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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Politically Incorrect Stupidity Quotes!

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)

January 1, 2022 

(Updated: February 27, 2023)

                     Politically incorrect stupidity quotes

You may also read my text The Best Quotes

Image (free to use):  A collage of book images (October 9, 2012). Authors: Photograph a: David Monniaux; Photograph b: 007 Tanuki; Photograph c: Jorge Ryan (© Jorge Royan / / CC BY-SA 3.0) Derivative work: (user) ZX95. Uploaded by the user: ZX95. Source: Wikipedia. Link:

Einstein's famous quote:

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former!" - Albert Einstein. 

[My comment: In 1983, the 'no boundary theory' of Stephen Hawking & James Hartle proposed that the universe is finite without a boundary. However, in their last paper in 2018, Hawking and Thomas Hertog said that the universe never had a singular moment of creation. Writing about eternal inflation, they said that our universe is one of infinite many in a multiverse (3). In any case, human stupidity remains infinite! 

It should be noted that Einstein's son Eduard was diagnosed with schizophrenia. That means genius and madness are genetically related to each other! You may read the articles Why Are Genius and Madness Connected? and  Editors’ Pick: mad and genius in the same gene?   

It should also be mentioned that Einstein died from a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm refusing surgery, something that was not reasonable as, without surgery, this condition is lethal!]

''When asked to comment on this denunciation of relativity by so many scientists, Einstein replied that to defeat relativity, one did not need the word of one hundred scientists, just one fact!''

My quotes about stupidity: 

=== My best quotes about stupidity===

''Often, important decisions are made by people of meager intellect!''

''Although 90 percent of facts can be judged using common sense, 90 percent of people do not use it!''

''Contemporary people's intellectual level is lower than those living in Athens during the fifth century BC golden age!''

''Soon, smartphones may become more intelligent than humans; for some, they already are!'' 

''Pandemics are inflicting a substantial toll for a brief period, whereas human stupidity is permanent!''

''People often do irrational things!''

=== Other quotes about stupidity===

''Many people are witless because they are unaware of their stupidity!''

''Many, including specialists, unwisely complicate things when it is not needed!''

''Many people are mindless despite having a bunch of degrees!''

''People foolishly do not find time to read a book or watch a documentary but have plenty of time to squander on nonsense such as video games, internet surfing, showing off on their social media, and so on!''

''Many people injudiciously abstain from national elections while those who cast their vote do it imprudently!''

(Abstaining is stupid as the government is elected by a minority when the voter turnout is low.  Ironically, the remaining voters cast their ballots unwisely! So, we are all responsible for bringing to power a terrible government with or without our vote!)

''Nowadays, stupidity has spread rapidly like a pandemic!''

===About the 2022 Russia-Ukraine crisis and its impact on Europe===

''Europe naively trusted Russia as it thought it would not commit war crimes as the USA.''

(On February 23, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine showing that it does not respect the sovereignty of this country to decide on its future, such as becoming a NATO and European Union member. During the invasion, Russia committed crimes against humanity) 

''Europe decided to impose financial sanctions on Russia while it stupidly depended on Russian natural gas for energy!''

(Common sense says that the European countries should find energy alternatives before taking severe sanctions, as it allowed Russia to extort them!).

''Europe insanely believes that the alternatives to Russian natural gas will be cheaper!''

(The US or Middle East LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) is far more expensive, as it needs LNG carriers and floating LNG terminals. But I wonder if the USA will be happy with Iran and Venezuela as alternatives!) Also, it is said that Saudi's oil is about to become extinct, while Qatar cannot give enough natural gas to everyone.

''The West condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but it is unreasonable it did not act similarly during the US war crimes in the past!''

You may read my text, The history of American Imperialism 

''Europe irrationally followed America's exaggerated sanctions on Russia when it invaded Ukraine, ignoring that the only incentives of the USA were to sell Europe their expensive LNG and bring the Russian economy to its knees!''

(The US sells its LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) to Europe at a price four times higher!)

===About the 2020 - 2022 coronavirus pandemic===

''During the coronavirus pandemic, a significant percentage of the population, including well-educated people, acted irrationally by abstaining from the vaccine, believing in conspiracy theories and fake news on social media!'' 

(They also showed zero social responsibility!)

''Some people acted stupid abstaining from vaccination and regretted it too late, while moribund from coronavirus disease!''

''In the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, some experts unthinkingly recommended against using a protective mask as they debated its usefulness!'' 

''Regarding the coronavirus pandemic, many people unintelligentlrefrained from getting the vaccine, fearing the extremely rare risk of severe adverse effects, while the chance to die from the virus was much higher!'' 

[Fatality increased proportionately to advanced age, comorbidities, tobacco smoking, and obesity. The case fatality rate was 2.15%; the infection fatality rate was 8.5% for people aged 75 to 84. Regarding comorbidities, 90% of the hospitalized had pre-existing conditions. On the other hand, the probability of serious adverse effects was 1:100,000 to 1:1,000,000]. 

''The most stupid term of epidemiology is ''herd immunity,'' as if people are livestock!''

''During the coronavirus pandemic, the media's role was unwise and therefore detrimental, as they exaggerated the rare adverse effects of the vaccine regardless of preventing severe infection and death!'' 

[So, the unvaccinated individual had more chance of dying from the disease than the vaccine. An important reason was that the media and the EU wanted to undermine the cheaper vaccine, accusing it of adverse effects, although they were rare].

''It is mindless to believe that the rising rates of the Indian economy have been at the advantage of the people as during the coronavirus pandemic many afflicted civilians died because of the lack of oxygen supply in the hospitals!'' 

(It seems that in India, as in China, the economic growth profits do not reach the lower castes. A birth-control policy in India, as previously in China, should be to the advantage of the Indian people. As the economy develops, it will be optional. Birth control does not necessarily mean a one-child policy.)

''One year after the initiation of vaccinations, the drug companies stupidly sold the original vaccines that did not cover the delta and the omicron variants as they wished to sell out the stock of the old vaccines!'' 

About the COVID-19 pandemic, you may read my article on Several issues that arose during the coronavirus pandemic

===About health===

''Queen Elizabeth II's (official) death certificate states that she died of 'old age'!'' 

(No comment; the NHS is on the verge of collapse! Her untreated osteoporosis, judging from her curved back, and her hand bruises also question her medical care)

''Foolishly, for many people, safety is not a priority!'' 

That includes parents who neglect their children's safety!)

''It is better to lose one minute in life than to lose life in a minute!''

''Many people die because of their stupidity!'' 

You may read my relevant article (to be politically correct, in the title, I replaced the word ''stupidity'' in the initial text with the word 'recklessness') Many people die because of their recklessness! 20 common causes of death 

''Many people brainlessly consult ''Doctor Google'' for medical issues and use the internet for self-diagnosis and treatment!'' 

''The stupid perception that the measles, mumps & rubella (MMR) vaccine may cause autism began from a publication in the ''The Lancet,'' a prominent medical journal!''  

Regarding this issue, you may read the article Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccination, and Autism 

''It is absurd that contemporary people use sophisticated devices but have not even the basic first aid skills.'' 

''People in cardiac arrest die waiting for an ambulance while relatives or bystanders stupidly do not perform CPR immediately!'' 

[People in cardiac arrest have only 10 min within resuscitation may stand a chance of survival as for every minute after the arrest, the probability of survival decreases by 10 percent, while severe neurological problems may accompany the outcome].

''Most people may know impractical details from the Internet, such as the toll-like receptors, but they have no skills to perform (properly) life-saving CPR!''

[But, even if they have, almost all omit the rescue breaths, although the guidelines say that bystanders should at least perform chest compressions instead of nothing. But some jump to the absurd conclusion that we do not need rescue breaths! For the rescue breaths, we should always carry a pocket mask with a one-way valve for the secretions (blood, vomit). Another issue is that most have a costly mobile phone instead of an automated external defibrillator (AED). If their price became lower, such as those made in China, it would be affordable for everyone to have an AED at home!]

''Bystanders in case of a medical emergency foolishly do not offer first aid, but their only action is to take videos with their cell phones!'' 

(Sometimes bystanders even steal the unconscious victim!)

''Unwisely, schools do not offer first aid lessons in their curriculum.''

''Stupidly, most people do not know how to react in case of an emergency apart from calling 911.'' 

(That includes a medical emergency, fire, electrocution, earthquake, etc.)

''Many people may ask a second opinion when buying a gadget but insanely neglect to request a second medical opinion for a serious health problem, including cancer!''

''Many parents are so stupid that they leave their child's acne untreated until it forms scars!''

(A visit to a dermatologist would prevent this. Also, some women with acne may have polycystic ovary syndrome)

=== About the internet===

''The media and the internet treat people as stupid!'' 

''A subtle form of abuse is by parents who make YouTube videos of their children playing with numerous toys to make money from advertising them!''

''The stupidest thing someone can do is to read and reply to comments of strangers on the internet, many of them trolls!''  

''Today, social media and blogs make it easy for everyone to express their attention-seeking, stupidity, and hate openly!''

''People mindlessly follow social media ''influencers'' and YouTubers who make money from their views!''

''Many injudiciously believe the nonsense and the fake news of the social media.''

''Parents advise their children not to talk to strangers in the street but unwisely neglect a piece of similar advice for their cyber friends on their social media!''

''Comments on the internet show the vastness of human stupidity!''

''Many people try to show off on YouTube with silly stunts and homemade videos!'' 

''Most internet, TV, and radio ads are foolish!''

''It is so silly when sites ask people to complete a ''captcha'' test to prove they are not robots!'' 

''It is so stupid that the internet initially was not made for playing videos!'' 

''Stupidly, many web designers create dysfunctional web pages.''

''It is idiotic that many sites offer feedback they never read!''

===About frauds===

''Many people are so stupid that they easily give the PIN code of their credit card to fraudsters although banks repeatedly warn their clients that they will never ask it, especially over the phone!'' 

[Modern thieves use their computers to steal people worldwide without effort! For those who stupidly ignore their bank's warnings, it should be mentioned that the PIN code is used only to withdraw money from an ATM, pay at a credit card terminal (POS) (unless there is a lower limit), and verification of an online money transaction from the bank via push notification or a text message password on the client's cellphone (they usually ask for two numbers)].

===About energy===

''Foolishly, we have yet to discover a natural, renewable, cheap, and storable energy source alternative to fossil fuels.''

(Even electricity is often powered with fossil fuel energy)

''The military interventions of the U.S. are expected to continue as it imprudently insists on fossil fuels form of energy!'

(Oil and natural gas reserves and the control of their pipelines remain the leading causes of the military interventions of the USA, especially in the Middle East).

''Europe injudiciously depended on Russia for energy supply!''

(I mean natural gas)

''We have irrationally rendered China and Germany as global manufacturers although they have no energy!''

===About the climate change==

''Stupidly, countries have done nothing to save our planet from pollution.'' 

(Especially the USA, China, and India!)

===About uncontrolled migration in Europe in the last 10 years===

''It is absurd that the European Union and the United Nations subsidize economic migrants who came unlawfully in Europe, encouraging illegal migration!'' 

(It would be more prudent and humane for the European Union (EU) and The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCR) to ask migrants to apply for asylum at their local embassy or consulate in their country of origin. Instead, they let them illegally enter Europe by boat or foot, risking their and their children's lives! It is also unacceptable for the homeless and the long-term unemployed of the local populations to starve while economic migrants were subsidized and received benefits, including housing!)

''It was irrational for the wealthy European countries, especially Germany, to encourage illegal migration to obtain cheap labor of working-age people!''

(They did it because the local population in Europe is aging!)

''The injudicious open border policy in Europe had consequently myriad economic migrants from developing countries to be granted asylum as refugees, although without documents, as they deliberately tore them when they arrived in European land!''

(Therefore, guys from Bangladesh and Pakistan without legal documents (as they deliberately tore them when they arrived in European land) were granted asylum as refugees, although economic migrants! But even for countries at war, things are not that simple. For example, during the Syrian civil war, many young men from Syria migrated to Europe as ''deserters'' while the American troops came to fight the jihadists! The same is true for Afghanistan, where until the summer of 2021, many young Afghan men ''deserted'' as migrants to Europe while the US troops fought the Taliban and the Jihadists!)


''Unwisely, most migrants were granted asylum without knowing their real identity, age, and criminal record; therefore, in some cases, along with the migrants came jihadist terrorists as asylum seekers!''

''It is stupid not to realize that illegal migration is a profitable business for human smugglers, employers who gain from underpaid labor, and NGOs that, although subsidized with public money, are uncontrolled!'' 

''It is unwise that the mainstream media labeled migrants and refugees interchangeably as 'refugees,' instead of using the proper word 'economic migrants' for most of them.''

===About capitalism===

''Stupidly, we consider capitalism as something good despite working only for the benefit of the rich!''

''It is foolish to believe in capitalism, as today the hub of this economic system is China, a communist country!''

(We should also keep in mind that capitalism is based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit!)

''Stupidly, we do not realize that the only ones who win from capitalism are China and India!''

''Believing in capitalism is mindless, as the wealthy have their money at the docks of tax havens while only the middle and low class pay their taxes according to their income!''

''It is stupid to think that capitalism is of the advantage of the West, as most companies have moved their production in China, India, and other developing countries with meager wages and quality control standards.''

[An example is the Indian pharmaceutical manufacturing companies that make most generics. Their quality control can be questioned. For instance, in October 2022, an Indian-made cough syrup caused acute kidney failure, leading to the deaths of seventy children in Gambia, Africa! WHO's lab analysis revealed that the cough syrups contained "unacceptable amounts of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol," chemicals used in the industry. In the past, cough syrups have also been linked to other mass poisonings of children in India and other countries.]

''An example of how stupid it is to believe in capitalism is that during the 2019-2022 coronavirus pandemic, the whole planet supplied rapid diagnostic tests and face masks from China!''

[Ironically, it was China where the virus emerged (or escaped from a lab), again causing a pandemic! China, despite its authoritarian communism, is currently the hub of capitalism!]

===About the violation of human rights===

''By clicking ''I agree'' to the terms of using our website cookies, data, history, location, and privacy, we unwisely consent to violate our rights!''

(I mean that someone else, including private companies, is aware of our data, preferences, intimate things, and even our location.)

''We stupidly do not realize that the system knows our every move with our cellphones' GPS!'' 

''We stupidly ignore modern slavery!''

[Slavery exists even in our days! In the past, the pyramids of ancient Egypt were built above the corpses of enslaved people who died to fulfill the vanity of the Pharaohs. Similarly, today in Arabic peninsula countries, infrastructure, including spectacular buildings, is built by migrants from developing countries who work like slaves. According to reports, many have died from intolerable working conditions, including heatstroke or accidents. Migrants are exploited in all developed nations, meaning they are preferred to menial posts because they are underpaid and often work without insurance. Many live alone or with their family in unacceptable conditions. Another example of modern slavery is immigrants who work in merchant and cruise ships, for example, those from the Philippines, who are paid less than the other employees!]

===About technology===

''The stupidest things in my life are my ''smartphone'' and computer!'' 

(I need time to explain why, but briefly, my smartphone is stupid compared to my PC, while my PC is more stupid than I expected for the 21st century regarding speed and functionality. The most frustrating issue with my smartphone is that I may need time to search the settings and the web to solve a problem that often is simple!)

''It is silly for adults to play on a computer or cell phone games and watch the same sci-fi and action movies as children do!'' 

(Perhaps they have the same mental age!)

===About history & battles===

''We stupidly do not realize that contemporary wars can be waged with supersonic intercontinental ballistic missiles fired into space, UAVs, ROVs, drones armed with rockets, and soldiers with exoskeletons and jet suits, while the few countries that use extended electronic warfare make conventional offensive weapons useless!''

[It should be mentioned that Israel makes the best drones while it has an excellent iron dome (an air defense system) and an effective anti-drone system! In the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the Armenian army was decimated by Azerbaijan's drones provided by Turkey. Armenia thought that using WW2 tactics would win the war. The reason for the war was always energy; the control of the region's oil and gas reserves and pipelines!]

''We stupidly omit important things in ancient history, such as that in the Thermopylae battle also fought seven hundred Thespians and that the Sacred Band of Thebes was a gay army!''

''The 1914 Christmas truce in WW1 was the most insane event in human history, with football match and carol singing between enemies, as if war were a game!''

''Despite the stupid stereotype of the Italians singing and playing mandolin in WW2, the true story is that although in battle they were cowards, they committed many war crimes!''

(With the word cowards, I mean their war against native Ethiopian tribes and their easy defeat by the Greeks! At the end of WW2, the Nazis turned against them!)

''It is unwise to admire the British empire characterized by ruthless massacres at its colonies!''

(Contrary to the courteous stereotype of the British people, their history is characterized by bloodshed! Their criminal record is endless throughout history, with myriads of massacres, including those in India (such as the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, AKA Amritsar massacre, in which the British executed more than 1,500 civilians) and Ireland (such as the 1920 Blood Sunday at Croke Park, when the British during a football match opened fire on the spectators and players). They also launched numerous military interventions, including the 1917 occupation of Israel, the 1956 Suez Crisis, and the 1982 Falklands War. Even today, the British occupy Gibraltar and maintain a fish war with France!)

''We stupidly ignore the vital role of Russia in winning the Nazis in WW2.''

(All American movies related to WW2 show that only the USA and Britain saved the world from Hitler. But Russia contributed the most to defeating Germany, while the Russian Red Army arrived in Berlin first, after two weeks of siege!) 

''It is stupid to consider snipers and special forces heroes; contrary, they are cowards because of their sneak attack.'' 

(The police special forces (SWAT teams) are excluded from the quote. At war, special forces often cheat, acting secretly as saboteurs, individually or as a group, dressed in the enemy's military uniforms or disguised as civilians! The commandos hide their face by wearing a full-face mask and often operate covertly at night. They do not fight with warriors of the same training level and military equipment. They are just killing machines. A decent fight is not between commandos and untrained rebels and insurgents, snipping at them from a long distance or attacking them from behind! But it could be a fight between the US and Spetsnaz Russian special forces, referring to a confrontation, not a cowardly sneak attack that special forces are used to!)

''Line battle of the 17th - 19th century was foolish, as the unarmored soldiers, especially the frontline, were exposed to the enemy's firearms!''

''It is imprudent to have a high opinion of ruthless barbarians such as Celts and Vikings or bloodthirsty ancient Romans who enjoyed watching people slaughtered or mauled in the arenas!''

''During the Yugoslavian civil war, the West stupidly recognized only the war crimes of Serbia, ignoring those of the other side.''

(We should also not forget that the West was on the side of the Muslims of Bosnia and Kosovo!)

''It is unwise to hold in high regard Japan's history forgetting that it has committed the most memorable war crimes in modern history.''

(With numerous slaughters in the past, including raids in Korea and those in China, including the 1937 Nanjing massacre in which they decimated more than 300,000 civilians and raped more than 80,000 women!) 

''It is unreasonable to take into historical consideration footage from WW2 depicting the U.S. Army, as they are directed by directors, including John Ford, not showing American GIs killed in action!''

''We accept as real the staged Western media news coverage of the US military campaigns in the Middle East from 1991 onwards!'' 

(For instance, in the 1991 Gulf War, the footage of a soaked-in-oil cormorant that shocked the planet was not shot from Iraq but somewhere else! Some Russian media claim that many videos of the ISIS terrorists executing prisoners during the Syrian civil war were fake, such as the videos of the white helmet organization). About fakes in journalism, you may read the articles NRSummer2012.pdf ( and Fakes in Journalism - European Journalism Observatory - EJO and White Helmets 'staging fake attacks' in Syria? We sort fact from fiction ( and Not really Hollywood: the media’s misleading framing of Islamic State videos ( 

''It was preposterous for the Spanish people during the Civil War to choose between anarchism and fascism!''

===About modern slavery===

''We foolishly believe that slavery has been abolished, although today there are many forms of exploitation, such as the cheap, uninsured, and working flexible hours, often without a contract, labor, usually migrants, including those working in ships.''  

"The international community stupidly ignored that in the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, 6,500 migrants died during the World Cup training base constructions!"

===About video games===

''Most gamers behave stupidly, like five-year-old children!'' 

''A cause of our society's decadence is that it insanely tolerates kids playing video games and watching movies imbued with violence, sexism, gender, race, and religious stereotypes, as well as American jingoism!''

(Example of stereotypes is when terrorists are Muslims; when Russians are degraded by showing gulags; when black men and Latinos are pictured as gangs; when women are portrayed as ''bimbos'' or promiscuous, and when wars are waged by the ''brave'' American army that always wins! A female dressing style that shows sexism is also prominent in Japanese manga and anime, something that not a single feminist has noticed!)

''Many gamers stupidly ignore that the famous AK-47 automatic rifle in video games is the Russian Kalashnikov!''

===About the U.S. film industry===

''The U.S. film industry considers the average viewer a five-year-old child!'' 

(Perhaps many have the same mental age!)

''Most people injudiciously enjoy watching American action movies made in the green screen studios, using graphic design.'' 

[In the last two decades, battle scenes have been filmed with fewer people using graphic design in the green screen studios. Shortly, actors will lose their jobs as they will be replaced exclusively by animated actors without using real actors with motion capture. An example of graphic design is the movie 300 which is related to ancient Spartans. Although based on comics, it was a blockbuster with all scenes shot in the studio! In epic wars, stunt performers jump like monkeys when an animated arrow hits them! Of course, all fights are choreographies.]

''The Wilhelm scream in many Hollywood action movies and homemade films is the most idiotic death scream!'' 

They do so because it is cheaper and easier to reuse. Still, it is idiotic!)

''I wonder if Bollywood and YouTube homemade movies are sillier than Hollywood movies!''

''Fights and battles in American movies are stupid choreographies usually made in.''

(Regarding battle and fight scenes, they are choreographed by stunt performers who fight with a ninja-style technique! This stage combat is unrelated to reality! So, in a real-life engagement, someone will find it difficult to fight with front and backflips and a high-speed karate style and use a melee weapon exclusively to slice instead of stab. Sword experts debate the reliability of stage sword fighting!)

''In movies and video games, we unthinkingly consider snipers and special forces heroes, although they are cowards because of their sneak attack.'' 

[Action movies give us the message to be cowards by using a sneak attack. Movies are unrelated to reality. For instance, a headshot, especially from a distance, needs the skills of a sharpshooter. Rear attacks, including neck snaps, need a technique to be lethal. 

''Most American action movies stupidly show a Rambo-style hero shooting simultaneously with two riffles and killing numerous enemies, while all enemy bullets miss him!'' 

(They forget that rifles have kickbacks!)

''We stupidly watch American movies related to WW2 showing that only the USA and Britain won the Nazis while ignoring the vital role of Russia!''

''Irrationally, we prefer the low-quality shows and movies of subscription-based streaming services and the US film industry instead of choosing independent international productions.''

(So, we make the former rich!) 

''All films set in the jungle stupidly use the laughing call of the kookaburra on every occasion, although it is native only to Australia and New Guinea!'' 

As an Australian, I can confirm this! For the sound, you may watch the video The Kookaburra - A Sound of Australia 

''Stupidly, American movies have nothing to show but sequels of old films, childish Marvel-style mythical heroes, and war or action movies marked by the U.S. jingoism!''

(This is true, especially in WW2 and Vietnam movies. Movies avoid showing the atrocities of the US military. Referring to jingoism, the country with the most inflated jingoism on the planet is not the USA but India; something characteristic of Hindi action movies!)

===About modern music & revelers===

''Contemporary music and vocals are edited in the studio, and often singers use playback in their concerts while the audience foolishly cheers thinking that the music is live!''

''Revelers dance stupidly by jumping like monkeys!''

===About sports===

''It is unwise that safety is not a priority for many people who exercise regularly!''

(Regarding this issue, you may read my article Is safety a priority when working out?

''Stupidly, sports viewers help athletes become rich while a significant part of the population is starving!'' 

''It is brainless to watch commercialized sports, whereas exercising is wiser and healthier!''

''Sports fans at the stadium cheer foolishly like preschoolers!''

''In team sports such as football, it is unwise to always praise the scorers, ignoring that the defense and the goalkeeper also play a significant role like an orchestra!''

''It is the viewers who witlessly give a chance to top athletes to earn so much money!'' 

===About criminality & violence===

'''It is absurd that contemporary society nourishes delinquency and criminality by tolerating violence from video games and movies to bullying at school!'' 

''It is so crazy that violence today in the media and the internet is prevalent everywhere, not only in movies and series but also in news and documentaries!''

(Even in historical documentaries, battle reenactment scenes are characterized by graphic violence!)

''The warning ''viewer discretion is advised" in movies is ridiculous as kids are addicted to violence from the gory video games they play!''

''The role of social media to criminality is substantial, as some users upload pictures of holding guns while others livestream videos of mass shootings!''

(That would be avoided if accounts were personalized, something that YouTube tries to do by ascertaining someone's ID via a credit card before watching a video of graphic or violent content.)

''The right of civilians to keep and hold guns is schizophrenic and a cause of mass shootings from people in a fit of rage, or those mentally disturbed, or from terrorists, including lone wolves.''

(Cases of mass shootings are relatively common in the USA.)

''Stupidly, in most Western countries, the penalties for those who break the law are so lenient that they act to their benefit!'' 

[It is absurd that Western justice systems are incredibly lenient for offenders. Neither do they have a punitive role nor reform the offender! In most Western countries, a life sentence does not exist for those who have committed murders, as they are released sooner with the excuse of not relapsing while gaining years of freedom by working in prison or in the community. Even for a life sentence, offenders spend less time in jail than were sentenced. So, the years a court convicts a lawbreaker to be imprisoned are reduced in almost all cases! Court decisions are more tolerant in countries without a jury influencing the verdict. The system in Western countries is so lenient that, for example, in Norway, the far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed seventy-seven people, was sentenced only to 21 years of preventive detention in prison, the maximum sentence allowed in this country! The offender was initially regarded as a psychopath, but later the court concluded that he was sane! In November 2021, the mass murderer and convicted terrorist sent from prison letters to survivors and their relatives threatening them! Recently, this guy has applied for parole! Another example of excessive clemency is the four-year sentence given to a London man who killed another man with a single punch! But as offenders spend less time in jail than were sentenced, it is doubtful this guy spent even those four years in prison! Another recent example is an American guy who was given a new lease on life by receiving a genetically modified porcine heart transplant, although a criminal. He had stabbed a man leaving him paralyzed, but he spent only six years in prison for this! (4) In 2016 in Bavaria, Germany, a train accident occurred in which twelve people died, and eighty-nine were wounded because the station master was playing video games! According to German law, he was convicted only to 3.5 years in prison but was released after spending 2/3 of his sentence!]

''It is irrational to believe convicts can be reformed against their will, especially when criminal behavior has been established for years.''

(As with everyone, group therapies with psychologists and social workers on inmates do not work unless the offender wishes to change. In many cases, a prison instead of rehabilitation works as a 'school' for criminals who re-offend after release. Worthy of mention, the most important causes of criminality are the dysfunctional family and the decadence of modern society. So, when someone has already committed a crime, it is often too late for a psychotherapist to intervene, as this should be done early and involve their family. Group therapy is less effective than individual psychotherapy).

''It is unreasonable for people who have caused the death of another person because of their recklessness and negligence, such as in traffic collisions and other accidents, not to spend a single day in jail.''

(For instance, drivers who caused an accident with their aggressive driving or when driving through a red light, or electricians working on high voltage power lines who died from electrocution because of the negligence of a colleague to turn off the power!)

''Unreasonably, in most countries, assassins at the extremes of age are not imprisoned, but the only punishment for minors is to attend some session with a psychologist while there is no punishment at all for superannuated!''

===About wildfires===

''It is insane to watch the wildfires in California and Australia every year where no precautionary measures are taken.''

''The wildfires in London in the summer of 2022 resulted from our stupid inability to tackle climate change!''

===About the degeneration of the new generation===

''It is idiotic to allow the addiction of the youth to graphic violence and strong language in movies and video games.''

(By allowing it, we create anti-social and violent behavior. In video games, kids learn to kill effectively (e.g., headshot, neck snap, throat slit), and in GTA-style games, they roleplay gang members stealing banks, attacking police officers, etc.).

''We stupidly tolerate youngsters to use expressions, such as ''bro,'' and hand signs as if they are gang members in an African American ghetto and have tattoos like prisoners or drug addicts!''

''It is unreasonable that we have created an addicted to an attention-seeking youth without virtues, craving 'likes'' on their social media.'' 

''The most preposterous thing about our society is that it encourages youth to show off and expose their personal lives on social media.''

(Some even post videos of jerking off or making love!)

''The young fritter their time away on the internet instead of doing something more productive such as reading literature or going to the theatre.''

(Literature includes e-books).

''It is ridiculous for the young to have numerous cyber friends on their social media but a few in real life!''

(The virtual reality of 'Meta' will make matters worse!)

''Young people are dependent on their cellphones, wasting their time in nonsense!''

''The contemporary approach to treating adolescents as immature is wrong-headed; contrary in the past teenagers participated in revolutions, civil wars, and battles and married early.''

(For instance, teenagers participated in the Spanish Civil War and battles and the resistance in WW2!)

===About racism===

''It is unreasonable to complain publicly exclusively about racism against black people and sexism, ignoring bigotry and discrimination against other races, sexes, and religions.''  

(That is more prevalent in the USA. Also, black people are not all African Americans. You may read the CBC News article Not all black people are African American. Here's the difference.

''It is a stupid hypocrisy to claim that all races are respected in the USA, while in real life, from movies to occupations, minorities are excluded!'' 

(The participation of black people in the American film industry is unacceptably low. Even when they participate, black people and Latinos are often depicted as an underground culture, such as gang members.)

===About races and broad ethnic category===

''The stupidest thing many ask me when they meet me for the first time is if I am a genuine Australian!'' 

[If you see my profile pic, I do not look like an Aboriginal! About race vs. ethnicity vs. nationality vs. citizenship, you may read the article on 

When they meet me for the first time, most are tactless, asking me for my age and if I am married!]

''Many injudiciously claim that they have no problem with cultural, gender and sexual diversity whereas they have no friends of a different culture or gender diversity!''

''Scientifically speaking, the terms ''Caucasian'' and ''Indo-European'' race are stupid!''

(The Caucasus as the origin of the European white people is unproven, while the term ''Indo-European'' race is based mainly on linguistic similarities! The (supposedly) Arian race initially comprised only the Persians! Despite Hitler's theory of the ''Arian'' origin of the Germans from the Nordics, the origin of the German people is from various barbarian tribes. But even if they were Vikings, they would still be barbarians! Finally, despite calling them ''Huns'' during WW2, Germans are not. Actually, the word referred to their savagery! )

===About feminism & sexism===

''Nowadays, feminism aims to masculinize women, as it irrationally believes that women are the same as men!'' 

[Being equal does not mean they are the same, as there are some physiological differences between genders.  But this is not absolute, as some debate the stereotype of sexual dimorphism. You may find interesting the article on Sex/gender differences in cognition, neurophysiology, and neuroanatomy. In any case, at present, both sexes are equal, at least in the West. Nevertheless, women often try to imitate male characteristics, including aggression. Female children are encouraged to play with toys (such as toy soldiers and toy guns) or games (such as Nerf war and violent computer games) considered in the past exclusive to boys. That means women have become addicted to violence the same way as men or are encouraged to do so as if they had the same testosterone levels! In adulthood, over the last decades, many women follow jobs that were considered in the past exclusive to men, such as riot police and special forces. But in many countries where army duty is mandatory, it is only for men!]

''We stupidly overlook sexism in various aspects such as fashion, movies, video games, and pop music.''

(In fashion shows, female models are skinny like skeletons, and their body is used to launch clothes. Sexism is also apparent in the movies on TV, streaming services, cinemas, and video games. For instance, women are often depicted as bimbos or gangs in GTA-style games. Sexism is especially evident in pop music, as in music video clips, women usually dance and sing in their underwear and are portrayed as sex symbols!) 

===About meteorology===

''It is foolish when national meteorology services in Europe and elsewhere give silly names to weather conditions of minor significance.'' 

(They do so as if rain showers were of the same importance as hurricanes!)

===About celebrities===

''It is stupid to be interested in the lives of celebrities, many of whom are terrible characters, awful parents and miserable, changing partners continuously, and being depressed and addicted to alcohol and drugs!''

===About biases===

''Many people unthinkingly believe that unbiased beliefs and opinions do exist!''

''It is silly to consider reliable online encyclopedias such as Wikis and YouTube videos with history lessons created by anonymous users instead of experts!''

(I once edited some articles on Wikipedia, but I quit as, although an expert, some users deleted my edits. When I complained to the administrator, they replied that I did not have a metanalysis as a reference for my editing but cited a scientific study. The administrator stupidly needed to understand that there are no published metanalyses (e.g., in the Cochrane Library) for everything! It is not enough for an encyclopedia to have references; expert creation and peer review are essential.

''Many brainlessly complain that epic movies are not historically accurate!''

(They forget that they are movies, not documentaries!)

''People are foolish when they believe that the mainstream media, including CNN and the BBC, offer them objective information!''

Often, even polls are manipulated. Social media may also manipulate people! An example is the Arab Spring revolution that started on social media! Another example is Facebook. You may read my article about the Facebook and CA breach of trust scandal Can social media affect our political preferences? The Facebook data misuse case 

===About science===

''Insisting on political correctness in science is unwise as it is a significant cause of bias!''

[For instance, there is still no reliable conclusion if facial features are related to criminality because some stupidly think beforehand that it is not. However, studies have demonstrated facial models of dominance, threat, masculinity/femininity, trustworthiness, and sadness related to criminality and stereotypes. A similar issue of political correctness is evident, for instance, when studies avoid showing the percentage of foreigners or specific backgrounds prisoners or the racial breakdown of the US military!]

''Many stupidly do not realize that science is the same for everyone, whether or not graduating from a top university!''

(So, science is the same regardless of graduating from Harvard, MIT, Yale, Cambridge, or Oxford. Only the means change!).

''Many people stupidly ignore that the evolution of the species is just a theory; the same is true for the numerous other theories in psychology, cosmology, and other sciences!''

(Things are not black and white. A theory is a theory. Consequently, it can be debated! For instance, a recent study on the flower Arabidopsis thaliana published in Nature argues that mutations occur randomly concerning their consequence, challenging the prevailing paradigm that mutation is a directionless force in evolution! You may read the article Mutation bias reflects natural selection in Arabidopsis thaliana  In psychology, although research exists, there are many schools of psychotherapy. In cosmology, research centers, including CERN, have confirmed some theories but not others, including the explanation of dark matter and energy!)

===About politicians and politics===

''Dreaming an ideal political system is unreasonable, as humans will eventually degenerate it!''

''Many foolishly believe that politicians act in the public interest!''

''It is mindless to abstain from the national elections, as a minority elects the president or prime minister.''

''It is silly when presidents and prime ministers use ''autocue'' to address the nation!'' 

(It is also foolish for those who watch them! Autocue is a display device that prompts the person to speak with an electronic visual text of a speech or script).

''Most politicians treat people as if they are stupid! 

''Stupidly, presidents and prime ministers, instead of holding a press conference, advertise Twitter, a private American social media, in which they ''tweet'' a statement or comment.''

''We admire Queen Elizabeth II, although she was uneducated, she had an old-fashioned accent, and, as the head of the Commonwealth, she did nothing to prevent Britain's crimes against humanity at its colonies and elsewhere!'' 
(Elsewhere means, for example, the Suez crisis in 1956, the Cyprus occupation, and the Falklands crisis in 1985)

===About American English as an international language===

''It is foolish for young guys worldwide to call each other ''bro,'' as if they live in an African-American ghetto in the U.S. and pretend to have an American accent as if they live in California!''

''Stupidly, the urban US English slang and the internet & text message abbreviations are familiar to youngsters worldwide.'' 

[Undoubtedly, this awful slang of North American English has prevailed. Internet slang worsens matters with semantic changes, neologisms, and heterographs such as meme, vine, bump, cringe, lurker, noob, and pwned (for owned)! The American trend to abbreviate everything has also prevailed, e.g., nukes, sub, POW, ammo, etc. The youth playing violent video games learn telegraphic language such as ''go, go, go,'' ''enemy down,'' etc. The trend of speaking and writing telegraphically brief with slang and abbreviations means people of narrow intellect! Poor language skills affect intelligence! Logic comes from ''logos,'' meaning speech that, along with the erect position (and chewing their food instead of swallowing it), is a privilege only of humankind!]

''Many people stupidly use words that are not right according to their definition; for example, the word ''idiot'' when it is not needed or the words ''boy''/''girl''/''child''/''kid'' for a teenager or even a young adult!'' 

===About the Islamic terrorism===

''It is idiotic to expect the USA to save us from global terrorism.'' 
[Terrorism has always been manipulated. Recently, in Afghanistan, there were skirmishes between the Taliban, the ''good'' ''terrorists'' that the West tolerates as the government of the ''emirate'', and the ISIS-K, the local ''bad'' terrorists!]

''Unwisely, not a single journalist on the planet wondered who funded the jihadist terrorists during the civil war in Syria, Libya, or elsewhere.''

[During the Syrian civil war, myriads of willing Muslims from Europe participated as jihadist rebels. Many found it a profitable business. They also enjoyed killing, even in the name of religion. Those who recruited them supplied them with the stimulant amphetamine drug Captagon to make them more valiant and defy death (but even if they died, according to their religion, martyrs would be awarded in paradise with 70 - 72 virgin maidens). It seems that in most battles from now on, belligerents will use mercenaries from specific agencies offering them. Most of these guys who fought in Syria returned to Europe without legal ramifications, including many jihadists from Kosovo. It is still unknown who paid for them. Some imply that it was Turkey and Qatar (1), (2) The only country that wins from the destabilization is the U.S. which has launched the ''war on terror'' to ''save'' the planet from terrorists! The question is, who is the real terrorist? Terrorism today is uncontrollable. Everywhere potentially, terrorists, including lone wolves, may cry 'Allahu Akbar' and start killing people. But it is the West that, with the Arab Spring, started destabilizing the Islamic nations. Significantly, with the excuse of the 'war on terror,' human rights are continuously violated. I explain these issues in my text The USA as a Global Governor 

===About the American imperialism===

You may read my text, The history of American Imperialism 

''It is unwise to focus only on American imperialism overlooking the Russian and Chinese aggression!''

''Oil and natural gas reserves and the control of their pipelines remain the leading causes of the US military interventions, especially in the Middle East, as the US imprudently insists on fossil fuels form of energy!'' 

''We naively believe the US administration referring to the Russian and Chinese aggression whereas forgetting that the US has most countries under its sphere of influence and controls the planet financially and culturally!'' 
(The USA has imposed dominance through permanent military bases worldwide and its fleet patrolling the seven seas. It controls and manipulates the global oil price through OPEC and has rendered the dollar a global currency. It is responsible for backing up dictatorships, such as in Latin America during the second half of the last century. Its numerous military campaigns are responsible for international terrorism as a reaction to American imperialism. 

Another issue is that the USA has placed missiles targeting Russia near its borders with European members of NATO. When in 1962 Russia tried to do the same in Cuba, the USA threatened it with nuclear war! The USA has undermined the relationship between Europe and Russia as it wishes to sell to the European countries its shale gas (although a costly energy source) and LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) with LNG carriers. The USA's obsession with Russia and China is so pronounced that it has prevented Europe from cooperating with China for the 5G technology! It has also used neighboring countries to China, including Japan and Taiwan, against Chinese interests. 

About the US aggression, the global telecommunication spy system (ECHELON), the abductions of ''suspects,'' and their extrajudicial imprisonment (including Guantanamo jail), you may read my article The USA as a Global Governor 

''We stupidly do not realize that globalization means Americanization!''

''The USA has imposed sanctions against Iran's nuclear program and Russia's aggression in Ukraine, but no one has imposed sanctions on the USA for its numerous military campaigns throughout the planet all these years!''

(Also, no one complains that India and Pakistan, two developing nations, have nuclear bombs!)

''It is injudicious to hold in high esteem the U.S. nation with a record of crimes against humanity and rules the planet with the model of ''Pax Americana''!'' 
(Pax Americana is the American ''peace.'')

''It is idiotic not to realize that behind all the military campaigns of the U.S. during the last decades is the need to exploit oil and natural gas, such as with the destabilization of Syria that led to civil war when the Syrian president refused to allow the passage of pipelines from Qatar to Europe.'' 
You may read the relevant article Syria: Another Pipeline War - EcoWatch 

''The destabilization of the Middle East and North Africa with the Arab Spring, which started from the social media, and the military interventions of the U.S. in Iraq and Syria, had all the same objective: to loot their oil and natural gas!'' 

''The world was shocked in August 2021 when the US troops fled Afghanistan leaving the local population in the hands of the Taliban, as many unwisely thought it invaded the country to bring peace and democracy!'' 
[They left the same way as in Vietnam. It is also stupid that they invaded Afghanistan, a country with no natural resources other than opium and rare minerals. But I guess they did not occupy it for these. Did they?]

''Imprudently, we have left the U.S. to dominate our planet financially!''

''Irrationally, the US administrations have always shown solidarity with the Anglo-Saxons, although they forget that the first settlers in America were not exclusively British and that the American Revolution was against the British who burned even the capitol!'' 
[Recently, Aukus, a trilateral security pact between Australia, the UK, and the USA, was created against China. It showed that the USA defied the other NATO members, including France. New Zealand prudently refused to join the Anglo-Saxon alliance, while Canada, due to its French bonds, did not participate in this defensive alliance. As an Australian, I think that ties with China are to the advantage of Australia and have contributed to the Australian economy!

For other stupidity quotes, you may visit

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