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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tips for Healthy Nutrition

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)
July 24, 2018

''We are what we eat!''

Tips for healthy nutrition

Image (public domain; free to use): a display of healthy foods on a table. AV Number: AV-8812-3430.  Source for the image: This image was released by the National Cancer Institute, an agency part of the National Institutes of Health. Uploaded by the user: Lobo. Source: Wikipedia. Link:

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Cosmetics for Wrinkles & Hair Loss

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)
July 21, 2018

Cosmetics for wrinkles & hair loss

An evidence-based medicine approach 

For the text, you may visit Cosmetics for wrinkles & hair loss

Image (free to use):   Nepali woman photographed on the Annapurna Circuit in Ghyaru. (October 18, 2012). Source for the image: Author: Nepali_woman,_Ghyaru.jpg: travel way of life derivative work: Bruce1ee. Uploaded by the user: Bruce1ee. Source: Wikipedia. Link:,_Ghyaru_(crop).jpg

Monday, July 9, 2018

Human Culture in Crisis!

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)
July 9, 2018
(Updated: April 4, 2020)

                             Human culture in crisis! 

Image (public domain): DSCOVR EPIC - Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (29 May 2016). Source for the image: NASA/EPIC, edit by Tdadamemd. Source:  Uploaded by the user Tdadamemd.  Source: Wikipedia. Link:

''Soon, smartphones may become more intelligent than humans; for some, they already are!'' 

Intellectual crisis

The most critical aspect of the cultural crisis is intellectual decadence! Our culture has degenerated mentally since a five-year-old child and a grown man or woman play the same computer games or games on their mobile phone. Progress in science has decelerated as tech is focusing mainly on gadgets. All the technological achievements that previous generations envisaged for the 21st century have yet to come.

For instance, modern humans have not achieved space trek, flying vehicles, cancer (other than leukemia) treatment, and others. Even the progress in gene therapy for various diseases, nanotechnology in medicine, and high computer speed are slowly developing at a tortoise's pace. Notwithstanding, costly military equipment, such as fifth generation stealth jets, has grown. At the same time, there is still no unifying theory in cosmology.

Although contemporary people have many degrees, they are incompetent in performing essential things. For instance, most people do not know how to perform CPR and defibrillation via an AED correctly, and the ones they know do not update their lifesaving skills that may be needed in a cardiac arrest. The fact that there are no defibrillators (devices performing cardiac shock in case the heart stops pumping) dispersed everywhere means this is not a priority. However, these devices now cost the same as some expensive smartphones. But soon, smartphones may become more intelligent than humans! 

People today rarely read literature and newspapers and are less educated than the previous generation. For most young people, their routine is to watch viral 4K videos on the internet, fly their drone, play computer games endlessly or chat aimlessly with strangers on their social media, and upload vlogs of their life or homemade action movies to catch some ''likes.'' But even in computer games, people watch nonsense such as battles with zombies and fighters who are shot and miraculously revived! 

Today many people act childish. For instance, as referred above, many grown people play computer games like kids while many adults play games on their smartphones and scroll to read fascinating stories and gossip on the web in places such as the subway. Another example is the themes of cinema movies that are primarily childish ''Marvel'' type tales with superheroes and stories that should be more appropriate for kids. These silly tales, most of them created in the studio with animation, monopolize the US movie industry that treats people as if they are five years old!

Populism is another phenomenon that shows that low intellect allows populists to manipulate the masses, come to power, and their agenda, and the best example was US President Donald Trump. He ruled the country with far-right policy and began a trade war, making the US unpopular to the rest of the world. In Europe, along with populism, the far right is an ongoing trend in politics that has aggravated because of the uncontrolled and without rules massive migration. However, far-right parties, as populists, appeal to people of lower intellect who are amenable to their propaganda. 

People do not understand that they rule the government by casting their vote, which renders them responsible for everything wrong. Notwithstanding, a considerable percentage that may surpass 50 percent of adults do not mind voting in the national elections. With their absence in the elections, they defy that they have the power to change things with their vote, as every single vote counts! These people were considered idiots in ancient Greece, where democracy was born. 

The linguistic poverty

Linguistic lack means intellectual deficiency. Intellect and language characterize the human species. Walking erect on two feet, swallowing food, intellect, and language make humans different from other species. Poor language mirrors a meager intellect. But this may be deliberate as the ''system'' does not wish citizens to be wise, as they are manipulated better when their intelligence is low. 

Many people speak and write with abbreviated phrases. That is more striking in comments on the internet. This American style of abbreviating every word and phrase has prevailed, especially in the youth. Characteristically, internet chatting consists of stupid telegraphic abbreviated terms such as lol and OMG and swearing such as OMFG! That makes people speak like a machine, a robot. 

The abbreviation of words in US English is now a worldwide trend. For instance, the words ‘submarine,’ earthquake, and alligator have been replaced by the phrases ''sub,'' ''quake,'' and ''gator''! There are also other stupid and childish ways of writing words, such as the word str8 for ‘straight, 24/7 for ’24 hours, seven days of the week’ etc. 

People could improve linguistically and, therefore, intellectually by reading books. However, most people do not care about reading a regular or eBook. Reading books is essential for the human intellect as it feeds the brain. But this refers to books such as those of Noam Chomsky and Paulo Coelho, not just to read a novel or a romance. Many people do not even read a newspaper, printed or online. But also, when they read the news on the internet, such as ‘Google News,’ most only read the headlines of the story and skim through the article. 

The deleterious effects of biases, stereotypes, and generalizations

Most people today are biased, use stereotypes and generalizations, and enjoy labeling people and things. Prejudice is an enormous problem. The sources that many people use are often unreliable. People can easily find the necessary information online. However, the data may be false or biased. Re-blogging and reposting inaccurate data are common. The internet offers millions of relevant sites for a subject, yet reliable sites are fewer! 

Biases, generalizations, and stereotypes have harmful effects on human relations as well as human intellect. An example is far-right and populist parties that have become popular in Europe and the US. Along with populism, they use stereotypes, such as that the migrants take all the jobs, although it is questionable if an ''indigenous'' individual with a pack of degrees would seek a labor job. The internet aggravates the phenomenon of using biases and generalizations as often online information is biased and lacks credibility. Even online encyclopedias are biased. A notable example is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia exceptionally biased, as anonymous people can write or edit an article instead of experts. 

Propaganda via the mass media

Many people are prone to believe in propaganda, which is related to overspecialization, instead of a broad education that would prevent manipulation. For its propaganda, the system has always used the mass media to manipulate people. The media are commercialized and suggest to people what is ‘trendy’ and ‘cool’ to watch and buy. For instance, TV channels such as MTV show music videos that are the best ‘hits’ to watch. The news on the TV and the internet is usually biased, and many journalists seem to serve the interests of specific political parties and financial Trusts. 

A famous example is a fake video with the cormorant that CNN showed during the Gulf War of 1991 that seems that it was shot in another place than Iraq. A recent example is the migrants who massively entered Europe in the last ten years. The media called them ''refugees.'' However, a small percentage were genuine refugees from Syria or Libya, while the rest were economic migrants! The real reason for this was that those wealthy European industrialized countries, especially Germany, needed heaps of cheap working labor as the European population is aging.


The widespread hate

Not only does indifference characterize many people today, but hatred is also a universal emotion. An example is the hate comments on sites such as YouTube or blogs, where many people exploit their anonymity to express their real character that's twisted in hate! The far-right groups have increased, especially in Europe. Many show hatred and animosity against sensitive social groups such as immigrants and Roma (gypsies). 

Additionally, many people are homophobic. Homophobia is encouraged by almost all religions, including Christianity. Instead of preaching to love our neighbor, it teaches hate against homosexuals accusing them of being ''sinners'' and ''sodomites,'' even though Jesus has never spoken against gays or lesbians. Islam is highly homophobic, and in fanatic Muslim countries or regions ruled by ‘jihadist’ groups, they kill gays by throwing them from the roof of a building or stoning them. 

Indifference about everything

People do not mind reacting to terrible things that happen. The only reaction is ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ on social media and videos. Most people today are egocentric and selfish and mind their own business, while they do not care a damn for the other people who may starve, be homeless, unemployed, sick without access to healthcare, etc. Once, a journalist asked a British lady what she would do for the children that starved in Africa. The lady cynically replied that her dogs were hungry as well! 

Virtual ‘relationships’

Weirdly, some people say they have a ‘relationship,’ an affair or friendship, with a cyber partner or a cyber friend on their social media. Nowadays, many people first meet on social media, including Meta, and next meet outdoors. Notwithstanding, many people with social media profiles are fake, meaning they may be a ''catfish''! They deliberately have a fraudulent profile and counterfeit photos downloaded on the web that you can quickly uncover with a reverse image search on ‘Google’ images!

Consequently, the time someone may be ''catfished'' using social media means they are not 100 percent safe. Additionally, many people may have a contrasting character to the one they show on social media. For instance, they may be aggressive or even abusive. That means it is unsafe for someone to hang out with an unknown cyber friend on social media. A social experiment by Coby Persin proved that everyone using social media could lure and date even children! He showed that social media might become very dangerous, especially to minors. You may watch his video at


The commercialization of TV and the film industry 

Multinational companies manipulate the masses and dictate what kind of entertainment they need to have, such as which are the best movies to watch, which are the best music hits to listen to (usually on popular channels such as MTV), and which are the most ''viral'' videos to watch on sites such as the YouTube, etc. 

TV news broadcasts usually try to show news and videos that are impressive, even by showing scenes of violence, aiming to increase their views. TV programs and series are commercialized and are usually of low quality, interrupted by commercials as their profits are based on ads, and sponsors are mandatory for their sustainability.

TV and streaming media have already been commercialized by American multinational companies, such as Netflix, which invest in cheap productions. Documentaries are monopolized by four American global networks: the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, National Geographic, and Animal Planet. The History Channel has inexpensive productions with battle scenes played by realistic and gory stunts, making them unsuitable for minors. 

Cinema has lost its old glory, and the ‘product’ it sells is typically low quality, sometimes even ‘trashy.’ All movies include violent and often sensual scenes to which young people, even children, get addicted. An example is when young people want to upload their naive ‘action’ videos on sites such as YouTube. These videos are characterized by the extreme violence of ''shoot-'em-up'' content resembling video games. Their common theme is special police forces that ''eliminate'' the bad guys or special forces in the army ''neutralizing'' terrorists, stereotypically Islamists.

American cinema movies are characterized by fast alternating scenes of ‘action’ without any profound messages in the film industry of other countries. At the end of the movie, most people do not even realize the story to describe to a friend, but the usual description is that some good guys chased the bad guys! 

The scenario of most American movies is usually naive and childish, as in the last decades, the film industry has lost its old prestige entirely. The American film industry lacks innovative ideas, and currently, it creates remakes and sequels of older movies, from ‘Superman’ to ‘Star Wars! Tales and childish stories with superheroes and mythological characters are a common theme for modern cinema and TV movies, from the ‘Assassins Creed' to the ‘Lord of the Rings,’ ‘Games of Thrones'; and superhero ‘Marvel’ movies. It is not a coincidence that the American film industry considers its mean audience as ten-year-old children! Childish themes of the ''Marvel'' type of tales are prevalent today and do not appeal to children but to everyone. 

Compared to non-American international film productions, the US film industry is of lower quality, even from authoritarian countries such as Iran, where many movies are of better quality, have more profound messages, and are not just ‘action’ childish movies. 

The US film industry is very profitable, and the movies are distributed and promoted worldwide. Most action movies not only include scenes of violence, and martial arts for films (often they use ropes to show the actor swaying in the air), mostly acrobatics and scenes characterized by sexual hints and sexism. The dialogues usually are characterized by biases, stereotypes, and generalizations. 

Significantly, modern cinema inclines to movies without actors as in our days and time many films are shot in the studio with the help of computer animation. Animated movies resemble computer games! Another issue is that most actors in the US film industry are of the white Caucasian race, specifically of Anglo-Saxon origin (usually from the US, the UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and Canada) rather than other white backgrounds, such as those of Mediterranean descent. Interestingly, non-Caucasian actors randomly appear in US movies, and when they participate, they are demeaned. For instance, they play the role of gang members living in a ghetto. 

Often actors of origin other than white Caucasians play stereotypical roles that may also show racial discrimination. For example, a Mexican or a Filipino woman may play the role of the maid in a mansion rather than being the leading actor. The fact that usually white Caucasian actors play the prominent characters in most US films is disproportionate to reality, as black people and Latinos are a large part of the US population. Notwithstanding, rarely do they play in movies. They are also less frequently awarded an Oscar.

For the same issue, the British TV and film industry is characterized by ''retro'' movies that refer to the past, such as Agatha Christie's stories with towers, etc. The UK film industry shows mostly vintage movies to intone the glorious past that contrasts with the monotony of the modern multinational and multicultural ''underground'' Britain of diversity. Whatever the reason is, the British TV and cinema industry is characterized by movies in which actors of white Caucasian origin play, like the US film industry. 

Most American movies are of low quality and aim only to earn a profit! But the viewers make a movie successful or a "box office flop." Some movie theaters play international films that are considerable and with plenty of profound messages. I recommend international films rather than trashy action movies with violent shoot-'em-up content to which even kids get addicted. 

The commercialization of the internet

The internet has been commercialized, and it is unbelievable that all sites use cookies to learn the user's interests to show targeted ads. In all sites, the number of hits shows how popular something is. The desire to be liked, admired, or supported makes millions of ''attention seekers'' upload striking, often stupid, videos on YouTube and other video channels on the web to show off and become famous so that they will get away from their misery. Some may even become celebrities, such as Justin Bieber, a young YouTuber whose popularity was used by the star system, making him a superstar singer of music videos appealing to the youth.

The commercialization of sports

Sports have also been commercialized and are a profitable business. Top athletes today have managers, earn a lot of money from commercials and sponsors, and are super-rich. Recently, a Greek tennis player earned 6,5 million dollars. The issue is that scientists make less money! Famous actors, top journalists, and politicians are also wealthy. Today's lack of meritocracy is an issue as people with impressive CVs, even if they find a job proportionate to their qualifications, are paid less than celebrities! 

Football players earn millions of dollars from sponsors when many scientists struggle to find a job. Contrary, in the original ancient Greek Olympics, the only prize was an olive wreath and popularity! Most high-level professional athletes have managers and are sponsored by multinational companies. Moreover, the obsession with being a champion and earning millions of dollars makes many athletes use illicit ways, including doping. But nowadays, doping is not only based on chemicals, but it may be accomplished with more sophisticated methods, including genetics, that are impossible to detect. 


Nowadays, everything has been commercialized, and this is how the system works. People feel happy if they purchase material goods such as the latest smartphone, smart TV, or car, even if that means they will spend a fortune to acquire it! Many may also starve to buy something they desire, or the commercials make them crave it! In the US, the country of capitalism, everyone has the American dream of owning a home, a car in the garage, and a chicken in every pot or a dog. The American dream started in the early 1930s. However, most worked endlessly to achieve it! Accommodation is an issue, as many work overtime, often in two jobs, to afford and pay their mortgage for their home. Notably, in 2007, many Americans could not afford to pay their mortgages and lost their house, which triggered the 2007 mortgage crisis in the US.

Today, even kids are addicted to obtaining material goods. An example is when a parent visits the supermarket with his children, and they wish to buy everything they see. Everything is mainstreamed. For instance, kids play nerf wars, have smartphones and tablets, etc. Even women are lured into buying cosmetics and purses from specific brands, such as ‘Louis Vuitton,’ which are costly. Metrosexual is a consumer type of contemporary man who takes care of his appearance, meaning that he may tan, depilate his body hair, wear expensive clothes, spend time on his hairstyle, do manicures, trim his eyebrows, etc.


Addiction to social media

Today most people spend many hours of their life on TV or the internet, where they chat on their social media, including Facebook and Twitter. Also, most people are online 24/7 via smartphones, notifying them when something exciting happens on their social media. Consequently, most people do not enjoy the moment, not even when they spend time together with friends, because they always check their cell phones and comment, check their message box, post news, and upload photos on Instagram, ''like,'' read the news, etc.

Many people spend endless time surfing aimlessly on the web instead of doing something more creative, including recreational activities or reading a book. Many attention seekers upload videos continuously on sites such as YouTube, where they expose their personal lives entirely to the public, often mentioning private matters. For example, if they are gay, they make a video informing their viewers if they are ''top'' or ''bottom''! When they hang out, many young people hold their smartphones and may even talk to each other via social media rather than chat directly!

Addiction to alcohol and recreational drugs 

Alcohol abuse

Alcoholism is today a pandemic that primarily affects young people who get addicted to alcohol from their adolescence. Alcohol is the cause of many disorders, while it is an important cause of motor vehicle collisions, violence (including domestic), rapes, suicides, etc. The consequences of healthcare from alcohol are counted in millions of dollars. A significant percentage in Northern Europe may be considered alcoholics! However, the countries do not mind dealing with this plague, perhaps because alcoholics are more vulnerable to manipulation.

Abuse of illegal drugs

Abuse of illicit drugs is a significant problem with health-related and social ramifications. Many college students, especially in North America, have tried ''weed''. Cannabis as a hash or marijuana is still illicit in many countries as it is a psychoactive substance. Apart from cannabis, many people are addicted to illegal drugs and substances, including opioids (such as heroin), cocaine, glue, diluents (they sniff them), poison mushrooms (they eat them), and recreational pills such as ecstasy and other amphetamines. As with alcohol, most governments do not mind dealing drastically with the issue of illicit drugs, as people under the influence of drugs or alcohol are more susceptible to manipulation! 

The degeneration of the new generation

Today the system aims for the new generation to become good consumers and obedient employees. With the aid of mass media and the internet, capitalism manipulates the new generation not to protest but to be docile. The youth are not interested in politics but in tangible things like gadgets. So most young people are apolitical and do not vote in national elections, leaving a minority of the population to decide. The previous generations grew up reading books with the fantastic tales of Jules Verne as young and later more sophisticated books. On the contrary, contemporary youth read fewer books than their ancestors, affecting their intellect. They prefer surfing the web and posting on their social media.

Most young people are addicted to the internet, especially their social media, while through their smartphones, they are online 24/7, notified of everything that happens. The internet has affected how young individuals speak as they use abbreviated phrases of internet chat slang. Additionally, many youngsters are addicted to violent computer games from early childhood. This activity is not only a squander of time but also familiarizes them with violence and renders them more vulnerable to brainwashing. 

 Many young people regard it as usual to have a ‘relationship’ with a cyber mate with whom they chat on social media, even if this mate may be fake, as many profiles are! Finally, many young individuals are often biased and use stereotypes and generalizations about everything, while many are apt to label people and things. 

The widespread attention-seeking behavior among the youth

Nowadays, attention-seeking is ubiquitous and shows that our society is hugely egocentric. Many people have superiority or inferiority syndrome, both sides of the same coin, to show off and seek the attention of others. Many people, especially the young, wish to attract attention; for this purpose, they are obsessed with posting, blogging, or vlogging something noticeable on their social media. Many individuals post videos of doing stupid things such as silly pranks (similar to the ''Jackass'' TV show) or 'stunts'' (such as risky front flips, backflips, or parkour). Others make violent home movies such as ''action movies'' of battles with special forces (always American) or videos with airsoft or Nerf war! Some even make homemade horror films. 

Commonly, many, especially the younger users, make ‘challenge videos’ where they do a stupid challenge merely to impress their audience, while they think having a social media profile, such as a YouTube channel, is noteworthy per se. It should be mentioned that ‘funny videos’ originate from the TV show of the ''America’s Funniest Home Videos'' TV series on the ABC channel and the Canadian show ''Just for Laughs: Gags.'' This trend of hilarious videos continued on YouTube. Additionally, many people show off their wealth in their videos, for example, their mansion or swimming pool. A video may be costly, and someone with a few thousand dollars may create an impressive video that can add special effects more impressive than the childish Adobe After Effects on YouTube that even kids use. 

The Americanization of our planet

Many people worldwide try to make a US-themed video, even if their culture is unrelated to the US. For instance, young individuals who are not Americans upload on YouTube or somewhere else a video for Halloween or the 4th of July (Independence Day in the US), something that, as a theme, would be expected to be uploaded by an American! But some people try to show more Americans than genuine Americans.

I remember once I read an impressive post of a guy who wrote perfectly American English on Facebook (that I later left disgusted with the case of data misuse). When I searched his profile, I realized that he was from India! That made me wonder why this man used an Americanized style instead of acting following his culture. Ironically, the US has recently launched a global trade war (by adopting protectionism, a trait of communism), and the Americans mind their interests as they always did. That means Americanization is still for the benefit of the US, for example, by selling their products. Meanwhile, many individuals are still happy to act like Americans, which is more apparent on the web and social media!

Today, everything in the global market is controlled, monopolized, and manipulated mainly through American enterprises. American companies, including Amazon, Google (that also owns YouTube), and Facebook (that also owns Instagram), exploit the web, from internet browsers, e-shops, and social media to video games! Even the ''Nerf guns,'' that most kids play war with worldwide are manufactured by an American company. Notably, Microsoft exclusively monopolizes computer markets with its Windows and Office™. 

Importantly, as most Trusts that monopolize the web are American, they take advantage of the leniency of European trade laws and especially tax havens such as Ireland. Often American companies have used unfair means, which has led to numerous fines by the European Union for unfair tactics! Recently, the US prohibited all American companies from collaborating with the Chinese technology company Huawei. Consequently, Google excluded smartphones of Huawei from access to its services, including the Google Play Store (TM). 

Additionally, the US exercised political pressure on many countries, including those in Europe, not to collaborate with Huawei to develop the fifth generation of mobile broadband (5G) but instead to assign 5G development to other companies, such as the Finnish company Nokia. The excuse was security concerns. But the question is if we would still be happy if the security threat were from the American side, something that cannot be excluded (our cell phones know our every move). For instance, in 2018, it was revealed that Facebook misused the data of its users. The $5 billion fine from the US authorities for the data breach was an embarrassing joke. 

Most social media and YouTube users speak American English, primarily American urban slang and online chat abbreviations and slang! That means that the language of Shakespeare has been destroyed and replaced worldwide by American colloquial language. That causes a linguistic discrepancy. For instance, the word ‘ant’ (insect) is pronounced in UK English: ænt, but in US English, it is pronounced ænt, the same as ‘aunt.’ Another classic example is the word aluminum, pronounced əˈlu·mə·nəm in US English. However, it is aluminium, pronounced ˌæl.jəˈmɪn.i.əm, in UK English. Also, when a British says, ‘coach trip,’ a person from the US may not think that ‘coach’ refers to a ‘bus,’ but to a ‘teacher.’

YouTube is wholly Americanized, and it is ridiculous that many users feel obligated to make American-related videos. For instance, they may not be Americans, but still, they may post a video with ''Halloween nerf war'' or about Independence Day! Additionally, all ''action movies'' have the same scenario of the SWAT or special forces team, always American, infiltrating a base and fighting terrorists (typically Islamists). Similarly, computer games are related to the US army or American warriors that fight villains. Massive propaganda from the US film industry overtones Americans' role in liberating Europe in World War II when Russia's role and resistance in the occupied countries were also significant.


The level of technology we have reached now is disappointingly different than expected. People today use their brains less than previous generations! Most people, along with ''attention-seeking, ''suffer''' from dogmatism, jingoism, and bigotry, while their comments are filled with hate, biases, stereotypes, generalizations, and often conspiracy theories. The mental progress of the population is disproportionate to the advances in technology. Consequently, they can be manipulated more easily by the system.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Family is Responsible for all Social problems!

Texts of General Interest (link)

Dr. James Manos (MD)
July 8, 2018

The family is responsible for most social problems!

A psychodynamic approach to dysfunctional family and suggestions for improving family member relationship

Image (free to use): Berlin, Passanten (Berlin, 8 May 1962) [Zentralbild Kohls Ko-Kt 8.5.1962 Berlin. Photographer: Kohls, Ulrich. Institution: German Federal Archives, Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst - Zentralbild (Bild 183). Attribution: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-A0808-0008-001 / CC-BY-SA 3.0. Uploaded by the user BArchBot. Source: Wikipedia. Link:,_Berlin,_Passanten.jpg

Dysfunctional families create dysfunctional people

The family is society’s cell! All social problems have their roots in a dysfunctional family environment, especially during early childhood. A dysfunctional family means a dysfunctional culture that inclines to iniquity. Unfortunately, many families offer their children abuse, criticism, or neglect instead of affection. However, on the other hand, an overprotective family (usually with a single child or the first-born or last-born child) makes children overly dependent on their family, struggling to meet their parents' expectations, such as taking heaps of degrees during the university years, to satisfy them.

Family affects our personality and every aspect of our life, such as the criteria for choosing a partner and our relationship with others, for example, being aggressive or manipulative. It may even affect our appearance, outfit, and demeanor. For instance, some male teenagers may subconsciously react to their parents by wearing earrings that their parents do not approve of, or young boys and girls may do body piercing, especially on sensitive body parts, including lips, genitals, nipples, etc. A reactive behavior in a dysfunctional family may take the form of aggression. That explains why many young, frustrated kids join gangs, enjoy bullying, watch violent movies, and play violent ''shoot-'em-up'' computer games.

Psychoanalysis intones that living in an adverse environment during early childhood is essential for developing someone’s character and behavior. Whether Fraud was correct or not can be debated. In any case, of immense importance for boys is their relationship with their mother, and for girls, their relationship with their father. However, the behavior of both parents may weigh differently.

Unfortunately, many parents do not know how to behave toward their children in our contemporary society. Some are abusive and offensive to their children and continuously criticize them. Other parents do not pay attention to their children's needs but neglect and ignore them. Disinterest is the most common feature of many families where parents do not have time to communicate with their children and learn about their problems and concerns. Often, both parents work to earn money. However, they do not find time to talk to their children and discuss their issues, not even their daily news. Other parents become ‘friends’ with their children without realizing it is impossible to be a friend and a parent simultaneously! These roles cannot act as separate.

A dysfunctional family may also affect other aspects of our personality and explain why many people have superiority or inferiority syndrome. Inferiority and superiority syndrome are the two sides of the same coin. People with superiority syndrome enjoy showing off themselves, and some enjoy abusing, bullying, and degrading others, although they subconsciously may feel inferior. Many people who use social media to communicate with others have inferiority syndrome, as they may use fake photos of impressive young people. Thus, many profiles on social media, such as Facebook, have fake pictures of good-looking people they found on the web. 

Nowadays, attention-seeking is ubiquitous and shows that our society is hugely egocentric. The young people, because of their superiority or inferiority syndrome, both sides of the same coin, seek the attention of others. For this purpose, they are obsessed with posting, blogging, or vlogging something noticeable on their social media. Many individuals post videos of doing stupid things such as silly pranks (similar to the ''Jackass'' TV show) or ''stunts'' (such as risky front flips, backflips, or parkour). In contrast, others make violent home movies such as ''action movies'' of battles with special forces (always American) or videos with airsoft war or Nerf war, if kids! Some even make homemade horror films. 

Commonly, many, especially the younger users, make ‘challenge videos’ where they do a stupid challenge merely to impress their audience, while they think having a social media profile, such as a YouTube channel, is noteworthy per se! Additionally, many people show off their wealth in their videos, for example, their mansion or swimming pool. A video may be costly, and someone with a few thousand dollars may create an impressive video that can add special effects more impressive than the childish Adobe After Effects on YouTube that even kids use. 

Many, if not most, people using social media are attention seekers and try to catch the attention of others by blogging and vlogging all day, posting edited images. Often men post ‘catchy’ photos of looking ''studs'' with 6-packs, and women post pics of ''Bimbos''. Others post videos with ‘stunts’ in order to attract attention. Another epidemic is internet ‘trolls’ who have inferiority syndrome and enjoy ‘trolling’ and degrading others on social media or lecturing. They are the best example of attention seekers who use their comments to attract the attention of others, even if they do not believe in their saying!

People with inferiority syndrome enjoy degrading and humiliating others and themselves. Often this may be a reaction to a dysfunctional family. These people were usually criticized and degraded by their parents or both parents or were ignored, neglected, or abused during childhood. Demeaning others makes them feel superior and react this way because of their inferiority syndrome. Degrading themselves is a subconscious punishment towards their family that makes them feel worthless. 

Another category of people with inferiority syndrome is spoiled kids, usually only children (without siblings), who strive throughout their lives to fulfill the unfulfilled expectations of their parents. Conversely, many of these children may develop superiority syndrome that, as mentioned above, is the other side of the same coin with the inferiority syndrome.

Many people feel insecure, and this originates in the family environment where they were reared. This insecurity may have various manifestations. For instance, some insecure kids join gangs to find the ‘protection’ and ‘acceptance’ their family nest did not offer. In contrast, others develop anxiety and panic attacks or an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In any way, inferiority or superiority syndrome usually shows a sense of insecurity, a common consequence of living in a dysfunctional family.

Additionally, living in a dysfunctional family is a common cause of delinquency, an increasingly worrying trend. As mentioned, children living in a dysfunctional family often seek acceptance in a gang's nest and adopt antisocial behavior. Additionally, they may incline to delinquency in various ways, including petty theft, assaults, and bullying.

Aggression is a feature that is characteristic of children living in dysfunctional families who often become aggressive, enjoy bullying at school, become gang members, and are abusive with others.

Kinds of abuse and neglect (*): 


• Physical abuse (including non-accidental injury (NAI). It includes any physical harm (including poisoning), even minor, caused deliberately or deliberately not prevented.

• Emotional abuse such as constant criticism, threats, rejection, and withholding of love, support, or guidance. It often coexists with other kinds of abuse.

• Sexual abuse by an adult or young person.


Neglect is the failure to provide basic needs for children. There are four categories of neglect:

• Physical neglect includes inadequate food, clothing, shelter, or a safe environment.

• Emotional neglect, namely inattention to the child's emotional needs.

• Educational neglect is persistent absence from school without a serious reason.

• Medical neglect is failing to seek or refuse necessary treatment.

• Fabricated or induced illness by parents to the child (such as the ‘Munchausen syndrome’).

Many of the above categories of abuse often coexist.

c) Easy criticism and ‘lecturing.’ It is a kind of emotional abuse. 

A not rare kind of abuse relates to the elderly, such as financially exploiting their pension or neglecting their healthcare. Moreover, another type of neglect is in low-income families that cannot satisfy the bare essentials of their children such as feeding, primary and secondary education, vaccinations (some may idiotically omit them based on the nonsense they read on the web), or visiting health services. Some minorities, including the Roma (gypsies) in Europe, may even let their children beg on the street, which is also negligence and exploitation.

Family abuse is a significant problem that may affect children or partners (usually women), pregnant, and elderly members. It has been demonstrated that many parents who abuse or neglect their children have often been abused or neglected. That generates abuse and/or neglect towards their children, feeding a vicious circle. After all, it is not a coincidence that the offspring of divorced parents, when they marry, usually end up with divorce too! Family violence dramatically affects children, causing tantrums and frustration for their abusive parents. Children of abusive parents are more likely to abuse their partner and children when they grow up and make their own families. Similarly, children who have been neglected may show neglect towards their children.

Notably, some children living in dysfunctional families may be good parents, but they represent the minority. In the majority, abuse or neglect perpetuates to the next generations! Frustration and aggression of a child living in a dysfunctional family may also affect their social relationships. They may manifest in the form of bullying, playing violent computer games, or joining a gang. Later, this frustration may additionally take the form of oblivion with the help of illicit drugs and alcohol or psychiatric drugs. Today a considerable proportion of society in most Western countries is addicted to alcohol, using it as a way of ‘flying’ and not ‘fighting’ the problems.

Aggression may be a subconscious reaction to a dysfunctional family. A frustrated child may later be abusive in their own family and towards others, and additionally may be aggressive even on sex (such as engaging in BDSM (bondage, dominance & submission, sadomasochism) roleplay), may enjoy watching violent and even graphic movies and scenes on the TV, cinema, or the web (including the YouTube).

Anger control is something that many psychologists and psychiatrists spend their time teaching an outsize proportion of their patients (I do not prefer the term ‘clients’) to whom analysis reveals that it originates in their early childhood and the dysfunctional family they lived. Many people who cannot control their anger were reared in dysfunctional families. In rare cases in which psychopathology plays an additive role, these people can attack or even kill someone else, even for a trivial reason, such as during an argument with someone else, often unknown, on the street! Apart from psychopathology, an additive role plays in contemporary society that unfortunately promotes aggression.

For example, ‘action movies’ that people, even kids, watch on TV, in the cinemas, and on the internet make them addicted to extreme, often unnecessary, violence. Even computer games that children play are incredibly violent. But when violence that a child gets addicted to from movies and computer games comes along with violence in a dysfunctional family, this combination aggravates aggression. Consequently, a dysfunctional family commonly renders a personality prone to violence and worsens matters for a person with established psychopathology.

The contemporary family is in crisis. That is expected to increase problematic personalities inclined to abusive behavior. Today up to 50 percent of families end up in a divorce perpetuating violence from frustrated children. Also, infidelity involves up to 70 to 80 percent of couples, regardless of whether they are aware of it! Seven years after marriage, many, if not most, partners make love only once monthly. In many families, there is tension or indifference between the parents, especially the couples who have been married or together for many years.

On the other hand, same-sex families may face the same problems as opposite-sex families. However, it has not been proven that they have increased chances of causing severe issues to an adopted child compared to opposite-sex families. From my perspective, the worst problem is when children are dumped from one foster family to another and live without stability and security.

Another important aspect is that most, if not all, psychiatric and psychological problems have a background in a dysfunctional family and are affected negatively by a dysfunctional family that often triggers a mental disease earlier, for which there may be a genetic tendency.

A dysfunctional family may largely affect sexual relationships. An example is when someone uses a partner as a substitute for parental affection or a way of subconscious parental punishment. The former may show extreme pathologic jealousy (sometimes alcohol-related), while the latter may show aggressive behavior towards the partner. 

Often a relationship becomes an addiction that, in rare cases, may be so intense that in a situation of rejection, the partner who is ''dumped,'' typically the male, may react with violence that may take even the form of murder after splitting or following an attempt to break up. This psychopathic reaction demonstrates superiority or inferiority syndrome. It shows that the person who reacts aggressively, perhaps as a child, was rejected by their parents, so they cannot tolerate rejection. The same is true for people who change partners continuously.

Generally speaking, and not exclusively focusing on the Freudian theory, a good relationship of a man with his mother (especially during his childhood) ensures his good relations with women. Similarly, a woman's good relationship with her father makes a good relationship with men more likely. So, a risk factor for the tenacity of marriage is when one or both partners has had a bad relationship with their parents, especially if they were raised in a divorced family. 

A dysfunctional family may adversely affect sexual relationships as those abused or rejected by their parents are more likely to choose free sexual relations, often neglecting safe sex. They may even lead to prostitution or exhibit paraphilia (= a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities). Self-punishment may include the form of humiliation, such as by practicing sadomasochism (that becomes a paraphilia when it causes distress) or literally by self-stabbing sensitive areas, such as breasts or the navel area. 

These areas are related psychodynamically to a maternal figure, while the pubic area is associated with both parental figures. It is not a coincidence that similar sensitive regions are chosen for tattoos, in which symbols are often phallic and piercing. Promiscuity is often a subconscious punishment against a parent who shows neglect, rejection, or overcriticizing and abuse. So, a promiscuous life is usually an individual reaction against a dysfunctional family, such as other responses mentioned above, including delinquency, bullying, and gang membership.

However, it is essential to how parents react to the sexual life of a teenager's son or daughter and if they are permissive or authoritative. For example, a father may let his daughter spend time together with her date and return many hours after midnight without even making a phone call. On the contrary, other parents may be strict and control everything, even their children's sexual lives, often in an oppressive way. This control can be considered a kind of ‘psychosexual abuse.’ For instance, a father may control his daughter’s sexual life by approving or disapproving of her boyfriend or forbidding her to go out with him.

Parental control is commoner in more traditional societies (and especially in Muslims). In Western countries, a more typical example is when parents interfere in their children's sexual lives by showing their approval or disapproval. Of course, interference varies in different countries. In the US, interference is less prominent. When adolescents become adults, they are ''dumped'' from their family's house and can make and control their own lives alone, such as studying at a university or college, finding a job, etc.

Another example of psychosexual abuse is when parents, mainly fathers and especially the old-fashioned and religious, kick their son or daughter out of the family house when they learn that their child is gay or lesbian, respectively. But it is better to live with people who accept their sexual orientation rather than live in a family where they feel unwanted as their parents idiotically think that homosexuality is an affliction that needs to be treated.

Many gays (the word ''homosexual'' is outdated) grew up in a family where abuse, neglect, ignorance, or criticism superseded affection. However, in nature, homosexuality is not uncommon, as it involves 1,500 kinds! So, this observation, along with ''gay genes'' and neuroanatomical changes in the brain of gays, has replaced the obsolete Freud’s approach. According to psychoanalysis, many gays lived as children in dysfunctional families and could not solve the Oedipus complex of boys or the Electra complex of girls. This notion is outdated, although there may be elements of truth, at least for some gays and lesbians.

How to deal with dysfunctional families


In psychology, things are not black and white as there are many theories, often contradicting, on treating psychological problems. The ideal approach would be a combination of cognitive-behaviorist therapy (CBT) with psychoanalysis and schema theory, using an integrative approach. This psychotherapy would be a perfect combination therapy like the ‘theory of everything’ in physics! However, in psychotherapy, there are currently many ‘schools,’ while a united approach is still far, but not a utopia.

Psychotherapy may not be needed only for a child. Still, it is usually necessary for its parents or guardians, as the parents make a dysfunctional family, while children are generally the victims. Apart from psychotherapy, parents must follow some rules for raising their children. Parents can prevent abuse or neglect by analyzing the reasons for their behavior so that the vicious circle ends. Furthermore, they must realize that children react to their abuse or neglect with a negative ‘reactive’ behavior used to seek their parents’ attention. This behavior is sometimes childish or other times aggressive. 

In our society, we all tend to be manipulative! However, parents must keep in mind that children, like parents, are apt to be very manipulative! Even toddlers are attention seekers of their parents using, for example, their cry. Other young children try to attract their parents' attention by bickering with their siblings. Many children are manipulative and often show jealousy against their siblings seeking to monopolize their parents' attention and affection. However, the parents are responsible for encouraging or not the manipulative behavior of their kids.

A family psychologist can help the members of a dysfunctional family effectively and make them by analysis (psychodynamic approach and scheme theory) to realize why they act with a negative behavior to avoid it (cognitive-behaviorist approach). Parents who need consultation should not defer it as there are no official family schools for parents to know which behavior is appropriate and which is wrong to have a happy family. However, a consultation must start when children are young. So, the ''the sooner, the better'' approach is essential, as it is difficult to change things when a dysfunctional behavior perpetuates. By postponing psychotherapy, people become ''reactive'' like a brick wall to consultation and are prone to denial and relapse.

The parents hold the key to psychotherapy. The whole family often needs to consult a therapist because problems tend to affect all members and perpetuate. A psychologist may effectively help couples with enduring issues because parents' tension and quarrels cause anxiety and frustration in their children. So, in these cases, couple therapy is mandatory. However, when problems perpetuate and cannot be solved, divorce is better for children than living in a dysfunctional family in which their parents do not feel affection for each other.

In a divorce, many parents become vicious and use their kids like ‘tennis balls’ to take revenge on their ex-partner! Usually, the couple's problems begin years before the divorce, which comes as ‘the tip of the iceberg.’ Consultation with a child psychologist may prevent some of the adverse effects of a divorce. But it will not stop all, as divorce causes permanent scars in a child's heart and is a reason for frustration.

Suggestions for keeping the family bonds firm

These recommendations apply to typical families and guardians and stepparents in all kinds of families, including foster families, families that adopt a child, and opposite-sex families.

• Parents should treat all children the same way and never treat a child differently, as usually happens with boys (gender bias) or the first or last-born child. They should never show discrimination between their children, favoring a child among its siblings. Punishment must be equal for all children. Otherwise, later in life, siblings may despise others.

• Many times, children are jealous of their siblings, especially babies or toddlers. Their envy usually shows the insecurity that their young sibling will monopolize their mother's affection. Often, jealous kids try to attract their parents’ attention in numerous ways, such as convincing them to sleep together in their bedroom at night, grabbing their mother's legs to caress her, or bugging their siblings, etc.

• Parents should always treat their children equally regardless of age, as children understand even the minor differences in their parents’ behavior and preferences. Parents should pay the same attention to their children and encourage teamwork. There are many ways to be a team with their kids, such as playing home table games, participating in sports, visiting a fair, entertainment, a theme park, or the zoo, going to the movies, playing at a playground, going out for a walk, strolling to the park, playing at the playground, etc.

• Parents should respect their children and speak to them politely and not abruptly. They should not shout at them, as if they are sergeants commanding in the army, saying ‘get out,’ ‘shut up,’ etc.

• In case children have behavioral problems (aggression, social isolation, suspicion of taking drugs, and others), parents should consult a child psychologist and, when needed, a child psychiatrist. Behavioral problems are rare in a family with solid relationships between its members. It’s unacceptable for parents to hand over their teenager who is taking drugs to the police (to be imprisoned) instead of consulting a psychologist and visiting a drug rehabilitation center to speak to an expert.

• Parents, as well as schools, should also mind the sexual education of their children when they enter adolescence. Sexual education is helpful as, for example, many teenage women end up as single mothers with a baby because they ignored contraception and their partner dumped them when he learned about the unwanted pregnancy. Apart from contraception, safe sex is another issue that should be considered.

• Parents should listen to their children’s opinions and discuss their problems. When they talk with their children, they should not interrupt them, impose their views, or degrade and criticize them. Undoubtedly, a universal problem that children and teenagers report is that communication with their parents is poor. Many parents use presents to replace and ‘buy’ their interaction with their children. However, it is not the duration they spend with their children but the quality of time that parents spend with them. Many parents claim they do not have the time to stay with their kids. However, a good quality relationship can replace a deficient quantity of time spent with their kids.

• Parents should avoid labeling kids about the character they think they have. Parents should also avoid using stereotypes and prejudice as this has a deleterious effect on their relationship with their children.

• Fathers should avoid encouraging aggression in their boys, such as engaging in aggressive sports such as rugby, playing violent computer games and watching violent movies, wrestling with their siblings, enjoying bullying, etc. Parents should supervise their kids to prevent them from playing violent computer games and watching violent or sexually explicit movies on TV or the web. They should use special filters for children and always discuss and have control over what their children watch and which sites they visit. It is preferable to allow their children to use a laptop, desktop, or tablet in a place where they can supervise them, such as in the living room rather than in their bedroom. Parents should keep their children from surfing aimlessly on the web. Additionally, parents should not use the TV or the internet as a babysitter.

• Parents should avoid imposing on their children to fulfill their expectations and unfulfilled dreams. For instance, teenagers should study what they wish and not what would fulfill their parents' expectations.

• Any abuse or neglect from the parents' side is unacceptable and inexcusable. Similarly, any kind of aggression between siblings is unacceptable.

• Some kids get used to staying babies, so parents need to encourage them to wean themselves from their nest. For example, some children sleep with their parents at night, use a feeding bottle, suck their thumb, wear diapers, etc.

• Siblings should be encouraged to participate in games and sports, and no one should be excluded from games. Parents should encourage teamwork and collaboration while discouraging competition and aggression, especially among boys.

• Parents should always reward their children when needed, for instance, when they are good pupils at school, tidy their room, or participate in house cleaning. This reward may be verbal, merely saying ‘bravo’ or ‘thank you.’

• Parents should discourage children from watching TV endlessly or surfing endlessly on the internet and encourage them to engage in sports, games, intellectual board games (such as Monopoly (TM) or puzzles or ‘trivial pursuit (TM)), help with housekeeping, house cleaning, and cooking, etc.

• Parents should sit down and talk with their children about what bothers them and encourage them to express their feelings. They can use a video camera, and every kid separately can express their feelings alone in a room after all the family gather and watch the videos and discuss them if the child has something that would not have a problem to share with the rest of the family members and does not need to keep it private.

• Parents should not put up with children's manipulation or aggression.

• Parents should avoid giving snacks and cookies all the time to their children. On the contrary, they should encourage a healthy diet. Children should not eat alone in their bedroom or on the sofa in front of the TV but have lunch or dinner along with their parents and have the chance to discuss matters that bother them. But this discussion should not end up in a family quarrel or dispute.

• The phrase ‘I hate you’ from a child to its parent, or vice versa, is unacceptable. Parents should pay attention to rebuilding their relationships with their kids.

• Parents should avoid spoiling their children. They should also avoid ‘buying their love’ with gifts.

• Parents should raise their children and not just spend the day with them. Children do not need their parents to be friends because they already have friends! Parents are parents, not friends!

• Parents should not swear as children learn swearing from their parents! Any vulgar phrase uttered by a parent, or a child is unacceptable. Parents give their kids the worst example with their screams, swearing, and aggression. Consequently, children who live in a hostile family environment when they grow up often imitate this dysfunctional behavior and cannot control their anger.

• Sometimes, it is better for parents to ignore their children’s outbursts.

• Parents should avoid continuously criticizing their children because criticizing creates negative feelings. Children who have grown up in a family where parents criticize them tend to heavily criticize themselves.

• Family members should respect each other as a team and discuss family matters. Parents should listen to their children without interrupting or lecturing them.

•Parents should avoid permitting their children to sleep with them, even if they are babies!

• Children should not have a TV set, computer (desktop or laptop), or tablet in their bedroom, while young children should not have a smartphone. Parents should not have a TV set in their bedroom unless they prefer to watch TV than make love! A TV and a computer should only be in the living room where children can be supervised if they watch graphic or explicit content. Children should not watch TV or surf aimlessly and endlessly on the internet. Special parental control options are available when surfing the web, so the parent must activate these programs.

• Boys are apt to copy their father’s abusive, aggressive, or disrespectful behavior against their mother, and when they grow up, they tend to act the same way toward their partner.

• A parent who is mentally ill needs special counseling and should never be left to raise their children without being assessed by social services if they can harm them. Additionally, social services should assess and consult families with problems such as abuse and neglect. In case of relapse, these children should move to a foster family, always after a court's decision. Neighbors, friends, and relatives must help the dysfunctional families and refer them to the district social services. In case of abuse of any kind (physical, sexual, emotional), the police and social services should be notified.

• According to a psychosexual approach, parents should avoid lip kissing their kids, something that some do in the US.

• All family members should express their negative feelings and avoid keeping them buried inside until they outburst with aggression.

• Parents should cooperate and agree on raising their children and not undermine each other. They should also love all their children the same, something that seems trite. However, many parents show objectiveness showing more affection to a specific child, such as the youngest (like Benjamin). Usually, a mother is more attached to her boy and a father to his girl, but this is normal and follows Freud's doctrines. 

• Parents should keep in mind that, usually, a child's negative behavior is a reaction to gain their attention. So, no kid is born mischievous! 

• Often, a child, especially if spoiled or insecure, attaches with sheer tenacity to one or both parents, seeking their affection and approval. However, parents should neither feed this insecurity nor a child's expectation to follow their agenda! 

• Parents should encourage and motivate their children using positive expressions such as ‘I want you to know that you are really good,’ ‘I am happy you listen,’ ‘and you were amazing.’ But parents should avoid praising their kids with words such as ''you are perfect/ terrific/outstanding/excellent'' or ''you are the most handsome/ pretty'' as praising makes kids smug and arrogant!

Safety comes first! • Parents should not leave their children unattended to play on the street or swim alone in a swimming pool. For instance, prudent parents mind their children having their seatbelts fastened, which seems obvious; however, many omit it! A responsible sibling may safeguard the younger. 

• Parents should not punish a kid that urinates its bed or sucks its finger or stutters or wears clothes of the opposite sex or has weird behavior. Punishment usually increases the problem, which generally originates from the dysfunctional relationship between the child and its parents. So, in behavioral issues, parents should always advise a child psychologist or, when needed, a child psychiatrist. 

• Parents should be polite to their children and vice versa. 

• When a child talks about their feelings and says they are frustrated about something, parents should encourage them to express themselves and not keep the problems inside. For instance, a parent may say, ‘It’s wonderful that you talk and express your feelings!’ Parents should learn to listen to their kids. 


In conclusion, four things are the gold standard for serenity in a family: 

1. Exhibiting mutual affection and respect. 

2. Motivating positive behavior. 

3. Showing intolerance to any unacceptable behavior.

4. Rewarding positive comportment and demeanor. 

Thanks for reading!


(*) Child Abuse and Neglect, p. 886 – 887, Oxford Handbook of General Practice, C. Simon, H. Everitt, T. Kendrick, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2005.