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Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Decadence of American Imperialism

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (M.D.)

March 9, 2023

                         The decadence of American Imperialism

Image (free to use): Taken in Kachemak Bay, Alaska (March 15, 2016). Author: Andy Morffew from Itchen Abbas, Hampshire, UK. Source: Uploaded by the user: Helmy loved. Wikipedia link:

We should oppose American imperialism and any imperialism, for instance, the forthcoming Russian and Chinese. By not doing this, we entitle imperialists to continue exploiting the planet and we come to agree with them. President George W. Bush, after the 9/11 attacks, made it clear, ''You're either with us or against us!''  

It is essential to consider that most people neither accurately know history nor seek to learn it from objective sources other than CNN, the Congress Library, the internet, and the APUSH class! Of course, the winners and the rulers write history. But this way, history is biased. Not knowing history means we are condemned to live it again, as history repeats similarly and regularly. 

Unquestionably, the crimes of the British empire against humanity are well known, especially in its colonies. Like all empires in human history, it developed with bloodshed. Unfortunately, Great Britain was not held accountable to international law and did not pay reparations for its atrocities throughout history, while even today, it occupies Northern Ireland and Gibraltar! Notably, the same Anglo-Saxon pattern of imperialism continued with the USA from the beginning of its independence. 

Aukus, a trilateral security pact between Australia, the UK, and the USA, was recently created against China. It showed that the USA defies the other NATO members, including France. New Zealand prudently refused to join the Anglo-Saxons alliance, while Canada had a French component that prevented them from entering this defensive alliance. The US administration has always shown solidarity with the Anglo-Saxons.

The US always had this Anglo-Saxon model (evident even in the film industry) despite the independence war against the British, who had thirty colonies in the US. The US administrations insisted on keeping their British ''roots,'' forgetting that the British burned Washington, including the White House and the Capitol! If the US did not defeat Britain, it would still be British! Notwithstanding, the US has always been a multinational and multicultural nation, not a British one! Still, Americans consider the British as ''cousins''!

Eventually, after World War II, the USA replaced Great Britain (which is currently crumbling after Brexit) in everything, including its crimes against humanity. Although the interventions and the atrocities of British imperialism were more extensive, the ones of the US were more insidious. American imperialism was widespread and ruthless. It did not start with the Vietnam War but has existed since the creation of this nation.

Since the 1950s, US interventions globally have often occurred covertly with the aid of intelligence services that destabilized governments, backed coups, etc. Today, 'viva la revolution!' should be again a motto for the countries of this planet to eliminate the US imperialism that has conquered the Earth militarily, culturally, and economically. Undoubtedly, Latin America is the place that most suffered from US imperialism. 

A straightforward way to a peaceful revolution is when we say ''no'' to Americanization when we are less keen to supporting financially the US companies that have conquered Earth commercially and realize that countries do not need empires, like the US, which manipulate our planet for their benefit. People worldwide nourish the US economy by purchasing products from American companies and making them earn money! The US companies aim to sell their products, even with unfair monopoly, which have been punished with fines from the European Union several times. An example is Amazon. 

Examples of these products are the Microsoft Windows and Office software and Intel hardware of our PC (both monopolize information technology), our Apple iPhone, our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (that even presidents and prime ministers use), social media, and Netflix and HBO which dominate streaming services. We also support the US economy with the meager-quality American films we watch, the McDonald's burgers we eat, the Starbucks coffee we drink, the computer games we play, and numerous other ways. The question is, what do we win by supporting American companies financially? 

We passively tolerate Americanism that is prevalent worldwide, especially among youngsters. We put up with the Americanization of our planet and do not react to American imperialism. By not reacting, we allow the USA to be a global ruler. Namely, with our silent consent, the US has the nerve to launch military campaigns throughout our planet whenever and wherever it wishes, even without any United Nations Security Council resolution. It behaves like a global dictator. 

The US aims to destabilize nations and remove them from the Russian (such as Ukraine and Georgia) or the Chinese (such as Taiwan) sphere of influence. The US also seeks to exploit our planet's oil and natural gas reserves, especially in the Middle East (and recently in North Africa, such as in Libya), and control pipeline routes, especially those towards Europe, to compete for the Russian ones. It also wishes to control the strategic global trade regions, such as the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal, and the port of Aden. 

The US regulates the global economy and has imposed the dollar as an international currency for dealing. Since the second half of the last century, the US has manipulated OPEC and sold global oil in the 'petrodollar' currency. The US used the Russian invasion of Ukraine to sell its expensive shale oil and liquid natural gas (LNG) and replace the Russian oil and natural gas supplies to Europe. It has imposed Iran sanctions, including a prolonged embargo, with the excuse of developing nuclear weapons. However, it overlooks that India and Pakistan are nuclear powers and may use them imprudently. It has the nerve to forbid the European countries from developing the fifth-generation wireless technology of the Chinese Huawei and buying cheap oil from Iran, a traditional enemy of Israel that has characterized it as a terrorist nation. 

After the 9/11 attack, the US declared a 'war on terror' that began with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. That means, even with no approval of the United Nations Security Council, the US can launch military campaigns whenever and wherever it wants throughout the planet. Similarly, the US can abduct suspected terrorists whenever and wherever it wishes, as has happened in the past. I describe them in my text The USA as a global governor 

Regarding Islamic terrorism, the US stirred the Islamic nations and fed the fanatic groups with anti-Americanism. It aimed at creating a global hysteria about Islamic terrorism, even though this terrorism is often used for the advantage of the US interests, such as with the Syrian civil war. People worldwide fear that a fanatic Islamist may publicly cry ''Allahu Akbar'' (God is the Greatest) and then attack with a knife or a gun or detonate their explosive vest. This fear excuses measures that violate human rights and US military interventions. 

Ironically, Islamic terrorist groups, including ISIS and Al Qaeda, have claimed responsibility numerous times for attacks committed by lone wolves, usually extremists or psychopaths. Using the fear of Islamic terrorism, the US can continue its endless 'war on terror' to exploit the oil and natural gas reserves and pipeline routes in the Middle East and elsewhere. 

But how can we speak about Islamic terrorism when in the Syrian and Libyan civil war, the jihadist insurgents were mercenaries backed by Turkey and, as some say for Syria, financially by Qatar and perhaps the Saudis? According to the German newspaper Die Welt, Turkey paid the jihadist mercenaries $2,000 monthly in Libya. As people are less keen to participate in wars, some countries employ mercenaries from special agencies for battle. So, fighting in combat is profitable for these agencies and the mercenaries who make money from killing people! In the current Russia-Ukraine war, Western mercenaries who fight against the Russian troops are paid $60,000 monthly! 

In October 2020, Russia accused Turkey of sending jihadist mercenaries to Azerbaijan to fight Armenia at Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed area rich in oil and gas. Azerbaijan is under the Western sphere of influence, whereas Armenia is under the Russian. Thus, once again, the pipeline route was the reason for a war benefiting American interests. Passing the TAP gas pipelines from Azerbaijan toward Europe is essential to the US. Russia did not clarify if Qatar is (again) behind Turkey regarding these mercenaries' funding. The US tolerated Turkey's tactic of deploying jihadists in Syria, Libya, and Armenia. 

Undoubtedly, the US empire is living its decadence like all empires. China's and India's economies are thriving, and their cheap products are only possible for US firms to compete with if they give their employees meager wages. The fact that the Chinese economy holds a substantial part of the US national debts, as well as the expansion of the Russian influence to Europe and Egypt (Suez Canal) and the replacement of the US forces in Syria by Russians, all mean that the US empire is near its end. 

Breathing its last, the US can use its Fed bank to print money, as it has done systematically since the second half of the previous century, although this practice increases inflation. In other words, banks print paper with no real value related to gold, while in the last decades, most transactions have been electronic. How will the US economy survive when it has chosen after the 1970s to disconnect the value of its currency from gold or other precious metal reserves?

In any case, China and Russia are emerging new empires. Together, they can defeat the decaying US financially and militarily, as they both have supersonic ballistic missiles, often multiple on a single missile. These reach their target through space and cannot be easily detected or neutralized. They also have other sophisticated weapons, including electronic warfare that deactivates their target (ships and aircraft), robot soldiers, military drones, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). China has already increased the number of its aircraft carriers and will soon have comparable to the US military power. At the same time, its fifth generation Sukhoi jet fighters can compete with the Americans. It is said that Russia can even create earthquakes. 

The fact that recently the US has launched a global trade war means that it is imprudent for other countries to keep ties, military or financial, with this nation that behaves as a worldwide dictator manipulating the planet for its benefit. Eventually and inevitably, the US will have the dooming fate of all empires!


Thanks for reading!


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