015. This side channel is positioned at the northern side of the east extension of the Suez Canal.  

Russian economic influence came with a 2014 meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, in Sochi and the creation of the Russian Industrial Zone (RIZ) in the Suez Canal. The two sides agreed that the RIZ could include Russian companies, plants, and sea transport companies.


Yemen (2011 - present)

Yemen is a developing country and the most poverty-stricken country in the Middle East. Under the administration of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, corruption was a significant issue. The uprising initially started against the meager financial conditions and against the government's plans to modify the constitution of Yemen so that Saleh's son could inherit the presidency. In 2011, the Arab Spring revolution expanded to Yemen with mass protests.

Since the Arab Spring of 2011, Yemen has been in a political crisis. Saleh's presidency was deposed, and Vice President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi became the President on 21 February 2012. The transitional process was followed by fights between the Huthis (an Islamic religious-political-armed movement), al-Islah (a Yemeni Islamist party), and the al-Qaeda rebels.

Saudi Arabia's military intervention was intended to restore Hadi's government. In September 2014, after a coup, the Houthis took control of the country with the help of the deposed President Saleh. Saleh was assassinated by a sniper resulting in a new civil war. The war blocked food imports, leading to a famine that affected 17 million people and the world's worst cholera outbreak, causing the death of over 2,226 people.

Nearly 85,000 children died from famine, and 2,556 people died from the cholera outbreak. The death toll increased further in the following years to 100,000 people, including more than 12,000 civilians. Along with its willing allies, Saudi Arabia committed crimes against humanity in Yemen, including bombardments of civil regions. However, the incursions of the Saudis did not stop. The US provided intelligence, military advice, and logistics support to the Saudi coalition. At the same time, the West did not react until the release of children dying from starvation, which shocked global public opinion.

With its troops, Saudi Arabia moved to atrocities with the excuse of a ''war on terror.'' But the real reason is the occupation of the Aden port, which is strategic for international trade. It should be mentioned that Saudi Arabia, which intervened militarily in Yemen, has always been a faithful ally of the US. The Saudi-led coalition, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), had coordination support from the US, France, and the UK. At the same time, France is an essential arms supplier to Saudi Arabia.


The real story of the ‘Arab Spring’ (Overview)

It seems that behind the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ in 2010 was the West, especially the US, which destabilized the Arab nations. The objective was the uprising of the population and fanatic groups, supported militarily and financially. Non-governmental organizations and groups (most of them belong to specific financial Trusts), social media, and teams of lawyers were used to achieve their means. The USA backed the Islamic forces on several occasions, such as during the Arab Spring. For instance, it supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the jihadists in Libya.

The West aimed to overthrow the uncooperative dictators and replace them with puppet regimes! Another crucial reason for their interference was to exploit the region's natural resources. The uprising began in Tunisia, continued in Egypt, Libya, and Syria, and also involved Bahrain and Iran to some extent. It led Libya, Egypt, and Tunisia into chaos. In Bahrain, the army executed several demonstrators on the street, while in Turkey, the police killed a teenager. As mentioned, behind the uprising was the West, which needed to change the region's status quo and establish governments friendly to the US. The US, guided by the influential Israeli lobby, played a significant role in destabilizing the area. Israel needed to eliminate its traditional enemies (in this case, Egypt and Syria with Hezbollah).

The uprising led to a civil war in Libya, while in Tunisia, the dictator fled the country, stealing the gold. In Egypt, after bloody protests, the dictator Hosni Mubarak was eventually removed from power. The demonstrations were not bloodless as the regimes moved to atrocities as they were reluctant to change. In the case of Libya, the US did not interfere directly. Still, as a NATO member and a willing ally, France led the coalition forces that assisted the rebels in overthrowing and assassinating the dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Importantly, Libya, and to a less extent Egypt, have rich natural resources of oil and natural gas, while in Egypt, the Suez Canal is of strategic importance to international trade. It was not US President Obama but the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who was keener to destabilize the area. It should be noted that Bill Clinton, former US president, and Hillary's husband have the ''Clinton Foundation'' that influences global issues. According to Nicholas Kitchen, throughout the Arab revolutions, the Obama administration in the US had warranted that the new regimes in the region would have to continue to work with them and provided that the US is not diverted from its major strategic reorientation towards the Asia-Pacific.

Henry Kissinger said that ''the US should be prepared to deal with democratically elected Islamist governments. But it is also free to pursue a standard principle of traditional foreign policy to condition its stance on aligning its interests with the government's actions in question. During the Arab upheavals, the US conduct has avoided placing America as an obstacle to the revolutionary transformations.''


b) The civil war in Syria


Historical background: the events of 1948

Syria became an independent republic in 1946, but the coup d’état in March 1949, led by Army Chief of Staff Husni al-Za’im, ended the first period of civilian rule. Za'im met at least six times with CIA operatives in the months before the coup to address his plan to seize control. Once in power, Za'im made several crucial decisions that benefited the US. He signed the Trans-Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE), an American project transporting Saudi Arabian oil to Mediterranean ports. However, the construction of TAPLINE was delayed due to Syria's reservations. Za'im also improved relations with Israel and Turkey, both American allies in the region. He formally ended the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and repudiated Syrian claims to Hatay Province, a source of disagreement between Syria and Turkey. Nonetheless, Za'im's regime was short-lived, and eventually, he was deposed by a coup just 4.5 months after gaining power.


The intervention in the civil war in Syria in 2011

The Syrian Civil War was an armed conflict in Syria that began in 2011 amid Arab Spring protests. It started with nationwide protests against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government. The conflict gradually became an armed insurrection after months of military assaults.  The armed opposition consisted of various groups, primarily the Free Syrian Army (the antiregime forces) and the Islamic Front (a merger of Syrian rebel groups). In 2013, the terrorist group Hezbollah entered the war, supporting the Syrian Army.

In the east, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS or IS or ISIL), a jihadist militant group originating from Iraq, moved to military incursions in Syria and Iraq, eventually conflicting with the other rebels! By July 2014, ISIS controlled a third of Syria’s territory and most of the oil and gas production. Until now, the death toll had risen to nearly 585,000 people. International organizations have accused the Syrian government, ISIS, and other opposition forces of severe human rights violations, including killings and the use of chemical weapons.

In Syria, the actual conflict was between the West and Russia. There was cooperation between Syria and Russia, with the latter assisting Syria in fighting the advance of ISIS jihadists. In 2015 the US Secretary of State John Kerry accused Russia of military ''build-up'' in Syria. In October 2015, Syria's dictator Bashar al-Assad called for Russia to intervene in the Syrian civil war by launching air raids against targets of jihadist terrorists. However, the West accused them of killing civilians. However, the real story was that the jihadists used civilians as a shield. Before the Russian interference, the US and its NATO allies (including France and Turkey) launched airstrikes in Syria whenever and wherever they wished with the excuse of the fight against terror. They did this without any United Nations (UN) resolution. It should be mentioned that Syria was a French colony in the past.

Media reports claimed that US President Obama authorized the resupply of Syrian Kurds and the Syrian opposition. The US supported the Syrian opposition because Russia had joined the conflict with the Syrian government’s side.  Since 2011, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the antiregime forces, received active support from Turkey, allowing the jihadists (fanatic Islamists) rebels to operate from the Hatay province near the Syrian border. The FSA often launched attacks into Syria's northern cities using the Turkish side of the border as a supply route!

In 2015, opposition military operations rooms based in Jordan and Turkey increased their cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Qatar. They were reported to agree upon the requirement to join opposition factions against the Syrian government. On 24 November 2015, Turkish F16 warplanes shot down a Russian fighter jet that violated Turkish airspace, according to the Turkish side. However, the Russian side claimed their warplane was inside the Syrian territory when it was shot down.  A few days later, a Russian air raid targeted the Syrian town of Ariha, controlled by the rebel coalition Army of Conquest, causing multiple casualties. Two days later, Russian President Vladimir Putin said there was no doubt that oil trucks from the terrorist-controlled territory in Syria passed across the border into Turkey! The Russian President accused the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of personally and his son being involved in the oil trade with the jihadists of ISIS!

A severe ramification of the Syrian civil war, the war on terror in Afghanistan, and the terror attacks in Iraq was the massive immigration surge toward Europe. Amongst them, there was a consideration that some were jihadist terrorists. In December 2015, about 2-3 million Syrian and Afghan refugees in Turkey were about to immigrate to Europe, and it is said that similar numbers remain until now. This uncontrolled immigration was encouraged by financial Trusts, the media (that called ''refugees'' everyone, even the economic migrants), and the wealthy central and northern European countries, especially Germany. It had the chance to hire cheap labor and technicians for the German industries, but it did not give a damn that many refugees drowned in the sea trying to reach the European coast! After all, the European indigenous population is aging, so the immigrants came to fill the gap.

Russia continued to launch airstrikes against the jihadist rebels of ISIS, and currently, Syria is almost free of jihadist groups. Turkey eventually allied with Russia as Turkish President Erdogan was frustrated because the US used the Kurds to fight the jihadists and perhaps promised them a free Kurdish country that would include part of Turkey and Iran. After this, the US launched an economic war against Turkey. International credit rating agencies rated the Turkish economy negatively, and additionally, the US imposed tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminum.

However, in 2019 there was reconciliation between Turkey and the US, as the US does not wish to lose them from NATO allies. The reason is that Turkey is the second largest standing military force, after the US, in NATO, with nearly 640,000 soldiers. Notably, the US did not strongly object when Turkey bought the S-400 antiaircraft missiles from Russia, which were incompatible with NATO's weapons. Thus, the US rendered NATO’s targets vulnerable! Meantime, Turkey turned to Germany, its traditional ally, to ask for investments. Germany has always been a willing ally of Turkey. 

In October 2019, the US troops withdrew from Syria after years of civil war while Russia replaced them! Namely, in Syria, the US passed the relay baton to Russia!  This event was preceded by a military incursion of Turkey against Kurdish cities near the Syrian-Turkish borders. Eventually, Russia decided to have Turkey and Syria under their control, a Kurdish-free zone in Syria near the Syrian-Turkish borders (the Syrians did not wish the autonomy of these regions by the Kurds). The Turkish intervention was because it feared destabilization near its border by the Kurds. Ironically, Turkey asked both the US and Russia's permission for its military campaign against the Kurds! There are already myriads of Kurds living in Turkey. 

In the Syrian civil war, the US, as in Iraq, once again used the Kurds on its side to fight the mujahedin. However, the US betrayed the Kurds as it never allowed them to create their autonomous nation, Kurdistan (although de facto, they have formed part of this in Iraq). Contrary, it permitted Turkey to attack Kurdish targets on the Turkish-Syrian border in the autumn of 2019. In these incursions that lasted a few weeks, Turkey deployed jihadist mercenaries! Turkey fought the jihadists of ISIS with airstrikes and troops but simultaneously bombarded Kurdish targets, even though the Kurds also fought the jihadists!

In the Syrian conflict, the US used the fear of terrorism as an excuse for intervening in the Middle East. Notwithstanding, the real reason for occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and intervening in Syria was controlling the energy resources, including the oil and natural gas reserves and the route of pipelines of the region. Perhaps an additional objective was to control opium trafficking in Afghanistan, as this country has abundant opium ‘reserves.’

Of course, as always, Israel was behind the USA's interventions in the Middle East and the Islamic nations that led to the chaos of the conflict with the supposedly spontaneous ‘Arab spring.’ Israel has always had an influential lobby in the US and is behind all US interventions in the Middle East, including the civil war in Syria. Its aim has always been to eliminate all its neighbor enemies, including Hezbollah, the fanatic Islamic military group based in Lebanon and supported by Syria and Iran.

WikiLeaks revealed that the US planned to destabilize Syria and overthrow the Syrian government in 2006.  According to WikiLeaks, these plans were given to the US directly from the Israeli government, encouraged civil strife, and used sectarianism to divide Syria through Sunni and Shiite religious sects. WikiLeaks said the plan involved other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar.

The objective was to organize government opponents, including the various sects, to jihadist groups that would fight against the Syrian government and weaken Iran and the Hezbollah group (in Lebanon). According to WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange, Israel endeavored to use this crisis to expand its ownership of the Golan Heights for additional oil exploration. It should be said that Israel invaded and occupied this part of Syria in 1967. A large oil deposit was recently discovered there. 

According to the NATO former Secretary, General Wesley Clark, a memo from the Office of the US Secretary of Defense just a few weeks after 9/11 revealed plans to "attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in five years", starting with Iraq and moving on to "Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran." In a subsequent interview, Clark argues that this strategy is essentially about controlling the region's vast oil and natural gas resources.

On November 2, 2019, shortly after the US troops withdrew from Syria, the Russian Secretary of State accused the US of backing the Islamic State leader. When he was no longer useful, they assassinated him! It is said that all the jihadist rebels in Syria were mercenaries from Europe and other places. Some say that Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar supported the Islamic State in Syria. Some also add Kuwait.  It is noted that the above countries nourished the jihadists to destabilize Syria after the refusal of the Syrian President to allow the passage of pipelines from Qatar to Europe. But it isn't easy to find substantial evidence for this theory. Regarding this issue, you may read the articles  and  and  and

Importantly, it was revealed that the ISIS jihadists in Syria possessed American and Saudi arms. Their excuse was that they seized them from the Syrian rebels to whom these we granted. Ironically, the US-built military bases and launched air raids in Syria against terrorists whenever wished, without any United Nations (UN) Security Council resolution and not invited by the Syrian government. I will not be surprised if, in the future, it is revealed that the US assisted the Islamic State as well. As mentioned above, Russia accused Turkey of oil smuggling with Syrian jihadists.


c) The 9/11 event and the intervention in Afghanistan 

The events of 1979; the 9/11 event, the declaration of the ‘War on Terror (WoT) by the USA; the attack in Afghanistan (2001), and the occupation of the country by the US, and finally, their departure in 2021


Historical background

In April 1978, the communist People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) took power in Afghanistan during the Saur Revolution. Soon, opponents of the communist government launched a revolution in eastern Afghanistan that quickly expanded into a civil war conducted by guerrilla mujahideen (fanatic Islamists) against government forces. Pakistan's government provided these rebels with covert training centers, while the Soviet Union sent thousands of military advisers to support the PDPA government. Some say that in mid-1979, the US started a covert program to finance the mujahideen! Their objective was to cause a Soviet military intervention. However, others argue that the State Department worked hard to prevent the Soviets from invading and never undertook a program to encourage it. 

In September 1979, Khalqist President Nur Muhammad Taraki was killed in a coup within the PDPA orchestrated by fellow Khalq member Hafizullah Amin, who assumed the presidency. Soviet Special Forces later assassinated Amin in December 1979. Parcham's Babrak Karmal led a Soviet-organized government. Soviet troops were deployed to stabilize Afghanistan. After the invasion, US president Jimmy Carter announced the Carter Doctrine: the US would not allow outside forces to control the Persian Gulf. For this purpose, he began arming Afghan insurgents.


The 9/11 attacks

The September 11 attacks (also known as September 11, September 11th, or 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist suicide attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda in the USA on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. Four passenger airliners departed from airports on the USA Coast bound for California and were hijacked by nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists. Two planes crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City (NYC). Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed.

A third plane crashed into the Pentagon (the USA Department of Defense) in Arlington County. A fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania (but some say it was shot down by US fighter jets). In total, the attacks killed nearly 3,000 people.

The suspicion of the attack quickly fell on al-Qaeda. The USA responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to fight the Taliban, harboring al-Qaeda. Although al-Qaeda’s leader, Osama bin Laden, initially denied any involvement, in 2004, he claimed responsibility for the attacks. Importantly, in 1998, the Afghan terrorist leader Osama bin Laden was allegedly bombing US embassies in Africa. The US needed to establish ''forward-based forces'' in the Middle East.

After the 9/11 attack, US President George W. Bush officially declared the ‘War on Terror (WoT).’ This war began with the invasion and later the occupation of Afghanistan. It should be noted that all American military interventions presented in public as the fight against ‘terrorism’ were organized many years before by specialized in strategic plans American institutes and universities, such as Stanford. 

In 2001 the US invaded Afghanistan. Close allies, including the UK, initially supported it, but later, in 2003, NATO joined it with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The aims were to destroy the terrorist group al-Qaeda and remove the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban from power. In 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda. In simple words, the Taliban gave them the excuse to invade Afghanistan! The Taliban refused, and thus, on October 7, 2001, the USA launched ‘Operation Enduring Freedom.’

The US and its allies drove the Taliban from power and built military bases near major cities nationwide. However, the Taliban insurgents attacked the US forces with guerilla raids, ambushes, suicide attacks against urban targets, and turncoat assassinations. In 2004, the Pakistan army began to clash with local tribes hosting al-Qaeda and Taliban militants (Pakistan harbored the Islamist terrorists). The US army launched drone attacks in Pakistan to assassinate the insurgent leaders.

On 2 May 2011, US Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. As of 2015, tens of thousands of people have been killed in the war. Perhaps Bin Laden was killed instead of standing trial. In that case, he might reveal essential things such as working in the past for US interests (referring to Afghanistan's Russian occupation). It seems that Saddam Hussein in Iraq was executed for the same reason, as in 1968, the US helped his party Ba’ath come to power (this is analyzed below).

The attack and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan had a simple incentive: to exploit Iraq's oil and control the oil pipelines and the energy resources of the area (in Afghanistan, perhaps they had the chance to exploit opium as well). As mentioned above, the USA’s foreign policy is based on the ‘clash of the civilizations’ and the religious theory of the political scientist Samuel Huntington. 

Regarding the 9/11 attacks, how the hijackers who learned to pilot small private planes could effectively drive commercial jets and direct 3 of them precisely towards the twin towers in NYC and the Pentagon, I leave it to your discretion to judge! Some even claim that the twin towers, after the crash, collapsed in a way as if they had explosives!

The intervention in Afghanistan was not a victory, as the fatalities of American soldiers were substantial. The losses of the US and its allies were 3,562 people (most of them soldiers), while the Afghan security forces losses were more than 65,600 people! The Taliban's death toll reached more than 72,000 people. Eventually, in 2020, US President Donald Trump decided to gradually withdraw the US troops from Afghanistan and cease this insane war. Afghanistan has no oil or gas as Iraq to excuse its occupation (but it still has opium).


Did the US government set up the 9/11 attacks?

Conspiracy theories claim that the 9/11 attack was set up by the Bush administration to excuse the ‘war on terror’ with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq that followed the attacks. We should keep in mind that the US needs to have American citizens' consent before any military action. For instance, the Pearl Harbor attack by Japan gave the US the excuse to participate in World War II. Before this, polls (Gallup) showed that the American population was unwilling to intervene in WWII.

Similar events followed the 9/11 attack. Images from the collapsing twin towers were shown online on national TV. They shocked the American nation that became keen to consent to a war on terror against the ‘evil,’ as US President George W. Bush addressed. The conspiracy theories are numerous (some claim that 9/11 reminds the 911 emergency number). The most critical assumption is that it would be almost impossible for the Saudi hijackers trained on small private planes (similar to Cessna) to fly alone two Boeing jumbo jets, aiming them precisely at the twin towers that, after the crash collapsed in a way as if they had explosives!


The withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021

In August 2021, the world was shocked when the US troops fled Afghanistan, leaving the local population in the hands of the Taliban, as many naively thought it invaded the country to bring peace and democracy! Their withdrawal was so chaotic that numerous desperate Afghan civilians gathered in Kabul's airport, waiting for the Americans to show mercy and allow them to enter the military planes and leave the country. But only a few, mainly diplomats and translators, were allowed. 

Some hung onto the side of a C-17A aircraft just below the wing and died falling to the ground as the plane took off. Many died from suicide bombs or were trampled to death by the crowd. The evacuation was so disorganized that it occurred in less than a week. The troops hurriedly packed their things and left. But the US army omitted to take valuable military equipment, including vehicles, that eventually was looted by the Taliban! 

The American troops left the same way as in Vietnam. It is also a matter of concern they invaded Afghanistan, a country with no natural resources other than opium and rare minerals. But I guess they did not occupy it for these! Terrorism has always been manipulated. In Afghanistan, after the US withdrawal, there were skirmishes between the Taliban, the ''good'' ''terrorists'' that the West tolerates as the government of the ''emirate'', and the ISIS-K, the local ''bad'' terrorists! The question is, who is the real terrorist?


d) The intervention in Iraq


Historical background


The 1968 coup that brought the Ba’ath party to power 

In February 1960, the USA planned a coup against the government of Iraq headed by Prime Minister Abd al-Karim Qasim, who, two years earlier, had deposed the Western-allied Iraqi monarchy. Qasim ruled the country as a dictator. The US was concerned about the growing influence of the Iraqi Communist Party government officials under his administration and his threats to invade Kuwait. The CIA planned a mission to send Qasim a poisoned handkerchief. Eventually, Qasim was killed on 8 February 1963 by a firing squad of the Ba’ath party in collaboration with Iraqi nationalists and the Arab Socialist Union members. The event was known as the ‘Ramadan Revolution.’ 

The US promptly took under its sphere of influence the successor regime. The Ba'ath Party was afterward purged from the government in the November 1963 Iraqi coup d’état when the Ba'athist Prime Minister Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr attempted to seize control from the US-backed President Abdul Salam Arif. The US intelligence assisted Ba’ath’s preparations for the Iraqi coup that brought the Ba'ath Party to power in 1968. It is said that the US had funded the Ba'ath Party, of which Saddam Hussein was a young member when it was in opposition! Saddam Hussein was a leading member of the revolutionary Arab Socialistic Ba’ath Party and played a significant role in the 1968 coup that brought the party to power in Iraq. 

Those who opposed the coup were killed after the coup by squads from the Ba'ath party. Saddam Hussein, who returned to Iraq from exile in Cairo to join Ba’ath, was personally involved in the torture of leftists in the separate detention centers for the fellaheen (peasants) and the muthaqafeen (educated class).


The Iran-Iraq conflict (1980-1988)

During the Iran-Iraq conflict (1980-1988), the US indirectly provided covert assistance to Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis for their war with Iran! President Reagan’s administration permitted the offer of funds and weapons to Iraq. The USA's support for Iraq during the war against post-revolutionary Iran included economic aid, the sale of dual-use technology, non-US-origin weaponry, military intelligence, military training, and direct involvement in warfare against Iran. 


When the US covertly sold arms to Iran!

 The Contras were a guerrilla force in Nicaragua that opposed the left-wing Sandinista government 1979–1990 and supported the US. It was officially disbanded in 1990 after the Sandinistas' electoral defeat. The USA financed, trained, and armed the Contras. The Boland Amendments (1982 – 1984) made using US funds to support the Contras illegal under US law. Nonetheless, President Ronald Reagan's administration armed and funded the Contras by secretly selling arms to Iran in exchange for their cash to supply weapons to the Contras of Nicaragua!


The Gulf War (1991)

 The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991; also known as the First Iraq War) was codenamed ‘Operation Desert Shield’ and involved operations leading to the accumulation of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia. Its combat phase was codenamed ''Operation Desert Storm.'' It was a war against Iraq of coalition forces from thirty-four nations led by the USA in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. The US reacted to Kuwait’s occupation by the Iraqi army on 2 August 1990 with immediate economic sanctions against Iraq following a resolution of the United Nations (UN) Security Council that condemned this attack.

US President George H. W. Bush (the senior) urged other countries to join the coalition forces. In that order, most of the Coalition's military forces were from the US, with Saudi Arabia, the UK, and Egypt leading contributors. Saudi Arabia paid a notable amount to cover the cost of the attack! The initial conflict aimed to oust the Iraqi troops from Kuwait. It began with an air and a naval raid on 17 January 1991, which continued for five weeks, followed by a territory assault on 24 February 1991. 

The Coalition forces drove the Iraqi military from Kuwait and advanced into Iraqi territory. Combat was confined to Iraq, Kuwait, and areas on Saudi Arabia's border. The Coalition halted its advance and declared a cease-fire 100 hours after the campaign started. However, it is still unclear why the US did not occupy Iraq but postponed this for a decade. Some conspiracy theories also mention that the invasion of Iraq in Kuwait never occurred.

During the Gulf War, an upheaval took place in Iraq by anti-regime rebels. However, the US forces neither supplied the insurgents with weapons nor used the captured Iraqi equipment against Saddam Hussein! Surprisingly, it is said that the US sold arms (some speak about military helicopters) to Saddam to fight the rebels!

The US intelligence and Iraqi opponents tried twice to overthrow Saddam by a coup d'état during the 1990s, but their attempts were unsuccessful. According to former US intelligence officials, the US indirectly supported a bomb and sabotage campaign between 1992 and 1995 in Iraq conducted by the Iraqi National Accord insurgents. 

The 2003 Iraq War

The Iraq War was an armed conflict in 2003 that ended with the invasion of American troops and coalition forces in Iraq. The invasion regime dethroned Saddam Hussein from power. However, the battle continued for many years as an insurgency developed to oppose the occupying forces and the post-invasion Iraqi government.


The events

Following an ultimatum for Hussein to stop producing weapons of mass destruction and leave the country, the invasion began on 20 March 2003. The US, joined by the UK and several coalition allies, launched a ''shock and awe" bombing campaign. The coalition forces quickly defeated Iraqi forces. The invasion led to the collapse of the Ba’athist government. Eventually, Saddam was captured and then hanged secretly by Iraqi authorities. 

After the invasion, no substantial evidence was found to verify the initial claims about weapons of mass destruction that were the official excuse for the war! The single real reason for the attack against Iraq was the exploitation of its oil reserves! It is estimated that 151,000 Iraqis died in the conflict and occupation, while the numerous terror attacks led the country into chaos.

The war was not a success, as the death toll of American soldiers was considerable. During the Gulf War, the US coalition forces lost only 292 soldiers, while the Iraqi losses were 25,000 to 50,000 people! During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the US coalition forces' losses were 2,142 soldiers, while the Iraqi losses were 7,600 to 30,000 people! The total US losses from 2003 to 2011 were 4,497 people (mostly soldiers).

The US does not care for its soldiers' death toll (as in the Vietnam War and the Pearl Harbor attack) but pays more attention to the consent of public opinion via polls. Consequently, it began withdrawing its troops in 2007–2008 and formally withdrew all combat troops from Iraq by December 2011.


The fight against the Islamic State (ISIS)

The US launched several operations against jihadist insurgents. In 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS or IS) launched a military offensive in Northern Iraq. It declared a worldwide Islamic caliphate, evoking another military response from the USA and its allies. The country was in the chaos of a prolonged civil war between terrorist groups and government forces that lasted until 2018 when the country's most substantial part was set free by the Iraqi and the US forces.


Historical background & analysis of the deeper causes of the Invasion of Iraq in Kuwait and the Gulf War in 1991

In 1988, Iraq’s Oil Minister, Issam al-Chalabi, accentuated a further decrease in the crude oil production quota of OPEK (Organization of the Petroleum Exploiting Countries). Chalabi claimed that higher oil prices would help Iraq increase its revenues and pay back its US $60 billion debt. Nevertheless, Kuwait was less concerned about the cost of crude oil, and in 1989 requested OPEC to increase its total oil production roof by 50 percent to 1.35 million BPD.  Kuwait’s oil production was substantially above its mandatory OPEC quota, preventing further increases in crude oil prices.

No agreement among OPEC members undermined Iraq’s efforts to pay its debts and recover its destroyed economy after the Iran-Iraq war.  According to former Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz, ''every US$1 drop in the price of a barrel of oil caused a US$1 billion drop in Iraq’s annual revenues, triggering an acute financial crisis in Iraq.''  Between 1985 and 1989, Iraq lost US$14 billion a year due to Kuwait's oil price policy. Iraq considered Kuwait's unwillingness to decrease its oil production as an act of hostility against it.

The increasingly tense relations between Iraq and Kuwait worsened when Iraq alleged that Kuwait was slant-drilling into Iraq's Rumaila field across the international borders. The dispute over this area started in 1960 when an Arab League declaration marked Iraq–Kuwait border 2 miles north of the southernmost point of the Rumaila field. During the Iran–Iraq War, Iraqi oil drilling operations in Rumaila decreased while Kuwait’s activities increased. 

On 25 July 1990, a few days before the Iraqi invasion, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates agreed to limit daily oil output to 1.5 million barrels, probably settling differences over oil policy between Kuwait and Iraq. On 2 August 1990, Iraq launched an invasion of Kuwait.

The USA's military attack against Iraq and eventually its occupation in 2003 had a single motive: exploiting its oils. By June 2003, Iraq’s oil was sold in dollars. Some say that in November 2000, Saddam Hussein would accept payment for Iraqi oils in euros, while others say that Saddam was about to sell oil to China. These intentions preceded the 9/11 attacks in the USA and the invasion of Iraq.


e) The interventions in Iran (2009 - present)

In 2009, US President Obama accused Iran of planning a nuclear program. Although Iran denied the existence of this program, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against Iran with an embargo, including arms selling. These sanctions continued with the Donald Trump administration. In 2019, the US ''discouraged'' its allies from purchasing oil from Iran. This movement negatively impacted Europe, a good client of cheap Iranian oil. In January 2020, the US launched an air raid to assassinate the Iranian major general Qasem Soleimani. The assassination occurred at the Bagdad International Airport and was conducted with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The assassination of Soleimani was a movement that violated international law and military practice. The US neither declared war on Iran nor requested a UN resolution to launch the air raid, especially from a neighboring country! But even if they were in a war, generals are not murdered. They are kept signing a treaty or stand trial but are not killed deliberately at the combat scene! In other words, the event was a brutal assassination of a significant general that the US called a ''terrorist,'' meaning that it is the US who decides each time who is and who is not a ''terrorist.'' The question, however, is who the real terrorist is.

The Israeli lobby in the US has always been behind any decision of the US presidents against Iran, as it is a traditional enemy of Israel. Israel has accused Iran and Lebanon of harboring Hezbollah, an Islamist political party and military group that originated in Lebanon, and since 1992 Hassan Nasrallah has led it.

Iranian oil is the reason for the interventions of the US in Iran. But another critical issue that needs to be stressed is that the US has always wished to control the Strait of Hormuz, an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf.  The Strait of Hormuz is located between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It provides the only sea passage from the Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is one of the world's most strategically vital choke points.


f) The civil war in Ukraine (2014)

Historical background

In 2004, Viktor Yanukovych, then Prime Minister of Ukraine, was declared the winner of the presidential elections, which were rigged according to the Supreme Court of Ukraine. The results caused a public outcry supporting the opposition candidate, Viktor Yushchenko, who challenged the result. The peaceful ‘Orange Revolution ended,’ bringing Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko to power while casting Viktor Yanukovych in opposition. Western and national sources funded activists of the Orange Revolution. According to the newspaper ''The Guardian,'' the foreign donors included the US State Department and the George Soros ''Open Society Foundations''! It should be mentioned that Soros is one of the supporters of massive immigration to Europe with the excuse of the aging European population.

Russian authorities urged state-dependent voters to vote for Viktor Yanukovych, who returned to power in 2006 as Prime Minister until snap elections in 2007 made Yulia Tymoshenko Prime Minister again. Hostility with Russia briefly stopped all gas supplies to Ukraine in 2006 and again in 2009, leading to gas shortages in other European countries. It should be stated that Russia accused Ukraine of stealing gas from the Russian pipelines. Finally, Viktor Yanukovych was elected president in 2010.

The protests began in November 2013 after the president, Viktor Yanukovych, started to deviate from establishing closer relationships with the European Union (EU) and instead developed closer ties with Russia. Violence escalated after 16 January 2014. Anti-government demonstrators occupied buildings in Kyiv's center, including the Justice Ministry building, and riots left 98 dead, with about fifteen thousand injured and one hundred considered missing. Many protesters were shot dead by snipers, probably pro-Russian paramilitary forces.

On 25 May 2014, Petro Poroshenko, running on a pro-European Union platform, won over fifty percent of the vote. Poroshenko set 2020 as a European Union (EU) membership application target. He also continued the military operations by the Ukrainian state forces to end the armed insurgency.

Russian President Vladimir Putin began preparations to annex Crimea on 23 February 2014. Using the Russian naval base at Sevastopol as cover, Putin directed Russian forces and took control of Crimea, vital for the Russian navy's access to the Black Sea. On 18 March 2014, Russia and Crimea signed a treaty annexing the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol in the Russian Federation.

In several cities in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, armed local militia seized government buildings, police, and police stations. It was revealed later that the insurgency was led by Russian intelligence and various pro-Russian militants from Russia. More than 6,000 people were killed in the military campaign. In February 2015, after a summit hosted in Belarus, Poroshenko negotiated a ceasefire with the separatist troops. In 2019, US President Donald Trump was impeached for withholding military aid to pressure the new Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to start a corruption investigation into his Democratic opponent and son!

The real story of the civil war in Ukraine 



The West was behind Ukraine's destabilization in 2014 as the agenda of this country of the former Eastern bloc was to join NATO and the European Union (EU). However, Russia wished to have Ukraine under its influence as it was strategically positioned to pass the natural gas pipelines toward Europe. The USA did not want these to be controlled by Russia. Additionally, Ukraine has high supplies of grain. 

In 2014, the USA supported a coup in Ukraine that ousted the pro-Russian government. The motive of the U.S. administration was to evict Russia's Black Sea fleet from Crimea. However, Russia invaded Crimea and moved to its annexation as its way out to the Black Sea was vital. 

Undoubtedly, the cause of the civil war in Ukraine was controlling the oil and gas pipelines of the region. The USA's objective was to undermine the Russian (and, to a lesser extent, the Chinese and Iranian) economic expansion towards Europe and promote the pipelines that belong to its sphere of influence. It considered the European dependence on Russian gas as a significant threat. Ukraine also has strategic high supplies of grain, one of the most important worldwide. 

The USA did not want natural gas pipes to be controlled by Russia. The Russian South Stream pipelines intended to go directly to Germany through Ukraine. However, the civil war in Ukraine made Russia revoke its plans for these pipelines. Consequently, Russia moved to the "Nord Stream Pipelines" alternative that bypassed Ukraine and, from the North, delivered Russian gas directly to Europe, especially Germany. 

In 2015, the USA prompted Saudi Arabia to increase its oil output to suppress global market prices, decreasing Russian oil revenues. This increase in oil output jeopardized the oil reserves of the Saudis. Moreover, the U.S. convinced the E.U. to embargo Russia. It should be mentioned that in 2009 Russia accused Ukraine of stealing natural gas from its pipes passing through the Ukrainian land. 

The Ukrainian conflict was a rivalry between the West and Russia. In the Ukrainian civil war, the friendly to the US regime was supported diplomatically and financially by the USA and Europe. NATO is broadening its presence in Ukraine and is making this new military relationship more formal. It should be noted that the USA offered its military assistance to Ukraine against Russia while it gave financial aid for the same purpose. Currently, Ukraine wishes to become a member of NATO. At the same time, it is still not a European Union member.



Oil and natural gas reserves and pipelines remain the leading causes of wars. Unless the US tends to use greener and more renewable forms of energy, conflicts are expected to continue! We should oppose American imperialism and any imperialism, for instance, the forthcoming Russian and Chinese. By not opposing their interventions, we agree with them and entitle them to continue exploiting the planet. President George W. Bush, after the 9/11 attacks, said, ''You're either with us or against us!''  


Thanks for reading!


Other Reference - Links 
(Retrieved: September 22, 2015):

(Retrieved: January 13, 2016):
(Retrieved: April 12, 2016): 
(Retrieved: October 29, 2021)

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