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Sunday, February 12, 2023

UFOs: myth or conspiracy?

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (M.D.)

February 12, 2023


                                  UFOs: myth or conspiracy?

Image: Grainy B&W image of supposed UFO, Passaic, New Jersey (July 30, 1952). Source for the image (public domain; free to use):

Is extraterrestrial life possible?

Often, people laugh when they hear about UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), considering that they belong to the sphere of science fiction. Some scientists suggest that extraterrestrial intelligence may be possible at 12 light-years from Earth! As intelligence exists on our planet, it may inevitably exist in the same or a different form in other habitable worlds. The Drake equation refers to the probability of an active, communicative, alien civilization in our galaxy (Milky Way), but the lack of evidence for this consists of the Fermi paradox.

In December 2017, NASA announced that researchers from Google and The University of Texas at Austin, using machine learning, discovered Kepler-90i. This sizzling hot, rocky planet orbits its star once every 14.4 days. Machine learning is an approach to artificial intelligence in which computers learn. In the case of Kepler-90i, computers learned to identify planets by finding in Kepler data incidences where the telescope recorded signals from worlds beyond our solar system. These are known as exoplanets. Several other exoplanets were discovered during the last decades.  

How did life come on Earth? 

Life on Earth was created from complex molecular reactions. These molecules originate from comets, asteroids, meteorites, or supernova explosions. In the past, Mars was a fertile planet. The considerable number of canals on Mars's surface proves that. A theory claims that many rocks from the 'red planet' (Mars) surface were hurled to outer space after an impact with an asteroid. Some of these meteorites fell on Earth. These meteorites carried bacteria that created the first life forms on our blue planet. A Martian meteorite containing bacterial fossils was already found in Antarctica. This meteorite fell in Antarctica in 1984, and in 1994 scientists announced that it had microscopic fossils of bacteria!

Interestingly, comets, meteors, and asteroids may carry molecules that create life. Scientists traditionally believed that the crucial element for life is carbon. Another candidate for a life-giving molecule may be silica. Scientists presume that primitive life forms might exist under the icy surface of Europe, one of Jupiter's moons, as they think there is water under the ice, making bacterial life possible! Anthropological discoveries have shown that primitive primates (ancestor life forms of humans) appeared on the Earth 65 million years ago, while the first hominids appeared fourteen million years ago. 

Earth is 4.54 billion years old. That means an extended period between the Earth's existence and the birth of life. The Phanerozoic Eon (from the time life first appeared on Earth until the formation of primitive organisms) started 541 million years ago. Homo sapiens (modern humans) appeared just 200,000 years ago, while DNA samples were analyzed and lived 45,000 years ago.

Perhaps sometime between Earth's birth, 4.5 million years ago, and human's birth, 200,000 years ago, humanity pre-existed on Earth but was eliminated in war or due to rapid climate changes that perhaps humans were responsible as today with the planet's pollution causing global warming, extreme weather conditions and rising global sea levels. According to this view, this circle of destruction and rebirth still goes on and on. Even today, humanity is on the verge of obliteration from a world war or climate change from pollution. Another possibility that we should consider is Earth's colonization by extraterrestrial creatures!

Who spoke first about extraterrestrial life?

Lucian of Samosata (c. 125), an ancient Greek satirist, rhetorician, and pamphleteer, published around 175 CE the novel "A True Story," the world's first novel featuring space travel and interplanetary battles! In the modern era, stories about extraterrestrial life include the Flash Gordon space adventure series of 1936, the comics of the 1930s, including Marvel of 1939, and the 1938 radio drama "The War of the Worlds," which caused public panic.

Since when have UFOs been witnessed?

Since Roswell's incident of the UFO crash in 1947, thousands of people have reported seeing a UFO. However, we should keep in mind that about 90 percent of those describing a UFO may have misinterpreted normal phenomena, including meteorological balloons and aircraft, or may have visual illusions. Many people claimed that they had been abducted by aliens who sent them back to Earth after carefully examining their bodies. Such abductions have been recorded at police departments worldwide, and in some cases, the abducted persons recalled details under hypnosis. 

Scientists found implants in the body of some kidnapped people, while under ultra-violet light, they spotted injections on many different body parts. Other witnesses have reported that they saw embryos in the alien spaceships where they were transferred.  Some pregnant women even said that aliens took their fetuses! Of course, none of these allegations can be proved. Some allege that UFOs are responsible for the disappearance of aircraft and ships at the Bermuda 'Devil's Triangle.' In some cases, fighter jets have chased UFOs until they suddenly disappear. Moreover, astronauts have described UFO sights from space during space missions.

You may watch the relevant videos:

UFO Spotted by U.S. fighter jet pilots. The video was filmed in 2004 and investigated as part of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. This program was eventually shut down in 2012. You may watch the videos:

         UFOs are escorted or chased by jet fighters such as F16:  

UFO follows a plane:   

         Other videos with UFOs:

         Videos with Alien:
         UFOs seen from space:

         UFO on the moon:

The most notable event is the Voronezh incident on September 27, 1989, in Voronezh, Russia (then the Soviet Union), where many were eyewitnesses of a UFO that landed there. However, there were no photos of the UFO to prove this. 

You may watch the relevant video:
Moreover, many people have seen UFOs submerging and emerging from the sea or lake water. These unidentified objects are called USOs, an abbreviation for "unidentified submerged objects."

         Videos of USOs:

About mutilated people and cattle by aliens

Many years ago, a dead body was found in Brazil. It had multiple injuries, cuts, and missing vital body parts, and there were small holes in the body through which vital organs and tissues were removed by suction. These holes were on the shoulders, the arms, and under the lower jaw. The eyeballs were also removed. Through other holes, many other tissues were removed as well. For instance, brain tissue was removed through a hole in the skull! Moreover, part of the lung, the liver, the heart, the stomach, and the intestines were removed. 

Some claimed that extraterrestrials had removed human tissues. However, this is only a hypothesis. Many other cases of human bodies with the same injuries and cuts were found in rural areas worldwide, including the USA, the UK, Puerto Rico, and Brazil. At these places, weird phenomena were reported, such as strange lights. Also, amputated cattle with similar injuries were found. The cows had no eyeballs, while ears, lip membrane, tongue, and other organs were removed.

You may watch the following videos on the above subject:

And videos showing a cow abducted by a UFO: 

Do we search for extraterrestrial life?

Many people have captured UFOs in photos or videos. Eyewitnesses also include pilots of Air Force jets or commercial airlines. Also, many witnesses have described UFOs landing in various places worldwide. Although the authorities were notified of their appearance, their existence was never officially confirmed, regardless of the numerous eyewitnesses.

SETI (abbreviation of "search for extraterrestrial intelligence") is scientific research aiming to discover alien life. This program is based on sending radio frequencies (R.F.) signals and waiting for an extraterrestrial reply to incoming radio signals. Of course, this is naive, as the 'aliens' may have a different civilization and intelligence superior or incompatible with humans. That means they may not be able to receive those radio signals. But even if we did, for instance, from 44 light-years far from Earth, their reply would come after 88 years!

Similarly, if they live one hundred light-years away, we'll receive their response after two hundred years! Another area for improvement is that many received signals are artifacts. Some originate from radio signals. 
You may watch the relevant videos:

Is there an international conspiracy regarding UFOs?

At the end of the 1970s, when the American nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman legally asked all the secret agencies'' (NSA) for documents referring to UFOs, they refused to give any evidence. The federal judge demanded at least to see the reports himself. When the intelligence services allowed him to read just twenty-one pages of those documents, among them lots of confidential records, they announced that they should not be released to the public for security reasons. In the papers eventually handed to Friedman, there was a reduction (filled with black) of nearly 90 percent of the content! 

It is said that there is a secret agreement between countries worldwide regarding the covering up of information about UFOs. According to this, governments worldwide hide all the evidence about UFOs. Some presume this because aliens are already everywhere and control everything! Others attribute international conspiracy to the sinister intentions of the aliens that should not worry the population as this may cause turmoil and massive hysteria. However, if such a threat exists, all countries should be informed to be protected. In any case, they can only be kept secret for a brief time.

UFO eyewitnesses are laypersons, many of whom are reliable, such as police and army officers. It is said that often eyewitnesses of UFOs have been threatened by governments not to talk about what they experienced, and that's why there are no official reports of UFOs, or they rarely exist, as most remain classified. However, extraterrestrials may have been visiting the Earth for centuries, and there is some evidence for that, explained below. 

Is there a possibility of sophisticated ancient technology on our planet?

The writer Erich von Daniken was the first who suggested that ancient mythology reveals that high technology existed in the ancient world. His theory is based on the evidence of 'weird' paintings, such as cave wall paintings depicting individuals resembling astronauts. He also noticed awkward devices and long ground traces in remote areas corresponding to airplane runways! How did people develop it is still unknown. Some argue that this ancient clue is coincidental and unrelated to ancient technology. Something like the weird shapes of clouds or the moon resembling cheese. 

Daniken revealed a prehistoric cave drawing that shows an astronaut and an ancient form of 'battery' found in Babylon. He also demonstrated written data in the Bible where the prophet Ezekiel (seventh century B.C.) describes a possible abduction by a UFO! The main question remains if this high technology was created by humans or by extraterrestrials that passed their technology to humans. 

Additionally, at the mysterious Stonehenge in the U.K., some have observed alterations in the intensity of the magnetic field, primarily upon the line crossing the stones. These stones are about 4,000 years old, and scientists presume they were built for astronomical observations.

As mentioned, Erich von Daniken implied that Earth was inhabited by a civilization that utilized sophisticated technology. However, whether this civilization was terrestrial, or extraterrestrial must be clarified. Ancient mythology conceals an elevated level of technology. It is still being determined when this high technology was developed, but it was before the Bronze Age. Perhaps it was developed in the prehistoric period. 

Various examples of presumably ancient sophisticated technology in ancient Greece include the flying machine that Daedalus had invented and soared like an eagle with his son Icarus; the ancient Greek flying device of Archytas of Tarentum 4th century B.C called ''Peristera" (meaning pigeon); the robot Talos at Crete that Jason confronted; flying chariots such as Pegasus (the flying horse); the flying golden ram that carried Phrixus and Helle; the lightning of God Jupiter (called Zeus in ancient Greece) that some say that maybe was something like a laser beam; the giant Cyclops that Ulysses confronted etc. About the Cyclops referred to in the Odyssey, some say it is not a coincidence that the word means 'circular view' in ancient Greek and presume that it was a kind of radar.

Ancient technology, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, was indeed developed, and a notable example is an Antikythera mechanism that was the first computer on Earth! It had a complicated device dated 150 B.C. It was something more than an astrolabe, as archeologists initially thought. Other examples include the inventions of Archimedes and the outstanding inventions of the Hero of Alexandria and his teacher Ctesibius. The former invented Aeolipile, the first steam turbine, while the latter invented the hydraulic, an instrument like the modern church organ!

Erich von Daniken, in his books, described many clues of astonishing ancient high technology. Hints of ancient technology in depictions such as prehistorical murals, an Aztec cave painting showing an astronaut, and ground traces of ancient aircraft runways are at least weird. Daniken wonders if the ancient Gods were aliens who inhabited the Earth and created that fantastic technology. Consequently, he implies that this ancient technology was extraterrestrial. 

Perhaps ancient high technology is depicted in art, including sculpture, ancient murals, and cave 'graffiti' with images resembling astronauts and strange machines. UFOs also appear in some Renaissance paintings. Other clues may be land trails resembling airport runways, geometrical shapes seen only from the air, etc. An interesting painting is the 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg. Some believe that it depicts a battle between UFOs. You may see it at

         The following videos show these clues:
         Videos about ancient high technology:
         UFOs depicted in Renaissance paintings:

Geometrical shapes formed mysteriously in crop fields.

A remarkable phenomenon, still unexplained, is the perfect geometrical shapes formed suddenly overnight in crop fields in the U.K. and other countries. Some videos show small fireballs creating those shapes! There are a lot of theories for these perfect geometrical shapes formed mysteriously in cornfields. One theory says they are a fraud or created by whirls or mysterious light balls, described below.

Remarkably some of the above shapes in crop fields have 3D images. At the same time, there is one shaped precisely like the drawing scientists sent to space with Voyager that describes the position of Earth in our galaxy and the human body of a man and a woman. Surprisingly, when scientists studied crops, such as corn, where shapes were formed, they found molecular alterations in the plant. Another surprising finding was that the corn stems were severed, perhaps with an electric device, to make perfect geometrical shapes. However, they were not burned. It should be added that there are landing traces found in many cases and unknown materials, like one that looks like silver foil that, as some allege, is extraordinarily strong and cannot be destroyed. A similar silver foil was found in Roswell's UFO crash area. 

Geometrical shapes are common in the universe. For example, Jupiter, Trojan asteroids, and the sun form two equilateral triangles. Three of the moons that orbit Saturn also create a 60-degree angle. The same occurs with the other three different Saturn moons. If we draw concentric circles through these satellites, we have the hexagon shape, which also appears in flower petals and snowflakes. Surprisingly, in ancient Greece, someone could form on a map ''Sacred Triangles'' between temples and triangles between major cities. Pythagorean numbers also have a mystery. 

Images of geometrical shapes formed mysteriously in crop fields:
   Videos of geometrical shapes formed mysteriously in corn fields and 'intelligent' light orbs:

My personal experience of witnessing a lightball

When we were kids, my brother and I were eyewitnesses of something scarce. It was summer when we saw in the sky a giant fireball falling vertically from a higher to a lower point in the atmosphere. Then it suddenly disappeared without touching the ground.

The fireball we saw in the sky is known as 'ball lightning,' which probably is plasma concentration. It is a real but infrequent phenomenon to be seen. Some describe it as a meteorological phenomenon. In any case, because of the scarcity of this phenomenon, it has yet to be studied sufficiently. Some claim that if a ball of lightning strikes a house roof, strange events occur in the house, such as unexplained energy and sounds. These smaller fireballs may cause the pre-described perfect geometrical shape formation on crop fields, such as in the UK, which has been recorded in amateur videos. 

Regarding ball lightning, we should better call them "fireballs" because many of them are small. Giant fireballs have been witnessed by about 10,000 people (including me and my brother), but they are still unknown to physicists. My father, some years later, also saw a small light ball ascending the side of a building. I wonder if this small fireball is the same as the large one and if they both consist of 'plasma.' Some say that these strange light balls, especially the small ones, may have a form of intelligence! 

It should be added that the 'Holy Fire' miracle occurring every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on the day preceding Orthodox Easter is also accompanied by small fireballs that appear in the church. Many people have witnessed them, including my aunt. At the same time, those touching candles with the holy fire are not burned, as my aunt described. 

For ball lightning as a meteorology phenomenon, you may watch the following videos:
        For light balls forming shapes in crops, you may watch the following:

The notorious Roswell incident

Strangely, the UFO craze started after the Roswell event on July 2, 1947. Roswell is a town southwest of New Mexico in the USA. That day citizens reported the crash of a UFO on the land. At first, the American air force confirmed the UFO's fall. Still, later they took it back and tried to convince the public that the unknown object was a broken meteorological weather balloon, despite the number of eyewitnesses. The area where the UFO crashed is still a restricted military area. The famous Area 51 is a highly classified US Air Force (USAF) facility within the Nevada Test and Training Range.

According to the Ufologists, the authorities recovered the pieces of the alien ship and some dead alien bodies. Some witnesses reported that there were two to four corpses on the field. Shortly after the crash, the army restricted the area. UFO researchers and journalists managed to find twenty-seven eyewitnesses confirming the event. One claimed that among the pieces of the alien ship was an unknown material that looked like silver foil, but it did not wrinkle when touched. The eyewitnesses who spoke for the event were the local sheriff, a local funeral office owner, and firefighters. However, it is said that the military threatened the witnesses not to talk publicly about what they saw. So, most of them or their relatives spoke decades after the incident.

In 1992, the US Air Force official report concluded that information about recovered alien bodies was probably a combination of converted memories of accidents involving military losses with memories of the recovery of humans resembling dummies of military programs, mixed with hoaxes. In 2020, an Air Force historian revealed a recently declassified report about the Roswell incident in which two Roswell personnel donned radioactive suits with oxygen masks while retrieving a weather balloon after an atomic test. When a lone woman in the desert saw them, she fainted. 

A video released some decades ago about the Roswell event shows doctors conducting an autopsy on one of the white alien dead bodies collected by the army in Roswell. The video was tested for its authenticity. The official announcement was that it was fake based on some details. Those included a telephone that was a newer type than the ones sold in 1947. However the video's authenticity is still debated, and some claim it is accurate.  The official explanation is that the slides show a mummified Native American child who had been on display at the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colorado.

          You may watch the relevant video about the Roswell incident:
         You may also watch the 'alien' autopsy video (a shocking video) on:

Is the U.S. military technology extraterrestrial? 

One of the conspiracy theories claims that the U.S. has used extraterrestrial technology in the Roswell UFO that crashed on Earth. For example, they claim it has used it on the 'stealth' aircraft technology that remains confidential. It is not a coincidence these planes resemble a UFO. In fact, they are invisible to radars by using materials such as aluminum. This may be related to the 'strange' silver foils some noticed at the crash area of Roswell's UFO. Many speak about 'Area 51' of the U.S. Air Force and the secret technology that is kept there. 

But the potential use of UFO technology is not only a privilege of the U.S. Maybe the Russians are also using UFO technologies. In fact, there is a theory about the meteorite that fell in Tunguska, Siberia, on June 30, 1908, indicating that the object wasn't a meteor, comet, or a small asteroid as officially believed, but a UFO that crashed in Tunguska and destroyed a large area. Another notable event is the Voronezh incident on September 27, 1989, in Voronezh, Russia (then the Soviet Union), where many were eyewitnesses of a UFO that landed there. However, there were no photos of the UFO to prove this. 

The question remains whether UFOs are terrestrial or extraterrestrial. The opponents of extraterrestrial origin claim that they may be secret aircraft made by the U.S. But we cannot exclude possible cooperation between the USA and 'aliens!'

Are flying saucers a human invention?

Flying machines, like flying saucers, had been designed long before World War II. It has been recently revealed that in about 1938, the Nazis used secret technology, including jet planes and rocket aircraft, and the famous ballistic rockets (such as the V2) during the Blitz. Maybe the Nazis had designed flying saucers. Specifically, some claim that the 'Horten Ho 229' is one of the first UFOs created in 1944 by the Nazis! 

The Nazis had an atomic bomb program before the U.S. By the war's end, they were close to inventing nuclear weapons. Some attribute their failure to the bombardment of their heavy water factory in Scandinavia. After WW2, many German scientists cooperated with the U.S., including Oppenheimer, who participated in the nuclear bomb program, and Werner von Braun, who organized the U.S. space program with the rocket missions landing on the moon. Their development was based on ballistic missiles used by the Nazis, such as the V1 flying bomb and the V2 rockets launched against England during the Blitz).

The central question is if it is a coincidence that UFO sights in the USA and later in the world started right after WW2, specifically after the Roswell event in 1947. In fact, UFO reports earlier than 1940 are exceedingly rare. In the 1960s, the USA began manufacturing futuristic airplanes, which may be the 'UFOs' that eyewitnesses saw worldwide. In Greece, in about 1990, a scientific researcher called Leuterios Saragas, in those times associated with the nuclear center Democritus, claimed that he examined UFO remains from a flying saucer that fell near Atalante. Based on chemical analysis, he concluded that the UFO was human-made and not extraterrestrial.

Do sophisticated stealth military aircraft resemble UFOs?

Today, the U.S. has a secret high technology, including artificial intelligence. Research in anti-gravity and teleportation (based on quantum teleportation) is ongoing. As mentioned above, the first flying saucers perhaps were invented by the Nazis. After World War II, the U.S. manufactured secret aircraft such as 'Canada VZ-9 Avrocar' (introduced in 1958), 'Lockheed U2' (in the 1950s), 'Lockheed Have Blue' (in the late 1970s), and 'Lockheed F-17 Nighthawk' (in the early 1980s). Other examples are the stealth bomb "B-2 Spirit" and the "F-22 Raptor," as well as the "F-5 Lightning." People are not familiar with these aircraft that may resemble extraterrestrial UFOs.

It is alleged that the secret aircraft of the US military aviation initially used the technology of the Nazis by German scientists who worked for the USA after WW2. However, it's still a mystery why since the Roswell incident of 1947, the U.S. and all other governments have denied the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs, despite the numerous movies with aliens in the American movie industry. The fact that extraterrestrial civilizations do exist is statistically possible. But if they cooperate secretly with the U.S. government, neither can be confirmed nor excluded. The question is whether aliens intend to pass their technology to us.


Do spy military aircraft resemble UFOs?

On February 4, 2023, the US military fighter jets shot down an unidentified balloon off the coast of North Carolina. The balloon had been flying above the US territory since January 28. On February 11, 2023, the US military fighter jet shot down another unidentified flying object over Northern Canada. For the one wafting in the US sky, it was revealed that the flying object was a Chinese spy balloon. Although China confirmed its existence, it denied that it was for surveillance but claimed that it was a meteorological balloon that had lost control of it! 

For these events, you may watch the videos:

Did a UFO appear in the sky of NYC on 9/11 during the terror attack?

On September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes piloted by hijackers crashed on the twin skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York, while two other planes crashed into the Pentagon and Pittsburgh. About 6,600 people died. The terrorist group Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the terror attack. The attack became the excuse for the military campaign in Afghanistan.

According to Ufologists, an event that the mass media concealed was the appearance of a UFO. At the first moments of the collision of the two hijacked planes on the World Trade Center skyscrapers, a video camera recorded a UFO in the sky in New York. This UFO was sharply shaped, and at the moment of the collision, it moved horizontally beside the skyscrapers without being affected by the crash! Shortly after the accident, it disappeared. The official explanation was that the object was debris thrust out from the building or the airplane because of the force of the impact. But others claim it was a UFO.  

You may watch the relevant video:   

My personal experience of witnessing a UFO

UFOs have been recorded by photo or video cameras. In some cases, the camera users were unaware of them until they saw the film. In December 1991, I was at the farm at my parents' house at nine o'clock in the evening. It was dark, and I suddenly saw a flying object passing by in the sky. Because of the dark, the three red lights of the object were only visible. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see its shape. I saw the three red lights at the same level, one in the middle. I couldn't believe this object followed a straight course so close to the ground and reached the neighbor's house without making any loud noise. I just listened to a distant, weird roar as if there was an airplane far away. That object passed by following a flat course relatively close to the ground, perhaps a half-mile until it disappeared from the horizon. It moved at a slow speed. If it were an airplane, the noise from its engine would be deafening, as it was close to me.

Was what I saw a real UFO or a stealth warplane? It is still a question. It is also a question if it was related to the fact that two months later (February 1991), the U.S. declared war against Iraq? I still feel that the object I saw was a secret U.S. aircraft rather than a UFO.

It is not a coincidence that at the same time, in 1991, there were many cases of UFO sightings worldwide. Interestingly, my brother saw the same kind of UFO in 2003. This UFO that my brother saw was flying following a closed course, moving from the west to the east. Its length and height were about the same as I saw in 1991. 

         Videos of UFOs with three red lights like the one I saw:

Eventually, are UFOs terrestrial or extraterrestrial? 

Some, including me, believe that UFOs are secret spy aircraft or warplanes made by the U.S. military. In contrast, others think they are extraterrestrials and may cooperate with the U.S. army or are hostile and spy on our planet, not keen to collaborate with us.

Numerous people have recorded UFOs in photos and videos and have even been reported by astronauts and pilots. Their publicity may debate the theory of being a secret military aircraft. Some speak about an international plot for the information about UFOs to remain confidential. Others claim that the film industry shows movies with 'aliens' to familiarize the public with UFOs. If UFOs were secret weapons of one or more dominant countries such as the US, Russia, and China, then the question is how they appear from nowhere, fly at incredible speeds, and suddenly disappear. They are witnessed by thousands of people, including military and commercial plane pilots. 

The Ufologists' conclusion 

According to Ufologists, UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, aliens are already among us, and they silently control governments. They collaborate with the U.S. and other governments and watch everything happening on our planet. The problem is if their intentions are not peaceful. 

The author's conclusion

From my perspective, UFOs are sophisticated surveillance or fighter aircraft of the US military. The craze with aliens started in the 20th century with the 1936 Flash Gordon series, the 1930s comics, and the 1938 radio drama "The War of the Worlds." UFO sights occurred after Roswell's incident in 1947, not involving a real UFO. Since then, people have been more amenable to UFO theories. At Area 51 or elsewhere, aviation scientists invented secret military aircraft that witnesses worldwide misunderstood as UFOs. The strange objects described or depicted before WW2 can be explained as meteorological phenomena or illusions. 

Thanks for reading!

      Reference- Links

Friday, February 10, 2023

Our Responsibility to Change the World!

  Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)  
February 10, 2023

"I do care!" Our responsibility to change the world

Five Simple ways to Act on changing the Status Quo 

Image (free to use): The world on Winkel tripel projection. 15° graticule. Imagery is a derivative of NASA's Blue Marble summer month composite with oceans lightened to enhance legibility and contrast. Image created with the Geocart map projection software. (August 15, 2011). Author: Strebe. Uploaded by the user: Strebe. Source: Wikipedia. Link:

"Remember, each one of us has the power to change the world" (Yoko Ono)

Contemporary youth is doomed unless it replaces the obsession with collecting gadgets and 'likes' on social media with an eagerness to fight for a better world! 

Can we change our destiny? 

The generation of the 1960s protested against the insane Vietnam War in the USA. But eventually, the protests were stifled in the oblivion of LSD and hash! On the contrary, it is pathetic that the current computer game new generation worldwide is entirely Americanized, unwilling to protest about essential issues such as climate change and the countries that defy accords to tackle it. They are also not keen to protest about the US imperialism that since 9/11 has started the 'War on Terror,' an endless pursuit of terrorists that destabilized the Middle East. 

At large, people do not protest against oppression and unjustness. Hopefully, concerning the degeneration of the new generation from the system, not all are apathetic about our world. For instance, in September 2019, at the UN climate summit, Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old activist from Sweden, pled the world's leaders to tackle the environmental catastrophe immediately. For her emotional appeal, See and 

An example showing that massive protests can change the status quo was the 'yellow vest' movement in France that, in December 2018, caused chaos with several protests about fuel price hikes. The middle class and the province citizens were the core of the protests as they experienced their pension (that tends to become a benefit) or wage shrinking, whereas their expenses increased. In France, four million people are homeless or live in deplorable housing conditions, a disgrace to modern civilization. Similarly, the high homeless percentage, unbearable taxes, expensive accommodation, low pensions, and an extravagant cost of living are prevalent in most so-called affluent Western countries. 

In France, the riot police treated the protesters violently as the system always wanted to keep things for the benefit of the wealthy and the financial Trusts. However, this movement forced the French President to revoke the increase in fuel prices and announce a monthly minimum wage rise. Consequently, the protests were not in vain. It should be noted that the French President who handled the protests was previously an employee and an investment banker at the Rothschild & Cie Banque. Interestingly, the Rothschild and Rockefeller Trusts dominate the global financial market.

A recent example of people changing their destiny was in March 2022 in Sri Lanka, with mass protests about the prolonged economic crisis. The demonstrators occupied the President's house and eventually toppled him. Another example was the massive demonstrations in China in December 2022 against the COVID-19 restrictive measures. These were prolonged curfews, apprehension of coronavirus-positive cases, and their confinement in isolation camps. These protests finally caused the loosening of these fascistic restrictions. 

A third example was the mass protests in Iran in September 2022 as a reaction to the death of a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini. The morality police allegedly were responsible for her death during her arrest for violating Iran's mandatory hijab law by wearing her hijab improperly while visiting Tehran. The protests' death toll rose to three hundred people and eventually, in December 2022, forced the despotic government to abolish moral police.

Is it our duty to change the world?

Notably, apart from protesting, the most potent way people can change things is by casting (prudently) their vote! We should remember that in a democracy, everything is done with the majority's consent. For instance, the US government has always taken into consideration public opinion. Since the middle 1930s, they have used polls, such as 'Gallup,' to view Americans' beliefs clearly. All military operations of American imperialism had the consent of most American citizens. Every military intervention, from the US participation in WWII after Pearl Harbor to the 9/11 'War on Terror' in 2001 following the 9/11 attack, was launched with the consent of the US citizens.  The quote of US President George W. Bush after 9/11 was, 'You're either with us or against us!'

Thus, it is Americans' responsibility who vote imprudently in the national elections, even with the non-democratic system of voting electors. American people are also responsible for the previous US governments that brought chaos in the Middle East from the endless US military interventions with an incentive to manipulate the oil and natural gas reserves and the region's pipelines. 

As American citizens, we are all responsible for the President or prime minister for whom we place our ballot in the ballot box. We are also accountable if we abstain from voting in general elections, which means we do not care who will rule our lives or, in the case of the USA, the globe. In ancient Greece, those indifferent to politics were called 'idiots,' meaning not the 'stupid,' but those concerning only private matters, being apolitical individuals, something prevalent today. Abstention from elections is high, and it reaches 50 percent in many countries. That means a government may represent a minority of the population, and this minority decides who will bring them to power and how their country will be led. So, we are all responsible for our votes and turnout.  

Some claim that referendums are a way of direct democracy. However, referendums in Europe have been used unwisely. Two examples are Brexit's referendum on leaving the EU and when some EU member states with referendums denied a common European constitution. Undoubtedly, referendums are a way for the public to express its opinion. But the decisions in a referendum may not be correct. 

Democracy in ancient Athens was based on the high educational level of the Athenians. On the contrary, today, the intellectual level is lower than in the fifth century BC of the Athenian Golden Age, as now people have many degrees but need more common sense! That means their decisions in general elections or referendums may be imprudent, even irrational. Abstention from a referendum means that the government's decisions do not represent the population. Thus, when the turnout does not exceed 50 percent of the voters, the minority may decide at the majority's expense. 

Along with our vote, we are all responsible for not complaining about what happens. Protests give a government a clear message to change its path when it does something wrong or unwise. During the Vietnam War, myriads of people protested against the insane war. Although the protests were stifled in the oblivion of LSD and 'weed,' it is significant that they occurred. But when a government sees its interests jeopardized, it may react violently. For instance, on May 4, 1970, at Kent State University in Ohio, during a mass protest against the bombing of Cambodia by US military forces, members of the Ohio National Guard killed four innocent (and unarmed) college students! That means people who protest should take risks, as the system rarely changes bloodlessly.

Nowadays, another issue of concern is that in many Western countries, unemployment rates have increased. Working time is 'flexible' with a continuous assessment that encourages rivalry. There is a tendency for employers to fire employees quickly. Additionally, wages often need to be higher or more satisfactory. Employees may work without a contract or insurance, work overtime unpaid for the extra burden, work without breaks, and work flexible hours. That means that sometimes they may work a few hours weekly while other times they may work excessively. So, the workload may be unbearable, and employees may be frustrated because they are underpaid. Commonly, companies use interns as cheap personnel, often underpaid. 

All this flexibility at work causes uncertainty. An example is in the UK, where medical posts in the NHS may last four months, while 'bank' posts (in which medics work 'when, where, and if needed,' like locums) may be without a contract. Moreover, more than one hundred applicants may apply for a single NHS vacancy. Similarly, all jobs have an enormous rivalry. Often overqualified applicants are preferred for junior posts in which previous experience is asked. Today, many people have impressive resumes with postgraduate studies, but many find a job outside their field! Others have a career in which working conditions are unpleasant.  

Regarding labor rights, recently, things deteriorated further. On July 18, 2018, in Austria, the parliament decided to legalize a 12-hour work date, despite the protests. These changes are soon expected to be adopted by all Western countries. That means working conditions will return to the Middle Ages, as the bloody protests, including the Haymarket massacre in Chicago on May 4, 1886, were in vain! It is unacceptable that most people do not join labor unions to protest about their labor rights violations, although trade unions are undermined.  But if employees do not complain, they accept these conditions.

Our rights are violated every second when, for instance, by using our smartphone with cookies, the system knows our preferences, and the GPS knows our every move. Another more subtle way is economic despotism, as currently with Germany, which has conquered Europe financially. Even in this case, the USA let Germany develop into a fourth Reich and now rule Europe, although it has no military! 

About American imperialism 

After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Europe and the USA overreacted by imposing unprecedented sanctions against Russia. But it is still a question of why Europe did not act the same after the numerous military interventions of the USA that were also characterized by crimes against humanity. It seems that Russian imperialism counts more than American! The USA has funded with colossal amounts and supplied costly weapons to Ukraine against Russia without charge. Additionally, it has recently decided to intimidate China by financing and selling arms to Taiwan! 

Regarding the crimes against humanity, the USA, from the very beginning, started to interfere globally, causing wars, instigating uprisings, and intervening military whenever and wherever it wished. It is responsible for overthrowing regimes and establishing US-friendly governments, with the Latin America of the second half of the last century being the most striking example. 

The American people are the ones who need to be blamed as they elect their President or neglect to elect a peacemaker. However, their electoral college system is not so democratic as it excludes directly voting for the President. It is also the responsibility of every citizen of this planet who keep the same status quo of Pax Americana (American 'peace') by not protesting against American imperialism while nourishing the American economy by preferring American products. For instance, most people enjoy watching American movies and series of low quality instead of international independent productions, not aiming only to profit. The USA is capitalism's hub, meaning money is the only value. Utilitarianism is often transformed into cynicism. 

The USA has conquered the planet, imposed its culture of meager quality, and has also dominated it financially. Many of our devices, especially information technology, are purchased from American companies. China has already ousted the US from its financial leadership, especially in technology, as today, most of our domestic appliances and gadgets are Chinese. That is why the USA recently started a trade war with China and Europe. Hopefully, the US's despotism has ended as Russia and China are military-powerful to overwhelm the USA with their supersonic intercontinental ballistic missiles. 

The American Imperial has not reached the crimes against humanity of the British Empire, although the US has always kept an ancestry and solidarity with Britain. Ironically, the first settlers in America were from various countries, while the American Revolution was against Britain that burned even the capitol! Notwithstanding, there is a nemesis, as Britain, because of Brexit, is soon expected to collapse financially. It is already isolated from Europe. A similar doomed future is expected for the USA, where the government debt is high, with China holding most of it! The USA will not print money this time, as this will increase inflation.

All empires' fate was doomed in human history as they were replaced by a new empire that continued bloodshed. US imperialism used more converted methods, such as inciting upheavals and military interventions with the excuse of terrorism. With the justification of terrorism, military interventions have the population's approval. For the same reason, human rights are violated as everyone is a potential suspect. The pursuit of terrorism in the past has excused abductions from intelligence worldwide. 

Oil and natural gas reserves and pipelines remain the leading causes of wars. Conflicts are expected to continue unless the US uses greener, more renewable forms of energy. It should be mentioned that the US recently withdrew from human rights agreements and surveillance of the UN. That means it will violate human rights, such as the abduction of suspects everywhere on the planet and interrogation with torture, being accountable to nobody!  

About Americanization 

Today, everything in the global market is controlled, monopolized, and manipulated mainly through American enterprises. American companies, including Amazon, Google (that also owns YouTube), and Facebook (that also owns Instagram), exploit the web, from internet browsers, e-shops, and social media to video games. Even the 'Nerf guns' that most kids play war with worldwide are manufactured by an American company, while American companies monopolize computer games. Notably, Microsoft exclusively monopolizes computer markets with its Windows and Office™. Similarly, Google dominates search engines, while Apple monopolizes iOS devices, especially its costly smartphones. 

Importantly, as most Trusts that monopolize the web are American, they take advantage of European trade laws' leniency, especially in tax havens such as Ireland. American companies have often used unfair means, which has led to numerous fines by the European Union for unscrupulous tactics. Recently, the US prohibited all American companies from collaborating with the Chinese technology company Huawei. Consequently, Google excluded Huawei's 
smartphones from accessing its services, including the Google Play Store (TM).  Additionally, the US exercised political pressure on many countries, including those in Europe, not to collaborate with Huawei to develop the fifth generation of mobile broadband (5G) but instead assign 5G development to other companies, such as the Finnish company Nokia. Their excuse was security concerns. 

The question is if we would still be happy if the security threats were from the American side. That cannot be excluded today. As mentioned above, they know our every move via our cell phones. In 2018 it was revealed that Facebook misused its users' data, which I discuss in my text The Real Story of Facebook's Data Misuse The $5 billion fine from the US authorities for the data breach was an embarrassing joke.  

TV and streaming media have already been commercialized by American multinational companies like Netflix. Documentaries are monopolized by four American global networks: the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, National Geographic, and Animal Planet. The History Channel and Netflix have productions with gory realistic battle scenes played by stunts, making them unsuitable for minors. 

The internet has been totally Americanized and commercialized, such as YouTube. It is pathetic that many non-Americans feel obligated to post American-related videos, for instance, related to Halloween or American Independence Day. Speaking of Halloween, it is now a global celebration! Additionally, all 'action movies' have the same SWAT scenario or special forces team, always American, infiltrating a base and fighting terrorists that stereotypically are Islamists.  Similarly, computer games refer to the US army or American warriors who fight villains or terrorists. 

There is enormous propaganda from the US film industry that overtones America's and Britain's role in liberating Europe in World War II when, in fact, Russia's army and the resistance in the occupied countries were also or even more significant. The WW2 movies exaggerate American heroism while omitting the Russians' triumph. Even the US newsreels in movie theaters were manipulated during the Second World War. For instance, the director John Ford was hired to show natural combat scenes of the US army in theatres during WW2, but he omitted views of dead Americans, as he aimed to show American bravery, real or not! Even the famous photo of the US Marines raising the American flag in Iwo Jima was not the original shot after the battle but was taken later. They used a large navy flag because the original was small. So, the photo was staged! 

Regarding American movies, most are of low quality and aim only to profit. The US movie industry considers viewers as 8-year-old kids! They use marketing to make a film successful or a 'box office flop.' In many American movies, US jingoism and chauvinism are evident, such as in the heroic Rambo-style films or Vietnam' feats,' as well as the modern SWAT and American commando action movies in which the American heroes 'eliminate' the villains. 

It should be noted that the US movie industry has always been censored. Even today, not a single film refers to the crimes against humanity from the US military campaigns. Contrary, many action movies show the 'valiant' Americans saving the world from terrorists, usually fanatic Islamists. Thus, they created the stereotype of a Muslim as a potential villain. However, the real story is that the USA has destabilized the Islamic countries feeding terrorism. In many cases, as with the Kurds in the recent Syrian civil war, it has equipped military opposing groups and guerillas.

Concerning the film industry monopolized by the USA, people worldwide encourage this. If American movies were less viewed, the US film industry would make better quality movies rather than pursue action movies with green scenes and animation effects. Movies will soon be wholly animated with graphic design, not even using human models for the graphics.

To oppose the low-quality film industry, I recommend watching international productions rather than exclusively American action movies that use excessive computer graphics but have no message to give other than the violence of shoot 'em up', to which even kids get addicted. There are movie theaters that play international films that are considerable and with plenty of profound messages. Productions from Europe, Latin America, and Asia (Bollywood excluded) are often of excellent quality, as they do not focus on profits at the expense of quality as the US movie industry. Although it may sound unbelievable, many Iranian films are remarkable, often conveying a tint of melancholy because of the oppression by the authoritarian Islamic regime.

Are we keen to change the world?

I do not think so, at least for the majority! Disappointingly, most people tolerate the violation of their rights or others' rights, including labor rights. By not protesting, they consent to this violation. They do not even complain about American, Russian, or Chinese imperialism. They also do not mind racism, discrimination, homophobia, bullying, verbal attack (prevalent among web comments and chats), and other negative aspects of our modern culture. 

Contemporary society is unassimilated, consisting of an amalgam of disparate communities of different ethnic backgrounds that are ghettoized and have nothing else in common but the need to make money. Characteristically, the USA consists of many communities that do not fight together for their shared interests but protest separately, such as about blacks' rights. This Western multicultural population means it cannot join a joint fight against injustice. People are not unified enough to fight for their rights.  

In contemporary multicultural societies, additional worrying issues emerged, such as Islamization (especially in Europe) that treats women and gays discriminatively (to say it in a politically correct way). The leading cause of uncontrolled migration in Europe was that Germany needed new labor and technicians, as the European population is aging! Because of uncontrolled immigration, contemporary European countries consist of unassimilated communities with a few things to share and more to divide. For instance, racism in Europe has increased, and far-right political parties have gained popularity. Religion, culture, and politics divide people who are not united to fight and create a European federation as a counterweight to US imperialism. 

It seems that most people, especially the young, mind for more tangible things such as playing with their expensive smartphones, collecting gadgets, playing computer games, watching Netflix endlessly on their smart TV, playing with their smartphones, surfing aimlessly on the web, doing stupid stunts (including parkour), etc. Many young people are attention seekers trying to show off. For instance, they upload a video to catch 'likes' and make money from their viewability, post a quote they found elsewhere to impress, blog and vlog all the time, expose their private life, etc. But it is difficult for an attention-seeking new generation to fight for the common interest, such as people's rights, the planet, democracy, American imperialism, etc.

Today's new generation is self-centered and introverted, minding their personal and homeland interests. For instance, the American youth does not protest the endless military interventions of their country that have destabilized the Middle East. They also do not oppose the violation of human rights, such as in the Guantanamo prison in Cuba, the global spay system (Echelon), etc.

Of course, the system is contented when citizens are peaceful, avoiding conflict, and not even protesting. But an 'attention-seeking' youth that minds only their profile on their social media is so introverted that they do not mind 'revolting' as the youth in Paris did during May of 1968 or as the youth protested in the US against the Vietnam War. 

A protest has not only the meaning of a public demonstration on the street, but it can occur in many other ways, such as a letter or email to a public or private authority or filling in a report. For instance, how many YouTube or social media users mind reporting unacceptable posts or videos? Tolerating injustice and abuse means that we accept it with our silence. Contemporary youth is doomed unless it replaces the obsession with collecting gadgets and 'likes' on social media with an eagerness to fight for a better world.

Five simple ways to change the world!

1. A straightforward way to change the world is with donations to charities and organizations offering support and alleviating poor people and those with physical or mental disabilities. If you cannot afford it, you may spend a small amount, such as five dollars, on a non-governmental and non-profit organization with humanitarian aid and those who care for the planet.  You may also support web initiatives such as the Ecosia search engine focusing on reforestation. 

But be aware of NGOs with dubious activities, such as the white helmet rescuers in Syria accused of propaganda or those that transfer illegal migrants to Europe, receiving subsidies for treating them at refugee camps. Although subsidized by European and United Nations (UN) funds, they are not accountable for any penny they spend.

There are many ways that you can help. Hospitals should schedule volunteering programs for citizens who can help in several ways. Volunteering in the hospital as orderlies will lessen the burden on the hospital staff. Another way is volunteering on special occasions such as disasters or becoming an aid worker. 2. You should be willing to volunteer, but your incentive should be to help others and not just add it to your resume or advertise this on your social media, as this shows vanity.

A helpful suggestion is to become a Red Cross/Red Crescent volunteer offering first aid in significant disasters. An example of volunteering with a substantial impact is a city in Italy in which volunteers carry an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). In a cardiac arrest, they arrive at the scene by car and perform immediate defibrillation that may be lifesaving. Other forms of volunteering are international programs for young people who can offer social work, participate in infrastructure in the province, or remove waste from the environment (forest, coast, sea). The European Union (EU) should encourage programs with social offers rather than the 'Erasmus' program of exchanging students between EU countries, which is an occasion for holidays paid with public EU money.

3. It is essential to cast your vote in general elections and referendums. You should realize that when the turnout is low, then it is the minority of the adult population that decides on critical things! 

4. It would be best to be vigilant that the government treats everyone equally and that human rights are not violated. That should include the private sector, as the violation of labor laws, such as 'flexible' working conditions, is evident worldwide. Protests are essential when rights are violated. However, political parties or other groups mustn't manipulate them. For instance, anarchist troublemakers often give the police the excuse to dissolve a demonstration. It should be mentioned that often police officers are disguised as protesters.

If the state or a group abuses human rights, you must protest and participate in protests, strikes, and demonstrations. Otherwise, your silence means consent. So, it is our responsibility to not tolerate the violation of international laws, such as when the US intervenes in the military whenever and wherever it wishes without any resolution from the United Nations (UN). The same is true for other superpowers such as China, Russia, and Germany. Unless we protest, things will deteriorate, and we need to blame ourselves for not reacting to the upcoming violation. 

5. Finally, we should fight imperialism; for instance, along with US imperialism, we should also oppose the Russian and Chinese aggression that is already evident. By not opposing their interventions, we come to agree with them. 


Everything considered, in the 1960s, the new generation protested against the war in Vietnam, although these protests were 'quelled' with the oblivion of LSD and hash! Today fewer people protest, as materialism has replaced all virtues. The new generation has degenerated, and this decadence makes the system happy as the youth are keener to acquire fictitious needs, including costly smartphones, and less keen to 'heal' the world. It is difficult for an attention-seeking new generation to expect them to fight for common interests, such as human rights, democracy, the sustainability of our planet, China's and Russia's aggression, and American imperialism.

Thanks for reading!